Didn’t the Soviet Union, East Germany, et al have a ‘report your suspicious neighbor’ deal going? It starts as helpfully watching out for bad things like someone breaking into a car, planting a bomb, etc. Followed by that guy hasn’t done anything but looks suspicious, so he must be thinking of doing something bad. He needs arresting. It then becomes a crime not to report it.

Shoppers at Walmart will soon have something other than glossy magazines and chewing gum to look at when in the checkout line: A “video message” from the Department of Homeland Security asking shoppers to look out for “suspicious” activity and report it immediately.

It’s part of a new Department of Homeland Security program that could see Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s face on video screens in malls, retail outlets and hotels across the United States. The Walmart video, which will soon be launched at 230 locations nationwide and may eventually be expanded to nearly 600 locations in 27 states, features Napolitano thanking the retailer by name for participating in the program.
The video, which doesn’t appear to offer any advice on what constitutes “suspicious” activity, is part of DHS’ “If You See Something, Say Something” program. It was launched originally in the New York City public transit system and, according to the DHS, is about to go nationwide.

Guess it’s time to get your fear on!

  1. NYC2MALIBU says:

    Heartbreaking to see how fast our country has fallen in last 10 years , we are sheepeople.

    Now it is the Federal Government to fear

    “The only thing we have fear is fear itself .” FDR

  2. ktsdad says:

    Surely this has to be the last straw.

    How is it possible that the majority of Americans can’t make the connection between these messages and what happened in Nazi Germany or the USSR?

    C’mon people. Grow a pair and sack up! Write your representatives and speak up!

  3. bobbo, Obama is spineless and letting the Pukes harm America says:

    As long as WalMart continues the Blue Light Special on beating up the homeless lurking in the parking lot, everything should work out OK.

  4. Publius says:

    Wilsonian WW1 era is back

    WW1 at least ended.

    This time the propaganda to turn in anyone you distrust (Mexicans, blacks, muslims, Irish, Germans, Chinese, White, Jews, Catholics, athiests) will be forever.

    The New Wilson era is a game changer.

  5. fpp2002 says:

    This is a joke…right? Right? Uh, right? Just when I thought America couldn’t get any crazier. I mean, I’m Canadian, and we’ve got some troubles too, but man, this is messed up beyond description.

  6. joe says:

    That’s what happens in fascist countries, but not in the US of A…But wait…nooooo! The US of A has become a fascist country!

    an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

  7. chris says:

    #2 Sounds like maybe your last straw…

    The USSR and the Nazis differed in a lot of important ways. We are going to resemble every empire that has ever been, and all of them are going to share traits as well.

    We do have an empire, but that isn’t a new development. Similarly the political scene is pretty static: Reagan Extra or Reagan Lite.

    The government is increasingly defined more by the groups that exercise power over it than the reverse. There is no radical governmental change in the structure of society, since Reagan, that suggests any comparison to any extreme movements.

    Even Bush II’s free use of US intelligence and military assets was more motivated by political and emotional needs than some evil plan. Somebody just had to pay, and it didn’t matter who.

    What DOES worry me is that the US political class appears to be among the least aware elements in society. It might be they are to engrossed in the game to notice the real world. It might be that they understand the problems and are cynically playing for time.

  8. Counterweight says:

    “Napolitano’s face on video screens in malls, retail outlets and hotels across the United States”

    I thought the idea was to STIMULATE retail buying – not to induce mass nausea.

  9. Trinitari says:

    Since Janet resembles a former East German Olympic athlete it only makes sense that her department emulates the Stasi.
    DHS=Die Haupt Staatssicherheit
    Perfect and to think people call 911 when their fast food order is screwed up…
    Suspicious? Let the games begin!
    Enjoy the photo’s.
    Brilliant DHS Brilliant.

  10. GarlicBelch says:

    But will Wal-Mart shoppers even notice? Seems to me that they aren’t the readin’ type!

  11. Lou says:

    Who comes up with these brainstorms ? The funny thing is they had a meeting to pitch the idea. Then someone thought it was a good idea and said lets do it.
    That’s how we got pizza Hot Pockets also.

  12. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    What they should do is relax the gun laws mores, then instead of reporting suspicious activity, you can just shoot at it ….

  13. Myolbow says:

    Another of many good reasons to not shop there.

  14. Improbus says:

    And I thought that having company sponsored panhandlers at the front door was bad. Time to take my business elsewhere.

  15. jman says:

    1984…..that is all

  16. ArianeB says:

    This would probably go over better if they had Taylor Swift do it instead of Napolitano.

  17. Still_Walking_Point says:

    You can pickup your very own slingshot at Walmart and fix this issue easy.

  18. Improbus says:


    Doesn’t Wal-mart sell shotguns? That would be much more spectacular. As an added bonus you get to see your local SWAT team at work.

  19. WOW… WTF? Why don’t they take over channel 1 on all the cable stations and broadcast it to people homes as well…

  20. Mr, Ed says:

    I want to report that creepy guy at the exit who paws through my recently purchased belongings.

  21. Uncle Sam Wants You! says:

    The most suspicious activity at Walmart is when they went from the “Made in the USA” to the “Made everywhere else but the USA” moto.

  22. Talcum powder says:

    If everyone would just do their part, and report that backpack or package lying suspiciously on every street corner in every neighborhood, I am sure the Federal police would be very busy this holiday season.
    Very busy.
    I remember how busy the hazmat teams were checking out every “white powder” in society. Two of my favorites were the grated cheese packets, and the star shaped glitter doo-dads that trickled out of a passenger’s greeting card while a plane taxied at San Jose Airport a few years back.
    Those Federal cops are quite expensive. I think we should keep them very busy.

    Getting the idea?

  23. tcc3 says:

    “Yes there something very suspicious at my local Walmart. Seem there are these 1984 style video screens spouting fearmongering propaganda encouraging me to report on my neighbors to the Gestapo…”

  24. Improbus says:

    The only suspicious activity I see on a daily basis is the media coverage of our government and the actions of our “representatives”.

  25. JimD says:

    “Big Brother” turns out to be Big Sister !!! And you “Uncle Sam” turns out to be the Who’s “Uncle Ernie” – Watch out for the TSA/GGA (Titty Squeezing Agency and Gonad Gropers of America !!!

    Where will it end ?

  26. Yankinwaoz says:

    #23 for the win!

  27. Yankinwaoz says:

    Dang it! I meant #22. Sorry.

  28. B. Dog says:

    It was launched in New York City? Any word on whether anyone reported 3 missing World Trade Center Towers, 2 of which were struck by airplanes while the Air Force looked the other way? The third one just fell suspiciously.

  29. nobodyspecial says:

    There is this guy dresses in red, has lots of aliases, breaks into peoples homes without a warrant, gives away presents for free – sounds like some sort of communist.

  30. joe says:

    @12 TThor
    Its your country, not mine. I had the honor/pleasure/circumstance to live in your country for almost 10 years, and i think i can emphasize. But it bugs me to see that the US appears to fall into the same trap germany in the 1930ies did. (certainly not the same, but you get me)


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