
  1. jbenson2 says:

    And the reason Uncle Dave posted this cartoon is….?

  2. woot says:

    “Reality is a cold hearted bitch and she doesn’t love us. When she puts her iron hand of economic consequences into the velvet glove of delayed impact, the royal fisting we deserve and cannot avoid is not far behind.”

    Good God what a way to put it!

  3. dusanmal says:

    Dilbert quote is exactly how the Left sees the general population (and how the Left interprets “values” accordingly). We are all for them Homer Simpson clones. Hence, Dear Left please leave us alone to have our values whatever they are and go to anally regulate your own lives, not others.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #4 dusanmal – what? I don’t see the political slant in the cartoon.

    Everyone has values. It’s the imposing of those values on others where the problems usually start. Religious, political, etc… you get the picture. Sort of like you.

  5. A Bush in the Hand or Something says:

    Deficit Hawk and Fiscal Conservative Dick Cheney to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill when O’Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion in one fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”

    There. Done. Next.

  6. A Bush in the Hand or Something says:

    Saint Ronald Reagan spent like a drunken monkey to “fight the Soviets” or something. George W. Bush spent like a drunken monkey to “fight the terrorists” or something. And THOSE are the “less spending” conservatives.

    Anyway, are you questioning Obama “at a time of war”? According to wingnut Ann Coulter, that’s treason! Oh, sorry, that’s only if Democrats criticize a Republican, it’s ok for Republicans to criticize a Democratic President, I forgot.

  7. The0ne says:

    The script is about workplace. The terms value, value added, are all BS terms that Execs use to pep talk the crowd in a dire situation. This is where you know something wrong is going on and they are sugar coating it.

    But yea, it could be about Obama, Republicans, pubic hair, Boobo and his giant man boobs, the cockroach in Wall-E, aliens in outter space…

    Oh, it can also be DU for giving use these value-added reports.


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