![]() Eideard? No, the fired Santa. |
This story is being retold all over the SF Bay Area. Apparently the long-time Santa was let go after one complaint in 20 years of service. Apparently some bureaucrat in NY found no reason to back the employee in this matter. It’s seriously disgusting. Everyone in SF is irked about this. I’m not shopping at Macy’s anymore. The company doesn’t deserve customers. The boneheads at Macy’s do not even know the California laws regarding employment and will probably be sued over this. I mean what court or jury will not award “Santa” a huge settlement. What idiots. It should be noted that all decisions come out of New York nowadays.
John Toomey, known for 20 years at the Union Square Macy’s in San Francisco as “Santa John,” was told Saturday he’ll have to take his “ho, ho, hos” elsewhere because an adult couple complained about a joke he cracked.
The joke has been in his Santa bag for decades. But after thousands of tellings, the 68-year-old retired caretaker for the elderly finally hit the wrong recipients – apparently an older woman and her husband, who considered it inappropriate.
Note that the two a-holes who complained were elderly and actually went on Santas LAP!! So the corporation takes them seriously?
How about a link to the source. In fact, what was the joke?
“Santa says that he was by-the-book when it came to the little kids that sat on his lap, but when adult visitors to Macy’s would perch on his lap, he had a special shtick worked out for them.
“When I ask the older people who sit on my lap if they’ve been good and they say, ‘Yes,’ I say, ‘Gee, that’s too bad,’ ” Recalled Kris Kringle to the San Francisco Chronicle. “Then, if they ask why Santa is so jolly, I joke that it’s because I know where all the naughty boys and girls live.”
Who Cares!!!
[A little girl cried. A puppy died. That’s why! — eds]
Hey John,
Were the elderly b*tches who complained about this “joke” from New York City or from the SF Bay Area, or from someplace else?
If they are in fact from the Bay Area, I think this seriously calls your blanket condemnation of people from NYC into question.
[Why should New York butt into the management of the SF store. They are clueless. That’s why. What’s that got to do with where the couple was from>– j.c.d.]
I would join a boycott of Macy’s over this, except for the fact that I don’t buy their overpriced merchandise in the first place!
I was hoping Macy’s would go bankrupt this year. They can take their fucking Union Square “Holiday Tree” and shove it, branches and all.
I have not shopped there in over forty years. The place is full of overpriced, overtrendy, faggy merchandise.
Dead santas’ boots.
John you should go be the tech santa!
Then you can text all the kids and never have to have them sit on your lap.
I mean you have that Yukon Cornelius look going on already. He was in a xmas show. So santa should be easy.
miracle on 34th street?
Have a hunch this error in judgement will be corrected soon.
I’ve always wondered which was worse. The politically correct left or the morally outraged right? Both are hemorrhoids.
Real Santa Claus’ (not Santa’s helpers) are rare and this guy was one of the best. First saw him about 6 years ago and he is fantastic. Kids love him.
All you’ll get at Macy’s now are stuck up, heavily made up princesses in Chanel heels. And I’m not talking about women either.
I would have told them why Mrs. Santa Claus doesn’t have children. Because he only comes once a year and that’s down the chimney.
Christmas, Bah-humbug. He can join the rest of us on the unemployment line.
No Cursor_, John is more like the Tech Grinch…
I was not involved.
I nominate Tech Grouch for the job! He would be awesome…
TG: So Billy… what do you want for Christmast?
Kid: I want a PS3!
TG: What? Are you kidding? Heck, when I was a kid, we got sticks, and we liked them! Get off my lap you little ungrateful snot.
So, what was risque about the “joke?” Perhaps Santa’s elves just unionized and were engaged in a work slow down to mandate Santa provide jars they could piss into while working on the production line?
Having bad kiddies would reduce the work load.
Its not about sex unless your mind is in one gutter rather than the other gutter. Actually, given Macy’s and Santa are in direct competition with one another, the sex angle is obviously a ruse.
Gee, is that a spam attack or attempted take down of a server or sumptin like that? Cross language spam seems like a “real” waste of time. Spam can be eaten and its even good every once in a while. This ain’t spam.
Santa working blue?
Now I’ve heard everything.
I keep my beard shorter than that, nowadays. 8)
#23 Spam. Mmmmmmmm. Hawaiian State Meat.
Those ladies must be serious Christians to have been offended by the reported lines. I’ve heard Amish aldermen say worse than that.
(Full disclosure: I know some pretty racy Amish aldermen.)
It was a misunderstanding. They got upset when he called them Ho’s.
I offered to be a Santa at a christmass party for a local catlick girls school. For some reason the nuns didn’t like my idea of sitting in one of the confessionals booths
But I thought SF’s idea of Santa Claus was Justin Bieber in nothing but red Daisy Dukes!
>Its not about sex unless your mind is in one gutter rather than the other gutter.
So what’s the other meaning of the joke?
Of course he knows where all the naughty boys live.
He’s from freaking San Francisco.
I am sure this guy will get a Santa gig somewhere else. This is a part time gig anyway.
So some idiot complained. He is lucky he got 20 some years without one. People today are all about complaining. Heck the media has convinced everyone that someone who likes kids must be a pediphile.
Mike==I see you in a different light now. You don’t lie as much as just don’t get it. I’m with you now.
The “other joke” was not a joke but an analysis of Santa’s labor relations. Now that is a joke, but the analogies was not to jokes but rather to gutters.
Now, if you tell me there are no gutters at the North Pole because all the piss is in the jars, I’ll know you are pulling my chain, and thats not very Merry this close to that time of year.
Ah Mickey–you do crack me up.
#8 ReadyKilowatt said,
I hear ya man, they’re so full of themselves someone had to smack a couple of planes into the WTC just to make them say words like “thanks” and “please.”
Unfortunately, since Macy’s gobbled up most of the other department stores over the years, there is no Gimbel’s down the street for him to go to.
I haven’t shopped at Macy’s since about 8 years ago when they put a bogus charge on my account, explained it incorrectly, charged my bank account for the damned thing, didn’t bother to send me statements, and so forth. A huge mess created over $80 that they could have cleared up in 5 minutes. The company just doesn’t give a shit, which this latest incident confirms. They deserve to go under. I wish we could get Mervyn’s back!
As for Mr. Toomey, I feel sorry for him, but hey, lots and lots of folks lost their gigs for nothing more than decades of unblemished service and loyalty to their employers. Besides, I don’t believe in Santa Claus.
The complainers, well, I’d say a large evergreen up the ass might loosen them up a bit. One with lots of glass lights and ornaments. 🙂
How bad for me would it be if I didn’t spend a dime at Macy’s this year?