cnet news

A hosting company has said it will take immediate legal action against Visa and MasterCard over the credit card companies’ refusal to process donations for whistle-blower site WikiLeaks.

DataCell, based in Iceland, facilitates donations to WikiLeaks. DataCell said it had been losing revenue since Visa and MasterCard decided to stop processing WikiLeaks’ donations.

“DataCell…has decided to take up immediate legal actions to make donations possible again,” DataCell CEO Andreas Fink said in a statement Wednesday. Fink told ZDNet UK that DataCell would pursue legal action as soon as possible: “Not being able to receive money from the public for a week can cost WikiLeaks seven-digit figures in losses, and DataCell as well, as it is unable to process any cards.”

  1. TThor says:

    The truth is that bad is it? The banksters and their cronies in Washington moves indeed in mysterious ways.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Wah, wah, wah. Tough luck, Mr. Banker!

    If you deal with a company like WikiLeaks and you get what you justly deserve.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    This banking organization, DataCell, based in Iceland, which handles WikiLeaks money, is loosing money?

    Come on, get real. Who are the saps who are forking over 7 digit amounts of money?

    Maybe they are including the cents.
    Here is a 7 digit number: $10,000.00

    [AAARGH! Losing… not loosing! – ed.]

  4. RoeBoeDog says:

    The battle that is now happening is more fascinating then the leaks them selves. We are seeing a hasten erosion of civil liberties and protections for Publishers.

    I guess we all understand that news is an out let for government press releases. They really are not going to be aloud to gather and publish after this.

  5. dusanmal says:

    @#4 Again “publishers” for Wikileaks… So what are terrorists,… a group of hunters?… After all they both carry guns and shoot at something. Or maybe those terrorists are miners?… After all they both detonate explosives… Difference is intent. Publishers want to inform and inform only. Publishers are not in business of waging wars. Wikileaks and Assange by their own words want to harm and destroy Capitalistic system.

    Stop the PS BS and call it what it is – Wikileaks is informational terrorism organization. As such, all funds should be frozen and all employees locked at Gitmo. Yes for MC and Visa. Somebody there thinks beyond their noses.

  6. Dave T says:

    Obama offers a transparent government, then doesn’t do it. The Republicans call him out on it. Wikileaks does it and everyone is up in arms.

    Good for them. The world is run by a-holes. If all of the “media” outlets weren’t in everyone’s pockets and actually doing investigative journalism we wouldn’t need a wiki leaks would we.

    They are doing a crude representation of what should have been done in the first place. Calling A-Holes out.

  7. David says:

    Wikileaks are the new journalists, and the old journalists are nothing more than mouthpieces for their corporate and government interests. We, the taxpayers of the US, are entitled to know what our government is doing with our money, even if that means exposing atrocities committed in our government’s name. Not to mention the government is the one responsible for securing the documents, not the organization devoted to publishing leaked material. Sheesh.

  8. McCullough says:

    Interesting, so all of the banker/govt./journalistic /etc…conspiracy theories seem to have been true all along.

    Well whaddya know.

    Time to clean house from top to bottom. The lights are on, the rodents are scurrying.

  9. Get Real says:

    ” dusanmal said, on December 8th, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    @#4 Again “publishers” for Wikileaks… So what are terrorists,… a group of hunters?… After all they both carry guns and shoot at something. Or maybe those terrorists are miners?… After all they both detonate explosives… Difference is intent. Publishers want to inform and inform only. Publishers are not in business of waging wars. Wikileaks and Assange by their own words want to harm and destroy Capitalistic system.

    Stop the PS BS and call it what it is – Wikileaks is informational terrorism organization. As such, all funds should be frozen and all employees locked at Gitmo. Yes for MC and Visa. Somebody there thinks beyond their noses.

    You sir, are an absolute buffoon.

    But, according to your own logic:

    The Mafia works by putting a gun to your head and demanding that you pay them ‘protection money’.

