1. GregA says:

    Age had mellowed my hatred of all things football, until this add.

  2. Eric From Portland says:

    Come on Buzz Kill…. It made me laugh.

    Ok, OK, slight chuckle not a real full body laugh, but it is timely and humorous.

    Thanks for posting it.

  3. ArchtMig says:

    I agree with Eric from Portland. I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it.

  4. Sam says:

    Perfect. The NFL have finally provided a graphic illustration of the overinflated, self-importance and hypocritical treatment of a bunch of over-hyped and over-valued sportsmeisters . This just goes to show how out of touch these over-paid and over-exposed people really are. The only thing this commercial was missing was a bunch of prima dona politicians sipping champaign in the same line while the reset of us get treated like crap. Kiss My Ring!! 🙂

  5. tdkyo says:

    I have no problem with this. Enjoyed it as well.:-P

  6. Aude says:

    wow talk about bad taste. this is how they think of the Sports community?

  7. bobbo, most expert opinion is wrong says:

    By design and intent its only supposed to be funny to those who HAVE championship rings.

    Why are people without such rings supposed to find this funny??–Same thing that motivates the Puke Massess to vote for tax cuts for the Super Rich I suppose?==that lemming like drive to self destruction.

    Silly Hoomans.

  8. UncDon says:

    Would’ve been funnier if the fat guy was wearing a thong.

    (Jus’ sayin’ …)

  9. just me says:

    It’s pop culture soma for our brave new world order.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Reminds me of the treatment the dumbocrats (Pelosi and her fleet of jets), the union thugs (Chris Christie opponents), and the Messiah got before the election of 2010.

    It’s nice to see them kicked back into the normal queues.

    Hopefully, after 2012, they will be kicked out of economy class and moved down to where they really belong: steerage class.

  11. dave says:

    I thought it was funny. Just lampooning the current TSA situation.

    Sad part is, the “regular guy” treatment isn’t too far off. And substitute “Super Bowl Ring Holders” for “Senators” and that’s probably not too far off either.

  12. LotsaLuck says:

    Uh, guys, this is really not politically-oriented ad.

    No real need to discuss ‘pukes’ or ‘dumbocrats’ at this time.

    But keep your powder dry! There may be a story shortly about baby pandas or some such!

  13. tjspiel says:

    Saw it on TV. Thought it was funny, – especially the machete.

  14. redriver says:

    Come on folks. This is a really funny spot! Maybe you need to be familiar with their Sunday show about the NFL. Of course, the curmudgeon’s response never surprises me.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    That is funny. It wouldn’t be funny if having a super bowl ring did allow this.

    These guys are lampooning the TSA as well as the perceived celebrity that the rings bring.

    Good comedy. Not great, but good.

  16. Zybch says:

    #12 “Uh, guys, this is really not politically-oriented ad.”

    Er, its promoting FOX, so OF COURSE ITS POLITICAL!

  17. Cursor_ says:

    #1 You mean handegg.



  18. Faxon says:

    Funny. What’s his name should have walked in with an AR like mine.

  19. TThor says:


    And the slaves that did not understand that – good riddance!!!!

  20. Mextli says:

    #12 ” There may be a story shortly about baby pandas or some such!”


  21. Bandang Indaranimal says:

    I have never played hand-egg in my life, and never watched more than a few recaps on the news as fas as i know. But could someone tell me why theese athleetes should be free from the so called “mandatory” patdowns and checks that we all have to go through when entering and leaving even the local state here in the US.

  22. gquaglia says:

    Great stuff!

  23. GPIKON says:

    If this is American humour, its lame to say the least.

  24. brm says:

    It’s funny. Lighten up.

  25. junebug says:

    These were written and filmed way before the current TSA hype. The situation with the extra pat-downs etc, has nothing to do with the conception or execution of this idea. It’s simple a funny joke – you either think its funny or not. Politics has zero, nada, nothing at all to do with this campaign.

  26. Improbus says:

    There is nothing new here. A few get special treatment and the rest get the shaft.

  27. sashley616 says:

    Aww come on don’t tell me that Dvorak Uncensored is going all PC. You have posted all kinds of articles on how security has gone too far. Google satire some time please.

  28. Orion314 says:

    Its a sorry state of affairs that stupid is the new cool for the 21st century. Given that, the USA is the coolest nation around….sigh…
    and so it goes….I have far more respect for the men that pick up my garbage than ANYONE in sports…

  29. jman says:


  30. The0ne says:

    Here we go again with sports! I love this topic on DU with nerds/geeks and mostly idiots that can’t play or don’t even know diddly squat about sport(s)!

    But first of all these ring commercials are funny. They are insulting in some ways but funny 🙂

    Football is about a bunch of overgrown guys throwing around a oddly shape football. The game just sucks the way it is. But here’s a few more.

    International “football” is a bunch a faggoty guys kicking a round ball around. Meh, this one sucks even worse.

    Golf is about rich white people with a spice of asian/eu and a side of ghetto (Tiger btw) holding a stick and whacking a even smaller ball. Fcking sad if you watch this sport.

    Any type of running sport (Olympics included) is about a bunch of deprived and starving people doing nothing but run. Yep, that’s all it is…RUN. I’m about to go play this sport after this actually.

    The sport of baseball, the proud tradition of America….and urgh Japan is interesting. For US, it’s a bunch of fit guys entering the sport, growing FAT in the most unusual places you can imagine, and hitting a ball with a stick. But to be fair, every now and them you have a very fit player show up. A rare occurrence that defies Evolution as they are evolved from this fat, weaka$$ player to a fit, muscular, drug infested body of a player. Nature at its best.

    Japan baseball players are a tad manlier than their normal guys. That’s gotta count for something other than just using a stick to hit a ball right?

    And what about Cricket? Well, it’s another stick and ball game sigh. And yes, fill with faggotty players as well. More so than Japanese baseball IMO.

    So what have we learned here today with our sports discussion. I think we learned that you guys here suck balls when it comes to sport and I honestly think you all don’t know jack sht about any sports including the one(s) you “claim” to play.

    But hey, maybe I’m wrong here. Maybe your favorite sports of hitting a ball, swimming, cycling, vehicle racing (lawn mowers or the like included), running and even DAMN walking have MUCH MUCH more strategy than say this pathetic game of US football.


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