Toast Sandwich

Julian Assange had his account frozen because there was an issue with the “paperwork.” The bankers are out to get this guy since they are his next target.

The Swiss bank PostFinance moved Monday to close WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s bank account in the latest international move to isolate him in the wake of his release of once-secret U.S. State Department cables.

Bank spokesman Alex Josty said the bank took the step after it determined that Assange, an Australian, wasn’t a resident of Switzerland as he’d declared when he opened the account. Josty said the bank re-examined the original paperwork after WikiLeaks, seeking donations, posted the account information on its website. “It’s no problem for an Australian to have an account, but they have to live in Switzerland,” Josty said.

  1. billabong says:

    These 3 pictures….talk about a shit sandwich!

  2. Improbus says:

    I think Julian will be doing a lot of couch surfing in the future.

  3. Another Person says:

    I think it was because he gave a ‘false’ address that allowed the Swiss bank to freeze the account.

    Also, the UK police might now get off their butts and enforce the ‘corrected’ Interpol warrant.

    According to Assange’s methodology, if he’s got nothing to hide, he’s got nothing to fear in confronting his accusers.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    Assange’s body will be found in an alley in Zagreb riddled with rounds from a silenced handgun.

  5. Publius says:

    Making shit up is a corporate pastime. Holding them to it is a lawyer’s pastime. Interfering with justice during torture investigations in Spain is Obama’s pastime.

  6. noname says:

    # 6 Publius,

    That’s the new U.S.A (Gitmo nation) model, United we Shit on All.

    # 4 Another Person,

    “if he’s got nothing to hide, he’s got nothing to fear in confronting his accusers.”

    If truth mattered in cases of justice, your assertion would be true, but sadly; when it comes to America, truth is what the Authorities/Power say it is.

    Our country is full of people afraid to speak truth to power.

    In August 2010, Sweden allegations of rape and sexual harassment made against Assange were dismissed within 24 hours because the prosecutors found that “the accusations lacked substance.”

    So what changed???

    On 20 November 2010 an Intepol arrest warrant was issued for Assange stemming from these same charges.

    Doesn’t that say that Assange is being framed??

    Given the record of those who are his enemies, this assertion is quite easy to believe.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Swiss bank accounts are no longer what they used to be. The EU and the US have cowed the Swiss bankers into lapdogs. I believe part of the threat was open the Swiss accounts up to inspection (for tax evasion investigations, etc) or be booted off the international money transfer system.

    The lesson to take from this is keep a good portion of your “on the lam” money in diamonds.

  8. yea says:

    Wiki-leaks is one of the most brilliantly played Pysc-ops in history.

    We are all being had by whoever is behind it. For everyone who thinks Assange is just some rouge truth teller trying to embarrass the powers that be, Bull Sh*t! He is working for someone who has a great interest and great benefit in affecting the geo-political world stage.

    The amount of information this guy and his minions have released is so huge, it has to be more than just anonymous do gooders and hackers etc. This is all coming from a very large and organized front that has easy access to it all.

    The real question is will they turn on Assange and make him a sacrificial lamb? Sell him out to keep the charade looking legitimate?

    One other point, why previous time he released info, sex crime charges came out, then were dropped. Now this time, rinse repeat. Release info, sex crime charges. funny

  9. noname says:

    # 9 yea,

    “The amount of information this guy and his minions have released is so huge”

    What century are you from? Have you ever worked for the government or had a Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) clearances? I have.

    All that info would easily fit on a single USB stick!!

  10. eighthnote says:

    Has anyone noticed how monstrous Palin’s chin and neck are?

  11. foobar says:

    Swiss bank accounts are so pre-Reagan Republican.

  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    John C. Dvorak, What’s the link to the full article?

    Maybe, if Julian Assange had put the country that he was residing in there wouldn’t be a problem?

    Different Swiss banks have different rules. PostFinance is related to Swiss Post – to deposit money orders perhaps – and is not a UBS or Credit Suisse – type institution. (Just guesing.)

    Danger of compromising military operations – no reprisals.

    Possibly committing international crimes – nothing.

    Financial system revelations instead of government affairs – The world will get a blueprint in how to shut the internet down.

  13. foobar says:

    Real strength comes from openness.

  14. DamnDirtyApe says:

    >>> Financial system revelations instead of government affairs – The world will get a blueprint in how to shut the internet down.