    The Government works by putting a gun to your head
    demanding that you pay them taxes for ‘your best interest’ and ‘to protect you’.

  10. Improbus says:

    Give me a place to send it and I will send Wikileaks money the old fashioned way … with a check or money order. They are doing work I support 100% since our journalists can’t seem to find their ass with both hands.

  11. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    I still can’t understand that if these are intercepted communications between US government officials then how are the interceptors able to defeat the encryption? Are the messages sent or stored in plaintext?

  12. President Amabo says:

    Wikileaks is not journalism. Truth/untruth is irrelevant in this situation. Not all information should be public even if it’s true. Wikileaks is trying to harm America which makes them the very definition of evil.

    PS: Would you want stool-cam video of you with diarrhea on the Web if your face was also visible because you were bending over to watch the show?

  13. McCullough says:

    I love seeing the cockroaches dance. Har!

  14. David says:

    Can’t wait to see what’s in Assange’s “insurance” file. Hope it’s released regardless of whether Assange is extradited. I bet there’s something really good in that one.

  15. President Amabo says:

    #7 – Real journalists would understand the morality of keep the lid on certain info. There was a time when even the NYT still had integrity and understood that.

    I would agree partially with your point about the gov’t responsibility to protect it’s info. In thet vein, the person who took the info should be executed for treason.

  16. noname says:

    Since America is no longer a country of values (Bill or rights, 1st Amendment rights, human rights, etc, etc…) but; instead, a country of profit and loss (pure capitalism), this is too fitting and just!!

    This greed and want for money, should make conservatives and republicans very happy, if it weren’t for the two faced hypocrites that they are!!!

  17. foobar says:

    I love the illusion of control. Take down the sites, cut off their payments, put them in prison, etc.

    It’s like trying to hold a cup of water in your hand. Good luck with that.

  18. deowll says:

    So exactly what major threats to American national security has Wikileaks outed?

    I’ll be shocked if any of you can name even one story of any real importance that came out of the last round of releases. The only thing it contained was a little gossip.

    If you can’t come up with something significant,I’d like you to suggest to the next person you come in contact with, who is acting like a paranoid, panic stricken, infantile, coward hiding under the bed because of Wikileaks to suck it and stop embarrassing themselves.

    I’m seriously starting wonder if a lot of people in the media and posting here and elsewhere flitter in their undies every time they see a mouse.

    Please note that nobody has actually bothered anybody who has reported any of this crap in any of the main line media.

    The only reason that most of them are even following this story is they have nothing better to report and they need something, no matter how trivial and insignificant it really is, to justify their paychecks.

  19. SimonSezz says:

    I believe Wikileaks probably lost seven digit figure of money. I mean look at how there were a bunch of wealthy activists that were willing to fork over $20,000 just to bail Assange out of jail (but the judge denied him bail). And now that Wikileaks supposedly has some UFO info I bet a lot of conspiracy theorists have no problem forking over some dough to find out the truth.

  20. President Amabo says:

    #19 this is true, however the info was classified therefore the leaker should be shot, regardless of the actual info or results of the leak. Also, Wikileaks is trying to harm America making them evil by definition. Do you have to wait for evil to cause harm before trying to stop it? There’s nothing worse than trying to harm America.

  21. Nugget Coombs says:

    What the hell are you people worried about? We in Australia believe in OPEN Government, and FREE SPEECH, obviously you Septic Tanks do not.

  22. Dennis says:

    It just reminds me of the adage that has been forced into our conscious, especially with the TSA debacle.

    If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. If you have done nothing wrong, why are you upset about it being found out?

    Hypocrisy is a double edged sword.
    Especially when it involves the government.
    Those of you expressing ‘outrage’ over the fact that it was exposed…..isn’t it about time you woke up to reality? The facts are plain and simple. But you seem to want to believe in a fairy tale reality, where you are ‘safe’, and you believe that your representatives and government are ‘the good guys’. Yet, you fail to see the facts : Human trafficking, Government pleading not for the people but for the Corporations, and so much more.
    The Big Lie is exposed, yet you refuse to see it. Wake up. Its time to face it.

