1. bobbo, "its a shitty deal, but its the only deal you got!" says:

    Evidently that interview took place Dec 1, 2010 in response to Berman introducing a bill that candiates for office have to submit original birth certificates in order to run for office. On its own, that seems fair enough to me.

    what is “more” interesting is why this was an issue at the time==assuming it still isn’t. Lies recirculate and the idiot public always is game for them. Caught a squib last night that the Pukes were planning on making ABORTION a big issue (again) during the next election.

    Makes sense doesn’t it? Guns, Gods, and Gays==and tax cuts for the Super Rich is on equal terms to everything sane and moral. Proving once again if we needed it that it is very rare to be crazy about a single issue. Once you are crazy, you believe all sorts of things. My best example of this: The Paul’s. Crazy LIEbertards. I don’t care enough to find out: I will just assume they are equally crazy about so much more==perhaps with starting with Sonny Boy’s belief that private business’s should be allowed to racially discriminate as a matter of personal freedom.

    IT IS NOT SURPRISING these people are out there. What is surprising is how high they rise in politics.

    Stoopid Hoomans. ((and I’m talking the electorate))

  2. Cursor_ says:

    Might I remind everyone there are people in the US, and they hold positions of power, that believe the world is ONLY 6000 years old.

    They believe in ghosts.
    They believe in extraterrestrials coming to earth and abducting humans.
    They believe in crop circles.
    They also believe they have a democracy.
    They believe there were/are communist nations.
    They believe that the volunteer soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan protect our nation after 9/11 when it was Saudis and one from the UAE that pulled it off. And yet we support Saudi Arabia and the UAE!

    People are gullible. They will believe anything IF repeated enough times and by enough people.

    Propaganda, pure and simple.


  3. ArianeB says:

    The birther movement was irrational from the get go, and all the questions were answered long before the election of 2008, and yet the movement persisted churning out false accusation after false accusation.

    The popularity of this irrational movement can only be explained by deep seeded irrational prejudice, and thus I have been forced to conclude that all “birthers” are racists.

    The movement has done a wonderful job of outing closeted racists across the country. Did you know that they tried to pass a similar pro birther measure here in Arizona and nearly all the pro SB 1070 legislators voted for it? No surprise.

    What has been fun to watch is that some conservative pundits like Ann Coulter obviously concluded the same thing I did, and came out against the racist birther movement. Watching an audience of Pukes suddenly turn against Ann Coulter was hilariously funny.

    The only reason the movement has died is because Fox News has stopped talking about it, and thus the drones have forgotten about it. And yet there are people like State Rep Leo Berman that haven’t got the memo.

  4. smartalix says:

    I have problems with Obama myself, but they are at least based in reality. I can only think that the birther movement is based in racism, hate, and fear, stoked by the cynical pandering asshats on the right who have no care or respect for the American people and only want power at any price.

    The Right only knows greed, hate, fear, and racism. NOTHING they are doing is for the good for the country.

  5. Mee says:

    You mean >besides< the fact he's probably not a U.S. born citizen?

    Nothing I can think of.

    All that has to be done is trot out the actual documents which have been put under "lock and key" for what appears to be no good reason. Want to shut up the birthers? Put the documents out. Otherwise, you've got something to hide. That's seriously simple.

    Why take actions that do nothing but prolong the birther "debate"? Why do everything you can to appear suspicious when there's nothing suspicious at all? Something is awry here, and it smells. As long as there's plenty of noses out there, they will keep sniffing.

    Open the kimono. Clean out the fridge. Put the argument to bed once and for all. A simple 2 minute executive order can kill this thing in the crib. Why do you delay, Mr. Obama? You can get rid of a lot of negative karma by this one simple act. I, for one, look forward to that happening. We can go on to much more important topics.

    But, for some reason, that seems to be unable to be done.

    And before you get your "you're a racist" panties in a twist, I'm married to a black woman, so don't even think about going there.

  6. Phydeau says:

    Having a black wife doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not a racist. You could just be a kinky racist.

    And the documents have been displayed, pal. You and your nutball friends just don’t want to believe it.

