This Episode’s Executive Producer: Sir Steven Pelsmaekers
Executive Producer: Taylor Stewart
Associate Executive Producers & Exclusive members of the 258 Club: Mark Keulen, Sir Charles Jordan, Cap’n Underpants
Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. burnedtubes says:

    Good show. Sad about the coin situation. My friend got his and it’s really cool.

    John do you and Adam ever feel like Sisyphus?

    Keep up the good work.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Biden filled in for The Long Legged Mack Daddy(TM) because someone decided to propagate the formula on his mouth.

  3. Flannery says:

    Assange didn’t use the word ‘harmonize’ he reduced ‘harm reduce’

  4. deowll says:

    Good show. I set through the entire thing. The guys didn’t note that the failed trade treaty with South K. got signed right after North K. pitched its fit. Interesting how that works.

  5. What? says:


    Why not just eject the chemicals from diesel trucks on the ground?

  6. TThor says:

    Well…. Hmmm – Adam IS realy looking for issues, isn’t he? Wikileakes Assange is referring to his own ‘publishing’ group don’t you think. Why this reluctance to give Assange credit? Competition, envy… what is it??? Wikileakes is the best that has happened since Woodward & Bernsteen.
    It is simply silly and a bit painful to hear Adam’s this rant about something aligned with the No Agenda issue. Listening with a conspiratory mind I am led to think No Agenda is a spook outfit. I don’t know…
    And a bit of schooling would have done Adam good. Thank God John is there to guide. Manganese is OK, Lithium is not so OK, bauxite is aluminum ore, fluoride is actually fine within limits and provide good teeth, and – vaccines has actually saved millions of lives as well as food animals – even fish for God’s sake!
    Educate yourselves before trying to educate others. It is dangerous to let your minds off and you have a responsibility. One is to get rings and coins off to the ones that have paid for it. It is appalling to hear of the current situation.
    And – as my vitriol is bubbling, can Adam please grow up and stop his sexual demeaning suggestions? t is embarrassing to hear an old man with an 80-ies hairdo ramble on like this… it really is! It kills any weight of your efforts. Every time Adam starts it kills my idea of recommending NA to friends…. It becomes too tacky and … stupid.

    From another Gitmo Nation North Pole.

  7. What? says:

    Referring to my earlier post on bubbles: donations to NA are in the third stage of the four stage bubble process.

    Time to clean up the act and get ad money.

  8. Joe says:

    I have a feeling that No Agenda is a goof.

  9. ECA says:

    Hey dave,
    I can give you one to complain about..If you ran out..

    Making our Goods DURABLE..they lasted forever when we were young…and now we pay for them over and over..Then you wonder Where our money went.

  10. Ditto says:

    TThor is right. The NoAgenda show idea is great, but the background knowledge on display is disappointing.

    For instance, Dvorak claims Eisenhower had included academia in his slam against the military-industrial complex, but removed the reference for political correctness. WRONG. The General initially included legislators, not academics–the original draft of the farewell address referred to the “military-industrial-CONGRESSIONAL complex.”

    etc. etc. Curry is sometimes just painfully ignorant, though I’m sure he’s infinitely clubbable.

  11. Butter Butt says:

    TThor and Ditto both have valid points.

    I tried (really tried) to sit through the entire episode but ended up fast forwarding through most of it.

    With the lack of preparation, talking over each other and the general amateurish presentation makes the show a pain to listen to…

    The No Agenda title doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared, you can always share topics with each other without discussing them.

    Even though Alex Jones is loud and has commercials his information is presented better and can be validated.

    An added note to Adam (not a personal shot):
    Even though you are only using an OPML file for show notes that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use properly formatted URL links.


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