• Google finally selling all those books it has been scanning.
  • Two new phones from Google including the Nexus S. Whatever happened to the Nexus 2?
  • Facebook on 60 Minutes to promote, uh, advertising?
  • Apple to hire hot designer for new campus.
  • Columbia backs off on anti-Wikileaks attitude.
  • AT&T is the worst says consumer Reports.
  • Samsung tablet news.
  • IBM giving it away.
  • Lose your job over off-shoring? Get money!
  • Tech deals will continue forever.
  • Tumblr blows up, for a day.
  • HP’s new University.

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  1. What? says:

    “S” is a backwards “2”, as I pointed out before.

  2. foobar says:

    Like the curved screen and specs on the Nexus S. However yet another bloody button configuration.

  3. foobar says:

    Here’s the Gingerbread goodness.

    Here’s the Nexus S goodness.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    You know, when they ask me in the grocery store, “Did you find everything allright?” My response is always, “No, I couldn’t find the free money.”

    It always gets at least a smile from the checkout clerk.

  5. JimD says:

    Unfortunately, our “money” is not worth the paper it is printed on !!!

  6. AlanB says:

    I work for the Trade Act and indeed, if you lost your job to off-shoring AND your company filed a petition with DOL and became certified as trade affected you may be eligible.

    With this link http://bit.ly/eeqozt you can look to see if you employer has been certified as trade affected.

  7. Santa says:

    Oh man, I want a Samsung tablet so bad. I hear they fly really well when you fling them!


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