  7. Colin says:

    I LOATHE Obama and his policies, but this stuff is just stupid.

    What I DO have a problem with is Obama not releasing his grades from college. What’s up with that? He’s supposed to be the smartest guy in the room, etc. So, what is he hiding?

  8. Tippis says:

    #5 “You mean >besides< the fact he's probably not a U.S. born citizen?"

    Aside from the fact that the documents have been displayed, you do know that place of birth is not a factor in determining the eligibility of a presidential candidate, right?

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Lame subject. That is all the left have to whine about.

    A suggestion to Democrat Uncle Dave (which he will never run):

    Why are there still Obama supporters?

  10. Dallas says:

    Probably because racism is now frowned upon in Republican circles.

    Continuing to push on this ridiculous and distracting topic is a way many Republicans can express their inner bigot.

  11. lynn says:

    #3 – I agree with you on the racism connection. Every social movement has a precipitating event. What’s the event? Universal healthcare? Then why didn’t we get a Tea Party in the first year of the Clinton administration? Black president? Maybe. There was a letter to the editor in my hometown newspaper (Burlington County Times, Monday)in which the writer identified himself as tea party and then went into an anecdote about how “some years ago” he was in NYC and saw “a black woman sitting on the curb cutting up a white doll” and then he launched into a tirade against “the great liar who told the biggest lie,” i.e., Obama.

    I know, I know, every movement has a fringe element. Tea party has more fringe than my old poncho from the 70’s.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Mee said,
    You mean >besides< the fact he's probably not a U.S. born citizen?

    Nothing I can think of.

    All that has to be done is trot out the actual documents which have been put under "lock and key" for what appears to be no good reason. Want to shut up the birthers? Put the documents out. Otherwise, you've got something to hide. That's seriously simple.

    By that logic one could assert that no president has ever been a citizen of the USA. After all has anyone ever seen George W. Bush’s birth certificate? Or Bill Clinton’s? Or George H.W. Bush’s? Or Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, ….. all the way back to George Washington’s?

    No one has ever even asked to see the birth certificate of those guys so what makes Obama so different? If McCain had been elected would we be asking if he was a citizen and he even admits that he wasn’t born in the USA (he was born in Panama).

    Even if Obama was, like McCain, not born in the USA he would still be a citizen because his mother is a citizen. So unless the birthers want to apply some narrow definition of “natural born citizen” that has never been applied to anyone else, the question of where Obama was born is irrelevant.

  13. real says:

    What all the apologists don’t understand is that a “Certificate of Birth” and a “Birth Certificate” are NOT the same thing.
    The two documents are not equivalent in the governments eyes either. To verify this, simply try to get a driver license in most states with a “Certificate of Birth”, the DMV’s won’t do it. A “Birth Certificate” is a legal document that is issued by the government, and has very specific requirements that must be fulfilled before one can be issued. A “Certificate of Birth” is a piece of paper that can be be issued by any number of organizations and any information on it does not need to be verified.

    If the apologists want to argue that both documents are equal or the same thing, then the argument must be that the criteria for running for the highest political office in the country is less than what it takes for any slave of this country to get a drivers license.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Just to clear things up, again…

    Obama’s birth certificate.

    The REAL reason people have questions is this:
    Here is a partial list of records that Obama refuses to release or has hidden from the public .

    (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate, has never been released. It’s available, so why not release it and get this over with? What about:
    2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) — not found, not released
    3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
    4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
    5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
    6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
    7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) — not released
    Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
    9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
    10) Columbia College records — not released
    11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
    12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
    13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
    14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
    15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
    16) Obama’s medical records — not released
    17) Obama’s passport records — not released

    What does our Great Savior have to hide?

  15. jman says:


    summed it up well

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ah_no…this is different from previous presidents…..how?

  17. Faxon says:

    Because the guy is fishy. That’s why. Even if he was born in Hawaii, why is it so mysterious and impossible for him to prove? No original certificate, no proof. Period.

  18. jbenson2 says:

    I wonder if Uncle Dave will dare touch the comments mentioned in #14 our will he just sweep them under the rug.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, for all those who watch to much BSNBC…

    Try and think for a minute. Yes, I know it hurts but give it a shot.

