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Plus you add on the % of KKK, White Power and neo-Nazi’s who just don’t like a black President. Plus just super angry hard core Republicans who would do ANYTHING to win. All all of that up you have the exact % of “birthers”.
“Obama is just a run of the mill standard politician-with less backbone than most.”
I really did buy, seriously, into the hope and change. I REALLY WANTED Obama to be what he said he would be.
It took me one week to discover we had all been lied to.
At least the Republicans have a spine.
“When people who had a direct interest opposite Obama’s chose not to raise it==thats good enough for me regardless of the truth”
Fine, you can lay down and be a sheeple, but why the rest of us?
Why can’t we – as a people – demand more?
At least the Republicans have a spine? Yeah, true. Sadly it’s used for ABSOLUTELY FLAT OUT LYING and making shit up (ie. this birther story). I agree it’s amazing they stick to their guns, that is impressive. But sadly they’re either crazy or stupid, neither is good.
@24 Like all crazy anti-reality anti-fact Republicans, you’re just making shit up. That order means the opposite of what you think. Read books, don’t just burn them.
Executive Order 13233[1] limited access to the records of former United States Presidents. It was drafted by then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and issued by George W. Bush on November 1, 2001. Section 13 of Order 13233 revoked Executive Order 12667 which was issued by Ronald Reagan on January 18, 1989.
The Order was partially struck down in October 2007, and Barack Obama completely revoked it, by Executive Order 13489[2] on January 21, 2009, his first full day in office.
See Bush spent his entire time if office trying to cover his his life. He drug use, his drunk driving accidents, his college career (he refused to release his records, they were only ‘leaked’ by someone).
Does his mean Bush wasn’t born in the United State or secretly plotted to take over the world? No. He might have, but this just means he did some douche bag things (drug use, drunk driving, college fixes) and didn’t want them to come out.
@36 That’s FUNNY! That is one of the best little comedy edits I’ve seen in years! ROTFLMAO. Nice! Reminds me of this:
Wait, Obama is BLACK?!? I thought he was Hawaiian!
Seriously folks…you BELIEVE this?
I would like to publicly thank:
Dallas and A Bush in the Hand,
For confirming that the Great BHO is no better than Cheney or Bush.
After all, their only answer is “Bush and Cheney were just as bad!”
#42 As usual, the the issue is over your head.
Obama is right in not to pander to the crazy birthers with a response.
* Anything produced by the president would be challenged ad-nauseum – further having this hairball topic deflect from the real issues.
* Responding would also give the nuttball birthers impetus to come up with some other hairball “issue”.
The real objective is undermine his presidency because (1) he’s black and (2) because you’re ass is still sore that McCain got his kicked and the GOP was destroyed giving birth to the Teabagger Palin bowel movement.
Obama is a citizen because his mother was.That’s all it takes.
In order to be President of the United States, you must be a natural born citizen. Thus, having his mother be a citizen is insufficient and therefore not all it takes.
IMO, I believe he is a natural born citizen and that birther arguments are bluster. Further, I’m not sure what would be gained if we discovered he was not a natural born citizen. Suppose he doesn’t run for re-election in 2012 and in 2013 we discover that indeed he was a citizen but not a natural born one? Then what? It would create something of a Constitutional Crisis IMO and my bet would be at most a slap on the wrist and nothing more (i.e. not rollback anything he signed).
Whether he is natural born or not is simply distraction. He won the election and is in office and is a citizen. If you don’t like it, then run your own candidate in 2012.
I’m sick of this stupid garbage. I’m sick of republicans bitching, I’m sick of democrats whining, and I’m sick sick sick of fucking idiots that won’t shut up about useless garbage and conspiracy theories.
If you don’t want to accept that someone is an American, you do NOT belong in our country. You are not American, you are something else.
We as a country were not built on documents going back three thousand years defining your bloodlines. That was Europe and Asia. We accepted people at face value and welcomed them (sometimes grudgingly) as Americans with reasonable criteria and knowledge. To say otherwise is to pretend NONE of our history happened.
This bullcrap is NOT my America, and you all need to get the hell out of here and go peddle your bull in a country that fits your profile. Like North Korea or Iran.
And the saddest part is that people like to pretend these idiots are “well meaning” or “misguided patriots” when they are all just fucking paranoid IDIOTS and nobody wants to call them on it.
Wow, Dallas…
What you’re really saying is it’s ok to lie about anything and everything to get the job and never actually produce any evidence to support your claims.