    So true.. Banksters run the world, no doubt. Even the military-industrial complex takes a back seat to the worldwide banking mafia.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    Avoiding taxes is un-American.

    It’s no different than dodging the draft.

  16. pw says:

    # 16
    He’s not an American, and it is not the issue here.

    Unbelievable that he witch hunt has become so grotesque that a country which is normally a safe haven for the Nazi’s stolen money. corrupt banana republic dictators and everyone who shows up with a bag of money-no questions asked- now blocks his account because of ‘some paperwork’ ?!

  17. deowll says:

    I may not know much but any claim that you have to live in Switzerland to have a bank account there is a lie pure and simple.

    This is going to cost them serious money because a lot of people who don’t live there are going to get the feeling their accounts aren’t nearly as safe as they thought they were.

  18. deowll says:

    I have an alternate method of getting this sort of information out. Drop it in the torrents.

  19. noname says:

    I have to agree with many others, if Julian Assange goes on trial, then equally in the name of Justice and truth, Low-Down-Gutless-Excuse-For-A-Vice-President Dick Cheney and crypto-fascist maniac Richard Armitage also goes on trial or at least a formal hearing on the Valerie Plame scandal!!!

    A honest government would do that!

    After all this anti Julian Assange is about protecting American democracy, constitution and Justice, right!!! right??

  20. foobar says:

    The whole Lady Gaga Palin sandwich thing is, well, a nasty shock to anyone’s blood supply.

    I am requesting more Christina Hendricks pictures please.

  21. I was wondering the same thing about the bank accounts and residency when I read about it today.

  22. Sidnfrank says:

    Really the point is moot, if you have a Swiss bank account then you are protected under their bank laws. If you do not have a Swiss bank account then you are too poor to give a shit about and that is the simple fact. As it stand the US has thrown a shitload of money to prop up USB so the Swiss banking interest is expected to give him up as they have

  23. deowll says:

    He hasn’t broken any laws so far as I can make out and that point seems moot as well. They will get him and to bleep with due process/justice and that bleep.

    The powers that be only support those concepts when they find it convenient and the public is happy to go along with it so don’t say you didn’t know what to expect when they decide to work you over and nobody objects.

  24. Sidnfrank says:

    In reference to eighthnote that is her “I can’t stand being around these people” face. Unfortunately we are going to see more of it. You are exactly right deowll, if you try to stand up for people who can’t defend themselves, you end up hanged in an auto erotic asphyxiation suicide case!

  25. my2Cents says:

    I’m a Canadian and I have a bank account in CH. As long as the address is valid you can open an account. It’s when you give them false info, they reserve the right to reject or freeze your account.

  26. LDA says:

    According to his lawyers, this bank account was to be used to fund Mr. Assange’s defence against the charges brought against him in Sweden.

    If he did commit the crime he has been alleged to have committed in Sweden whilst having a higher public profile than just about anyone in the world he would have to be completely insane.

    His lawyer claims she sought consular assistance from the Australian government and did not receive it, she has sought information regarding his arrest warrant from the British authorities, INTERPOL and Europol and has not received a reply.

    It would seem that he has not committed any crime relating to WikiLeaks releases and the editors of the Guardian and New York Times have not been threatened with death.

    The only person that has likely committed a crime is Bradley Manning, and he didn’t sell the documents to a foreign government he gave them to WikiLeaks presumably out of the belief that what he was doing was moral.

    If you allow your government to keep everything secret (I think some things should be kept relatively closed as long as there is independent scrutiny) how will you know if they are lying to you or committing crimes?

    P.S. I have no evidence and therefore no opinion on whether this is a PSYOP. I believe in due process and innocence before the law until proven otherwise.

  27. UagaiN says:

    #26 U couldn’t be more right.

  28. The0ne says:

    This whole wikileaks thing could be a movie, really. Everyone is against them or this guy that they’re doing everything they can to shut him down. Forget about the other unquestionable bank accounts there and the people that they belong to. We need to get this guy first and foremost before we get back to “normal” life.

    If I was a criminal with a bank account there, I be celebrating right now. Go Osama, here’s your chance!

    Ah, US, what a great place to be!

  29. The0ne says:

    btw, Palin is HOT! stupid but still HOT.

  30. Dream On says:

    “According to Assange’s methodology, if he’s got nothing to hide, he’s got nothing to fear in confronting his accusers”

    Right because the powers that be have never falsely convicted anyone they felt endangered them.

    And even if they had what’s an occasional lynching now and again between friends?


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