    Why doesn’t Obama release the long form birth certificate? It’s obvious he’s an American, so why?

    Answer: Because releasing information won’t stop there. Next, people will push for something really important like his college transcripts or client list or state bar records.

    This is what he is hiding.

    (p.s. If Obama was a “Constitutional Professor”, where is a SINGLE student who attended one of his lecturers?)

  20. Dallas says:

    Why doesn’t Cheney prove he’s not a wife beater? I need proof

  21. Ah_Yea says:


    Stupid but typical response from an apologist.

    Don’t look over here!!

    What does Cheney have to do with Obama? Did Cheney bring out lawyers to suppress personal information? No.

    Answer why Obama is suppressing HIS personal information, or stop wasting our time.

  22. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    It’s an amazing conspiracy that goes back half a century. The telegraph between the conspirators said: “Hey, Morty. We got a kid born in Kenya today and we’re thinking about running him for Prez of US when he gets older. Get this: he’s black and Muslim! Ha! Anyways, I talked it over with Phil and he says you should arrange a birth announcement in the local paper to prove he’s a US citizen.” Some conspiracies take a long time.

  23. Mr Fog says:

    #19 – where is a SINGLE student who attended one of his lecturers?

    An interesting variation on that question is, “where is a SINGLE female who claims to have dated BHO? Lots of ladies claimed JFK. Cripes, there were even women who claimed RMN! We know Reagan dated a lot of B role ladies. Both Bushes, Hell we even know Jimmy had more than a couple of dates. Willy Clinton? Say no more… But the great charismatic super genius? No one seems inclined to own up to canoodling with him.

  24. Arne Jensen says:

    Why? Because the FIRST thing Barry Sotero did, was to ban the disclosure of the President’s birth record:

    Executive Order No 1 from Barry Sotero:


  25. The_Tick says:

    Like the old joke says, Why do 18% of americans call Obama a Muslim? Because they can’t call him nigger.

  26. smartalix says:

    Obama is a citizen because his mother was. That’s all it takes. That ans registration, but if the conspiracy nuts expect us to buy a theory that not only involves the state of Hawaii but also several newspapers’ archives, they can accept her filing a document at the time of birth.

    I still maintain that this would not be an issue if Obama wasn’t black.

    The other message in this idiocy is that Obama is a sleeper agent planted 40+ years ago in anticipation of Bush being so bad a President that America would even try electing a black man (one drop rule) to that office.

    And they say Bigfoot conspiracists are persistent in denial.

  27. Floyd says:

    “Why are there still Obama supporters?”

    Because all the Republicans are slime balls.

  28. Buzz Mega says:

    True Factoids:

    Obama is a muslim born in Kenya.
    The earth is no older than 6000 years.
    Mary was a virgin.
    UFOs are from another planet.
    HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.
    The earth is flat.

    And you can take that to the bank.

  29. bobbo, "its a shitty deal, but its the only deal you got!" says:

    #14–Ah Yea==where is WikiLeaks when you need them? Thats an impressive list and even a lot of it “should” be part of the public record for anyone running for President–in my opinion. I assume most candidates don’t though, so as it is becoming more clear every day==Obama is just a run of the mill standard politician-with less backbone than most.

    But Animby #22 does provide a very common sense imaginative response. Here’s another more “practical”: why didn’t McCain raise all this? Its kinda like the JFK assassination: if Bobby Kennedy and the Kennedy family were “ok” with the (Whatever Report it Was) then who are we to continue to push the conspiracy? Same with Obama. When people who had a direct interest opposite Obama’s chose not to raise it==thats good enough for me regardless of the truth about it. Like a bad call from a referee, you suck it up and move on==unless there is something wrong with you.

  30. Glass Half Full says:


    Dude there are still people who think we didn’t go to the moon. Or that bigfoot is in their backyard. Or that they were kidnapped and anal probed by aliens. There will ALWAYS be birth’ers because there is always that 5% of just batshit crazy people to whom facts have no power.


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