cnet news

Julian Assange, leader of the WikiLeaks project that’s published extensive secret details of U.S. military and diplomatic activity, has been arrested in London on a Swedish accusation of rape.

“He is accused by the Swedish authorities of one count of unlawful coercion, two counts of sexual molestation, and one count of rape, all alleged to have been committed in August 2010,” London’s Metropolitan Police said in a statement today.

Assange is scheduled to appear at Magistrates Court in the City of Westminster in London later today, the police said. The police’s extradition unit arrested him this morning on a European arrest warrant after Assange and his lawyers arranged to meet with police at a London police station.

  1. Skeptic says:

    Tell me, who here has a wiki that doesn’t leak?

  2. John E. Quantum says:

    The conduct of foreign affairs is a sausage factory. We often like the product but abhor the process. An argument could be made that some entity in the G’vmnt wanted much of this information made public. We see that Iran’s neighbors want the US to take action yet we remain restrained. And Kim Jung Il sees how much nobody cares much about the PRK.

    I blame Vivek Kundra for not putting better security and safeguards in place.

  3. foobar says:

    On the White House forbidding tweets about the Christmas party.

    Jeff Jarvis: “What is this, North Korea?”

  4. e? says:

    #29 – “he has put lives at risk and hampered efforts to quell terrorism”

    Will you be supplying any evidence to support this claim, or is it as completely baseless as it appears?

  5. *wingz* says:

    Man should get his day in court like any accused wrongdoer. If nothing else his personal (even if not proved illegal) behaviour should be exposed on wikileaks like that of lots of other fools.

  6. howard beal says:

    Heres an easy one for you
    He compromised the anonymity and confidentiality of Afghan civilians working as U.S. military. These people or their families can now be easily singled out and hunted down.

    e? if were Afghan your mom could killed because your uncle is listed as adding the U.S. military.

    THATS! irresponsible, sorry I can’t share your optimism that only good will come from his unrestricted release of documents that he hasn’t even read.

    If he wants to take on the task of releasing all this stuff fine, great, blow that whistle, heck I will bring extra batteries for his megaphone but he then must take on the responsibility of editing it AND HE IS NOT he is just a Look At Me jerk who could be getting people killed.

    Do I have hard evidence no but if I were at war with the US and some one just released a bunch of information that could show me who in the neighborhood was working with the enemy you can bet I’d be all over it. Duh! you don’t have to be Eisenhower to figure that out.

    and of course I don’t think his privacy should really be violated, it just sounded like poetic justest.

  7. bobbo, any analysis has to balance pro's with con's says:

    and any anlaysis that doesn’t do that is a hack job.

    Howard Beal: lets assume X number of Afghans are outed and killed as a result. Thats a con. Let’s suppose that staying in Afghan kills x + y american troops and yes even more Afghan’s as well as war always does.

    Would your analysis be based on the body count only or do you advocate some higher purpose unrelated to the irrelevant that you post?

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    Time for the rest of the WikiLeaks people to unleash the proverbial dump truck of info they’re sitting on that hasn’t been released. Now that he’s in custody, the overlord sheepherders that drive this slave country will make sure he never gets out. And if they follow through with that, it would be pretty hypocritical to ignore shutting down the toilet paper of record, The NY Times, since Wikileaks is nothing more than a protected free press endeavor just like the Times. HA! Just kidding, the Times is bought and paid for, having to ask for permission to report facts. And if the masters lean towards being hypocritical, they deserve what all hypocrites deserve, a noose.

  9. So much for innocent until proven guilty. So much for getting a fair trial. So far the sheep are all in lock step doing whatever harm and violations they can. Shut off his web hosting, paypal, mastercard, visa and others have stopped allowing wikileaks transactions, the denial of service attacks I’d suspect very strongly are various governments botnets, not any hackers, who I would think would support wikileaks not oppose them.

    And why isn’t the media saying anything about the financial denial of service things happening?

    Damned sheeple, damned do gooders.

  10. ArianeB says:

    Julian Assange has basically become a “non person” in yet another real life example of 1984.

    Once they get away with doing it to one person, without due process, you know others will follow. Whatever the corporatocracy wants.

  11. MikeN says:

    This is happening because of the broad European arrest warrant, that is not based on the British legal system.

    Dumping the EU would be a good step, for any country in Europe.

  12. bobbo, we must pity those who are slow on the uptake says:

    Mike that is an excellent comment. Just caught a review on the difference between Swedish and UK law. Evidently, the UK judge is being a bit proactive in requiring some minimal level of proof, or actually atleast just an allegation, before letting the arrest for questioning continue.

    You know folks, the law is a wonderful thing. Seeing the effect of the law as it takes place in different countries should be very instructive to us all. Original motives are always laudable–but what is the result?

    The result is almost NEVER given the respect it deserves. All about intent===and that loops into that earlier post about appealing to “values.”

    Yes, it is true. Pro’s and Con’s to all we do with no balance beam in sight.

    And how do all the private hand guns help preserve our freedoms?

  13. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and bloated gourmand says:

    I remember reading an article about “Saint Nader” years ago. It was a joke but it was said that he didn’t date women so that he couldn’t be set up by GM.

    Who knew?

  14. howard beal says:

    #41 bobbo
    my post was not about math of any number of Afghans or any other individuals it was about Assange indifference. By taking no responsibility for the personal lives he as/may hurt he is part of the problem. Until he starts editing what he releases he is just as culpable. Yes companies and governments that are up to no good should be exposed and we(the US) are big institutional offenders. His I don’t care who or what it hurts I’m doing it cause thats how I roll attitude for me is the same as those he hopes to expose.

    Individual Afghan mom was just a metaphor I should have used the “Throw out the baby with the bath water” Idiom

    thanks of helping to get me to clarify my thought.

  15. Buzz Mega says:

    Cool. The preferred method of causing anyone to be a non-person is accuse them of rape.

    You hear that, Bohner. You never called me. I’m going to the cops!

  16. Morgue says:

    A couple of points with regards to the Wikileeks bloke.

    If he and his mob is so good at getting secret documents…

    1/.What’s in KFC’s 11 secret herbs and spices?

    2/. Did Nancy Regan do Sinatra when he visited the White House?

    3. Did JFK and Bobbie do a threeway with Marylin Munroe at JFK’s birthday bash? or did JFK watch.

    4/. Did Appollo 11 land on the moon?

    5/. Did little a UFO visit Roswell?

    and most importantly, Where the fck is Bin Laden?

  17. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    #48–howard==its my understanding that wikileaks is REDACTING its documents and/or making its “dumps” by handing the raw material over to establishment publishers who go thru it according to their standards.

    If “the truth” directly kills 1000 people should it be banned? Should the truth be banned when the secrets being hidden is killing 10,000? I think the point of “letting the truth out” is a firm and reasonable belief that the secrets kill more people than the truth.

    So, the interesting hypothesis would be what if the truth kills more people than the secret? My answer would be: keep it a secret.

    The evidence against THE TRUTH must be exception before I would stand against it. What is the baby, and what is the bath water==and what is the dirt?


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