As if anyone who has read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” would be surprised by this.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) said yesterday it was charging former United States Vice-President Dick Cheney over the bribery scandal involving an engineering firm, KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton. Before assuming duties as the vice-president of the US, Cheney was the chief executive officer of Halliburton from 1995-2000.

Cheney was vice-president to President George W Bush between 2001 and 2009. Bush was succeeded by President Barack Obama.

An arrest warrant “will be issued and transmitted through Interpol”, EFCC prosecuting counsel Godwin Obla said.

The firm, KBR, had admitted bribing Nigerian government officials over the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant in Nigeria.

Spokesman of the EFCC, Femi Babafemi, said charges would be preferred against the former vice-president next week. He said the charges were “not unconnected to his role as the chief executive of Halliburton”.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Is this the new Nigerian scam?

  2. bobbo, "its a shitty deal, but its the only deal you got!" says:

    Last week it was all airport security, this week looks like “Honesty in government?”

    Yes, not entirely “naive” to have honesty as the best policy. In fact, if a government is “mostly honest” then when choosing to be dishonest they would be even more effective in such endavors. But to be dishonest all the time is just too revealing.

    Does anyone here even doubt the truth of the allegations? American Law dissallows bribing foreign and domestic officials “to gett eh contract” even if the subject is oil. Imagine that. US laws against it but “everybody knows” such laws are broken all the time while we wink and nod with a knowing nod that to be dishonest and a liar, to keep information from the public, serves a higher more sophisticated understanding of the way of the world==or does it?

    Surely, if there are pro’s and con’s to all we do, the analysis can not be all in or all out? Do details make any difference at all? Did Halliburton need its special tax breaks and earmarks to help it make these payments or to keep them hidden? How many JOBS did the bribery create?

    Like Charlie Wrangle. Hard to get rich and not get crooked. Eye of the camel.

    All you have to do is – – – look!

  3. Improbus says:

    Good thing its in the EU. If it were an American court Obama would probably give him a prophylactic pardon. We couldn’t have an ex-vp sent to prison. That wouldn’t be dignified.

  4. Dallas says:

    I believe Vermont has a warrant for his arrest too and wonder if the US extradition treaty can be used?

  5. jbenson2 says:

    Now we know where Uncle Dave gets his news – from Nigeria.

    Dave is probably pissed that he got snookered by someone who had 1 million dollars to give him and all he had to do was sent a processing fee of $125,000 to land the cool million.

    And Uncle Dave is probably just shivering in joy over the prospect that Cheney had to cancel his annual visit to Nigeria.

  6. TThor says:

    Good! – Get the psycho out of circulation.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:


    I wanna see this guy rot in a cell for eternity!

  8. crazierthanYoU says:

    here’s hoping rummy gets some major grief too, he deserves it.

  9. pcsmith says:

    Cheney is not worried. He has the Devil as his lawyer.

  10. e? says:

    I bet the US will be in a real hurry to permit the extradition of a former VP. What country wouldn’t! (Yeah, right.)

    #3 – Nigeria? Yes, that’s a well-known EU state 😛

  11. rcrach says:

    If it was good enough for Agnew…..

  12. Benjamin says:

    Not a story. Just a bunch of foreigners making up charges. Tell me when the FBI gets involved because it’s not a real story until then.

  13. Benjamin says:

    What is with the picture where he is dress like the leader of North Korea. I don’t believe Kim Jong “Mentally” Il had anything to do with this story.

  14. Hyph3n says:

    Benjamin, that Dr. Evil. I guess he could have him as Darth vader, but you couldn’t see his face.

  15. Mextli says:

    You can’t even catch Yellow Fever in Nigeria without bribing someone in the government. If you take a ship up the Bonny river to Port Harcourt the bribes start at the sea bouy.

  16. Faxon says:

    Nigeria. Ho Ho Ho.

  17. Faxon says:

    Hey, Uncle Dave, how about a posting with THIS headline:

    MILLIONS OF DOLLARS UNCLAIMED IN NIGERIA! Honest benefactors searching desperately to find willing rightful recipients in America!


  18. gquaglia says:

    Hey Nigeria, good luck with that!

  19. The0ne says:

    I thought someone killed or assassinated this guy already? Darn it, this world is not fair!

  20. Somebody says:

    I resent that photo of Dick Cheney done up as Dr. Evil!

    Dr. Evil had a modicum of charm and humanity.

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    In the international energy business, hard work and luck can only take you so far. If you want really consistent and robust success, you have to be willing to pay a few bribes along the way, or even start a war or two.

    Welcome to the (under)world where Dick Cheney isn’t just vice-president — he’s King! All Hail the King!

  22. Somebody says:

    OTOH, If you had an active role in America’s “Reichtag Fire” and got away scot-free what are a few piddling bribery charges from some 3rd world stink hole?

  23. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    All you Cheney haters should just relax. This is an old allegation against Haliburton (1994? 95? something like that) and Cheney wasn’t yet CEO when it occurred. Haliburton dealth with the matter at the time, at least with the US Dept of Justice.

    The fact is, there is a hotly contested election going on in Nigeria right now and this issue is being used to garner publicity for one of the parties.

    Just because a member nation issues a warrant and hands it over to Interpol does not mean Interpol will execute it. And even if they tried, do you think Cheney’s Secret Service squad would let an Interpol officer get within fifty feet of him? No. It would have to be executed through the courts and that means it would take years. By then, the elections will be long over and Nigeria will have lost it’s zeal to prosecute this matter.

  24. Special Ed says:

    I’d like to see this guy in a PMITA prison before he dies.

  25. Mr. Ed says:

    The best argument for the death penalty for Cheney and Bush! Do it now!

  26. Lou Minatti says:

    Wow. This ranks up there with Obama’s birth certificate when it comes to issues of vital importance. Keep up your stellar work, Davey-Doo!

  27. Greg Allen says:

    You are one greedy immoral bastard if even Nigeria thinks your a crook.

  28. clifffton says:

    I would think Nigeria would be afraid ol’ Dick would no long be their friend 😉

    And am I posting from the 419 area code? YEP!

    Don’t forget to tip your waitress

  29. msbpodcast says:

    Yeah, sure…

    And he’ll shoot you in the face if you come near him.

    The unfortunate thing is that I don’t think that there anything which COULD be done with the socio/psychopath.

    You know he’ll never acknowledge that he was in the wrong.

    Well at least we can now count on Nigeria as an ally against Cheney.

    But how likely is he ever to go there?

  30. msbpodcast says:

    #3, your knowledge of geography is astounding. 🙂

    Its in fuckin’ AFRICA. (Kee-rist why don’t people use Google before showing how ignorant they are.)


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