When Greenwald comes back, he pwns the entire panel. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Truth only lets him speak for 30 seconds:

  1. David says:

    Wow, that was unbelievable. I thought I was watching a clip from the Onion for a minute there. Notice how this network and the media in general is trying to turn this into a story on Assange and completely ignoring the contents of the documents that were released. They couldn’t do a better job if they worked directly for the government.

  2. LoTechNo says:

    ‘Hillary Clinton’s a monster’: Obama aide blurts out attack in Scotsman interview

    Earlier, clearly rattled by the Ohio defeat, Ms Power told The Scotsman Mrs Clinton was stopping at nothing to try to seize the lead from her candidate.

    “We f***** up in Ohio,” she admitted. “In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio’s the only place they can win.

    “She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything,” Ms Power said, hastily trying to withdraw her remark.

    Ms Power said of the Clinton campaign: “Here, it looks like desperation. I hope it looks like desperation there, too.

    “You just look at her and think, ‘Ergh’. But if you are poor and she is telling you some story about how Obama is going to take your job away, maybe it will be more effective. The amount of deceit she has put forward is really unattractive.”

    The 37-year-old already has one Pulitzer Prize behind her, for her book A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide….

  3. chris says:

    It is funny when the host says asks ‘so do you think he is against the corporations and the US government?’

    I mean, those poor corps have bought up all the news outlets so as to control the flow of information to the public. What a horrible man this is who gathers information himself and essentially forces somebody to run the stories.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    Oh. I get it now. It’s because his main target is Gitmo mentality that he should declare his findings from the center of Times Square.

    No danger in THAT.

    Susan Molinari is an ass. Not the good kind.

  5. Mextli says:

    It’s amazing how many people will applaud that arrogant ass that thinks of himself as a modern day Diogenes and whose only accomplishment is scanning some documents and posting them on a web site. A futile attempt to tear the U.S. down that is destined to fail.

  6. Improbus says:


    Maybe, but it feels so good. Why is that?

  7. Mextli says:


    I honestly don’t know. Frustration I guess.

  8. bobbo, death the great equalizer about to be defeated says:

    #28–Animby==well, I DID go to bed and on reading your continuing defense, I was just going to let it go as an aberrant “one-off” that could not be won by logic and analysis: an emotionally based disagreement founded on some childhood trauma. But, with Pedro joining you in argument, I see there is now “two-off” and the circle jerk needs to be addressed once again for those who, absent childhood trauma, may be on the fence.

    What is the role of truth in a democracy?

    Do you kill the messenger, or deal with the truth? (Props to #31–David).

    Do you have ANY APPRECIATION AT ALL for the freedom of speech and the role a free Press plays in keeping the electorate in control of their elected leaders???

    I have already called Animbus a sheeple but the head sheeple caller Pedro assumes the mantle?===WTF??? You two grass grazers want the government to lie to we the people and further you want a media outlet to be prosecuted for making available “the truth?” You can’t be more boot licking than that==worse than sheeple. Shockingly ignorant of your basic humanity is what you demonstrate WHILE wanting to deny same to others who DO recognize it and champion its defense. You two should be ashamed. Take a class in the History of Government Oppression and the Role of a Free Press in combating it.

    Basics: Assange is NOT an American==he cannot be charged with Treason.

    Assange is a media outlet (aka the Press) and as such is covered by Freedom of Speech protections. The PENTAGON PAPERS CASE directly applies: the Press cannot be prohibited from printing Government Secrets==the value of the truth revealed exceeds the damage argued to be present. Charges of espionage could apply but are almost impossible to hold in a Freedom to Publish case. The private that released the info to WikiLeaks is toast however. Its a two link chain but it is the first link that violated the law, the second link even when driving the first link is free from such restructions.

    What is it about “the truth” that upsets you guys? It can only be the “harm” caused by the USA if the the truth was known?? So far, what would that be?? I now have heard 7-8 subjects that have been raised. EG–USA signed agreements requiring its formal Diplomats not engage in spying/fact gathering while on duty. The allegation is that Hiliary Clinton may have requested that Diplomats collect dna samples from World Leaders they came into contact with–a violation of “the rules” we agreed to. Now how bad is that one way or the other?

    I use that example because it is the only “secret” that to my knowledge was not fully reported on in the press already. Seems the “real” complaint against Assange is simply that his actions are causing the media to briefly pause and review the honesty of our government? Sheeple can’t have THAT! Let’s get on with whether or not Millionaires should get deficit financed tax breaks while maintaining bi-partisanship == oh, and create JOBS! What kneejerk stupidity you two encourage.

    Lets see if I missed anything:

    1. “The right and lawful thing to do when someone brings you a stolen classified document is to call up the authorities.” /// Not if you are the Press. Just the opposite. Just what Assange did. Why do you support your government lying the USA into WAR after WAR after WAR–and now bailouts? Can democracy be based on a lie??? You really should take some time and think more deeply about this. VIETNAM, Gulf of Tonkin, Invasion of Iraq==lies. People die. All good with you? How large the body count before the lies should stop?

    2. “But to simply accept hundreds of thousands of pages of classified cables and military records and publish them en masse is an act of disregard for national sovereignty i.e. espionage.” /// This statement is a lie. Should I ignore that in interests of national sovereignty or tell the truth? The truth is that the Wiki “Dumps” take time because they are all reviewed and REDACTED in order to protect “the innocent.” I assume not everyone/thing gets protected as the redacting is done by volunteers ((thats the Wiki in WikiLeaks==get it?))

    3. “Well, he IS on the run. He claims the rape and abuse charges are baseless yet he appears to be afraid to face them.” /// The charge of rape was dismissed previously before Assange “became more famous.” The rape charge was put on again and summarily refused by British and other EU authorities for being procedurally inept. The “charge”s sticking right now is “sex by surprise” which is not even illegal in most countries including the USA. Ha, ha. Grasping at straws. Afraid to face them? Yes, he knows a foul set up when faced by it.

    4. “These are the things that you should be discussing – not grammar and belief systems.” /// You are being dishonest or of short attention span to post I did not address the substance. Poor rhetorician to make such an obvious error. My post was 90% substance but to find some pleasure in the discussion I did retreat to what you may find insubstantial==but why do intelligent people think very stupid things?


  9. Dee says:

    Since when does Interpol go after rapists??? That is just an excuse to get him somehow.

    And no, I didn’t read all the comments…

  10. freddybobs68k says:

    #40 Dee

    Seems like ‘rapist’ is a crock. Unsurprisingly – since its a personality assassination.


    I mean you’d think they’d put a bit more effort into the smear. Can’t even do that right.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #39 Bobbo – Take a breath already.

  12. chris says:

    #40 & 41
    Hide yo wife, hide yo kids!


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