1. Mextli says:

    #58 “Because some people think only whites can be fully American.”

    And Obama is what? Are you implying he is black?

  2. Rich says:

    There are still birthers and 911 skeptics and Kennedy assassination aficianados because we all know, on some level, that government is deceptive, cynical and corrupt. We concentrate on those because the real conspiracies are too well hidden. These are *proxy* obsessions.

  3. deowll says:


  4. ramuno says:

    #50: “First, ramuno. Do your homework. McCain was born in the panama canal zone, which at the time was a US territory. Nuff’ said.”

    Do yours. Hawaii was a state on 21 August 1959. Obama born there 4 August 1961.

  5. MDWelby says:

    Both Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as Obama appointees should have recused themselves from the Kerchner case last week.

  6. foobar says:

    Bottom line: Alfred Persson is gay. I got more than 57,000 hits on Google so it must be true.

    It’s proof like that keep the Bowel Movement, I mean the Birther Movement, alive.

  7. KevinL says:

    It’s ironic that when a birther says “Show me your birth certificate, what do you have to hide?” the progressives are up in arms yet when someone objects to TSA radiation or groping, the progressives say “What do you have to hide?”

  8. clancys_daddy says:

    “Why Are There Still Obama ‘Birthers?’” Because you can’t fix stupid. Oh I didn’t vote for him by the way.

  9. foobar says:

    KevinL. The ACLU is suing the DHS over the TSA gropings. If you’re going to try and hack the other side go right ahead. Just don’t look stupid doing it.

  10. m.c. in l.v. says:

    #75 Alfie and the rest of the teabagger birther idiots – Bottom line, President Obama is the democratically elected president, has been the president for the past two years, will be the president for the remaining two years of his term and there is nothing ignorant racist teabaggers and idiots like you Alfie can do about it. Scoreboard baby! Your side couldn’t even get a supposed war hero and his slutty librarian elected because the Rushpublicans had fucked up so badly and they lost to the first Black U.S. President ever. EVER. There are birthers still because the Rushpublicans and teabaggers don’t have the guts to actually utter the word nigger.

  11. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Oh oh.. let me guess? Probably because all ‘Repuglicans’ or ‘Tea-baggers’ are racist, right? Riiight.

    Obama knew what he was doing when he chose what to release. He gave just enough to make the casual observer believe he is a natural born citizen, but not enough to eliminate suspicion and put the matter to rest. Thus, giving fuel for name-calling from the left for calling anyone who wants more. Their usual short list of favorite for simple-minded name callers – racist, paranoid, xenophobic, inbreds, idiots.

    It really doesn’t matter what is in the documents they won’t release, because they will never be released unless someone with access sends them to Wikileaks. With the help of the incompetent and useless news media, he won. Fighting it will just give the juvenile Obamabots, like those who blab incessantly on this blog, more ammo.

  12. Somebody says:

    Oh, and he killed his Granny.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    >>Why Are There Still Obama ‘Birthers?’<<

    Because he's still black.


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