  23. President Amabo says:

    Even OPEN governments still have SECRETS. Only a retard would think otherwise.

  24. Dennis says:

    Whether you think Wikileaks is good or bad is up to you, but it is really besides the point, as is whether the Governments succeed in suppressing the information (which seems unlikely given the entire point to the internet is to ensure function even under massive damage, and suppression attempts previously have basically been treated as damage and simply routed around) because this is simply a highly visible battle in an eternal war between accountability and avoidance of it.
    The same goes for all the cables and other documents that Wikileaks has, or plans to release. They are cold hard facts that might prove impossible to hem and haw about, regardless of whether they are really harmful or not. They are truth, unvarnished by opinion, personal viewpoint, or faulty memory.

    This is what makes such records so valuable, and why there are so many efforts ongoing to prevent them from becoming available to the public. They may contain absolutely nothing that might convict anyone of a crime, they might contain evidence so damaging it could collapse governments, but because there is such an effort to prevent their release, it is proving something I have been saying for years. Suppression DOES NOT WORK. It might delay the inevitable, but it will not prevent it forever.

  25. On coast to coast last night i heard that raspy voiced conspiracy guy saying of all the coincidences with the wiki leak people and the event is the newest Sept 11 on press and our freedoms
    can this be true ?
    My buddy Simpson says that it is at the local coffee shop

  26. JMJahn says:

    Corporations, Governments, Credit Card Companies are are, like the church in the middle ages, only out to save your soul from doubt and fear. Lay back, watch TV, and above all *shut up slave*.

  27. Mr Fog says:

    #26 Lunchtime – can this be true ?

    Possibly. Why don’t you go back and rewrite your comment so it makes sense and maybe someone will answer you.

  28. noname says:

    # 24 President,

    “Even OPEN governments still have SECRETS. Only a retard would think otherwise.”

    Maybe, but only retards (you for one) think Americans don’t have a right to know what it’s government is doing when Americans vote.

    Your body maybe from the U.S.A, but your mind belongs in RUSSIA. GO HOME to RUSSIA COMRADE Amabo!!

  29. Animby says:

    #29 Nameless – “only retards…think Americans don’t have a right to know what it’s government is doing”

    You draw no line in the sand? Our government should be completely open? No secrets? Maybe we should advertise our plans for the next combat mission in Afghanistan? Give the Taliban soldiers time to leave or plant IEDs. And, of course, we’ll tell the whole world exactly what our spy satellites can see.In fact, we could just give the images to Google and Bing. And I’m sure N.Korea would love to know if we’re serious about retaliating or just blowing steam.

    Don’t get me wrong (you probably will, anyway)- I’m not happy that my government operates in so much secrecy. But when you voted Obama, there was no fine print that said he would run everything past me to decide what should or should not be kept secret.

    There are many things that are beyond my ken – higher mathematics, how to make a really good Bearnaise, the intricacies of international diplomacy, to name a few. If I don;t like the results, I’ll try another university, fire Bobbo or vote out the government.

    Only retards or the totally naive think governments, including ours, do not need to have some secrets. And, I’m just not sure I feel comfortable having Assange, a well-known detractor of the US, being the arbiter of what should or should not be a state secret.

    I am sure I would not be comfortable with you in charge of the red “Secret” stamp.

  30. President Amabo says:

    God what fools. You’re supposed to announce a military atack in advance? You invent some new weapon system making you’re enemy’s systems inneffecive and obsolete and you’re supposed to tell them how it works? You’re working behind the scenes to collpase some sack-of-shit regime that doens’t believe America should be in charge of the world and you’re supposed to tell them?

    There are hippie subhumans that can live without secrets, but not real humans.


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