It’s ok to hide who your corporate clients were so nobody knows who’s pocket you are in.
It’s ok to hide your senate records so no one can discover who you actually worked for.
In other words, since he is my guy, I will be the ultimate sheeple and allow him to lie about everything. Don’t bother with fact checks, that’s just a nuisance.
Guess what. It’s not ok.
If you came to me and said on your resume that you were a professor and constitutional scholar, I would expect that I could check your records to verify your claims. If you came to me and said you were a community activist, I would expect to be able to verify what you did. If you came to me and said you were a senator, I would expect to be able to verify your performance.
Obama came to us and gave us his resume.
Then he fought every attempt to verify.
Obama lied.
#44 Thomas
Please reference where “natural born” is defined legally.
#46 You should concern yourself whether you, your family or your friends have a job. Concern yourself on how the national debt will be resolved and hope we are not heading to another war.
Pondering on whether the sitting president for two years now was born here or not is stupid. You and McCain should have chased that red herring THREE years ago.
While you and your nuttbags distract my president on the above important things, you are part of the problem.
How old are you? When you turn 75 I’d like to be on your death panel.
#44: “In order to be President of the United States, you must be a natural born citizen. Thus, having his mother be a citizen is insufficient and therefore not all it takes.”
So did that make John McCain not a citizen since he was born in Panama?
First, ramuno. Do your homework. McCain was born in the panama canal zone, which at the time was a US territory. Nuff’ said.
Dallas, since you’re insane I guess telling you to try and remember comments #14 and specially #19 would be a waste of my time. But try and keep up, if you can.
A little insanity goes a long way, doesn’t it?
Why Are There Still Obama ‘Birthers?’
Oh, I don’t know.
Probably for the same reason there are still JFK assassination conspiracy theorists.
Or, to put it bluntly, why don’t you ask the CIA?
Personally, I’m keeping an open mind on the matter. At least until Jesse Ventura finishes investigating and tells me what to believe.
lol i love it. I’ll send him the facts. it’s not hard to find now days.
Because Repugs are Idiots!
Because Repugs are Bigots!
Because Repugs are Racists!
Because Repugs are Selfish!
Because Repugs don’t care about anything but themselves.
Because Repugs haven’t a clue about the Constitution.
Re-institute slavery and they’ll be happy.
Please reference where “natural born” is defined legally.
It is defined by case law.
Meh. Who cares. Libtard “Bush/Cheney did it” 9/11 troofers, Obama “he can’t be president” birfers, they all have shit for brains.
Why the birthers?
Because some people only think whites full Americans.
Why the birthers?
Because some people think only whites can be fully American.
Obama’s country of birth is irrelevant when the much larger problem is that he’s the Anti-Christ foretold in Bible prophecy.
According to crazy Christian broadcaster Jack Van Impe, whose weekly TV program is seen by millions of equally crazy Christians worldwide, Henry Kissinger and his cronies are helping prepare Barack Obama to rule the “New World Order” that arises from the chaos of our current economic turmoil. Among other things, they have plans in place to implant every human with a microchip by the year 2017.
Jack Van Impe has long been associated with the Pentecostal Christian sect known as “Assemblies of God.” Having attended A-of-G services myself for many years as a youth, I was delighted to learn that Sarah Palin’s family also regularly attended an A-of-G church way up in Wasila. That makes me feel much closer to her.
So much “crazy” in such a small world, and even so, some Christians are trying to hog as much of it as they can get their hands on 😉
Just for clarity:
The Mr. Ed posting in #54 is not me.
It is not polite to assume someone else’s moniker.
Demand the original.
#14, that list is comprised of nothing but “interesting facts” about someone that you would like to know, but are none of your damn business, and have absolutely NO legal bearing on one’s qualification or ability to be President of the United States. And, if you had listened to the referenced interview by Anderson Cooper, you would have heard that George W refused to release many of those very same documents, so why were you not totally outraged and ranting about it the entire 8 years he was President? Hmmmm?
#43 “(2) because you’re ass is still sore that McCain got his kicked and the GOP was destroyed giving birth to the Teabagger Palin bowel movement.”
And they in turn kicked Dumbcrap ass in the midterms. Choke on it.
“Because Repugs are Idiots!
Because Repugs are Bigots!
Because Repugs are Racists!
Because Repugs are Selfish!
Because Repugs don’t care about anything but themselves.
Because Repugs haven’t a clue about the Constitution.
Re-institute slavery and they’ll be happy.
Repugs are elected and reelected. They will be happy with the loony left out of office.