When Greenwald comes back, he pwns the entire panel. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Truth only lets him speak for 30 seconds:

  1. Ya Think? says:

    MSNBC, who brought us liar-for-hire Kramer, lost a connection with another truth teller.

  2. LotsaLuck says:

    Looked like an internet-video connection. Those are notoriously unstable anyway. Plus, it’s not like they permanently ‘lost’ him – he came back in a couple of minutes. Conspiracy, bah!

    BTW, would love to have seen the Wikileaks file of Saddam Hussein’s administration (if there was such a thing).

    Or would that be counterproductive to his goal…?

  3. Bahram says:


    you are way off. They let him speak only for a short time “after” the connection was back up.

    I wonder how could you miss the backhanded remarks made by the commentator and the panelist about how obviously he is “anti-american”, “has a beef with US”, is accused of rape and does not apply the transparency standards to himself. Really? did he attack two countries and killed thousands of innocent people and lied about it?

    About Saddam, does anybody doubt what kind of an creator he was? do we need people to blow the whistle on him, really?…

  4. Yankinwaoz says:

    Meh….. Murhys Law at work. Nothing more.

  5. Yankinwaoz says:

    Dang it… I meant to say “Murphy’s Law”.

  6. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    Yes, Glenn Greenwood did pwn the Senator and the Lame Stream Media. “He’s not for transparency in government because he was reporting from a secret location.” This is so dumb its something Palin, or any other Republican might say. How about: “He’s not for transparency when he reports from bunkers that don’t have any glass windows.” The conflation of language here is immensely transparent in my mind: Robots wildly out of control when their programing doesn’t match the environment they have been placed in.

    Amused I can still be shocked at the stupidity of our leadership and the banality of our press. The hole just gets deeper doesn’t it?

    But I am kinda curious about this “red listing” on Assange for rape. Is this like an “All Points Bulletin” and quite routine or is the akin to being on the FBI’s most wanted list: more of a PR stunt?

    There actually is “very little news.” 99% propaganda, FUD, and cheerleading. Assange knew this day way coming, yet he continued. He is a WORLD HERO for truth. Those opposing him are jack booted minions.

    I will say though that if Hilary Clinton has been kidnapping starving babies from Africa and throwing them out of her airplane at cruise altitude, then she really should be prosecuted for littering.

  7. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    As to the censoring of Glenn Greenwald==I can only wish that were true-at least then the panel leader would have understood there was a “real controversy” being presented. Sadly, I think nothing of the sort took place and each guest was given their standard 15-30 seconds for their mindless/irrelevant sound bite prior to going to the entire reason for their broadcast: ie, the commercial ads.

  8. Breetai says:

    Now that’s what I call hittin ’em in the mouth

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Even though the WikiLeaks shoots down most of lib’s talking points, Jacob Galt somehow believes Greenwald “pwns the entire panel”

    Really? Just because Greenwald said some wacky stuff than is so far to the left it begs questioning Galt’s sanity.

    “most criminal and destructive act of the entire earth over the last generation”

    Criminal? Give me a break, of course not.

    Destructive? What a classic left-wing position of tripe – they want everyone to believe that war is Rainbows and Unicorns.

  10. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    #9–JB==while not expecting a sane response, I I’m up early and my cappacinno is not up to pressure yet: so what “activity” in the world over the last 25 years has caused more loss of innocent life than the USA invasion of Iraq? What action was more criminal?

    I know you are going to be stupid, I just want to see how stupid.

  11. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Bobbo – I just don’t get you, sometimes. Assange, a criminal on the run and sponsor of espionage against this country you have claimed to like if not love, and you apparently support him! I think the point about his call for transparency while in hiding was quite valid.

    Nations classify some information for a reason. Maybe it’s not always a valid reason nor even a good reason but who Assange to be the arbiter of what is secret and what is not?

    I think you should get back to your kitchen.

  12. freddybobs68k says:

    Well thats all pretty pathetic.

    The Times reporters complaint ‘we already knew this’ – if true – whats the freakin’ problem? He presented information we already knew apparently.

    The anti american argument is similarly bogus – the leaks are from lots of different countries.

    It’s all a personality assassination to try and divert attention from the message. The fact that supposed ‘journalists’ are saying this – shows what journalism has become.

    Assange is filling the ‘truth’ void. It may not be pretty, and without problems. But nobody else seems to want to step up to the plate. And going by their responses, it’s hard to see how they could ever fill that role.

  13. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    Animby–really? AGAIN?? Two straight in a row???

    I likewise am surpised/dissappointed/half not believing you don’t immediately understand/agree with what to me is so obvious I almost don’t post it because it is so obvious.

    Am I really “that” isolated that it is as if groups of us are in different realities?

    I often post under the name de flame: Word have meaning. or Words have meaning and a context. or We speak with words and flower with ideas. etc. The whole school of linguistics: how is epistemology formed by the words used–or is it vice versa???

    The notion that “anything” that has the word “transparency” attached to it is the same thing is a kind of nonsense that only a fool ((our leaders, newscasters, and now YOU)) is mislead by.

    Their is “transparency” in what/why the government is pursuing some issue or stated goal. In this usage it is often a synonym for “being honest.”

    This use of transparency HAS NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with anyone giving out their location at any point in time. NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH BEING HONEST!!!! OR TRANSPARENT!!!!!!!

  14. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    Ha. In my frenzy, my draft got posted. To continue:

    Assange is facing an arrest warrant and yet still wants to get his TRUTHFUL INFORMATION OUT TO THE PUBLIC so–reasonably, he does not tell us where he is. That is keeping a secret but it is NOT BEING DISHONEST, it is not being non-transparent.

    This is the same BS surrounding Algore’s recommendations for climate warming. The fact that he may keep a limosine idling outside the conference, or he takes a private airplane to the meeting, or that he lives in a big house, or has two big houses, or is getting divorced, or is fat, has NOTHING TO DO with whether or not hoomans are causing global warming or whether or not we should have any particular carbon control program.

    Its the logical fallacy of arguing ad hominem with a dash of conflation over the use of a word having different meanings in different contexts.

    YOU may disagree with me on whether or not what Assange is doing is a net good or bad but you CANNOT disagree about whether or not he is being transparent.

    Sheesh. I’m sad. And thats why the Republican Party can be an effective opposition party to the Dems and why the forces of societal destruction are just about equally balanced against sanity.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  15. Publius says:

    A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

    John F. Kennedy

    Looks to me like those so-called journalists in this clip are behaving in an UnAmerican manner.

    Those so called journalists should in this clip would do well to clean up their act and start to take JFK’s words to heart.

  16. Publius says:

    That’s an amazing clip of propaganda spouting from yellow journalists. Chock full of yellow journalism.

    As #12 said, it bears repeating:

    The Times reporters complaint ‘we already knew this’ – if true – whats the freakin’ problem? He presented information we already knew apparently.

    The anti american argument is similarly bogus – the leaks are from lots of different countries.

  17. jbenson2 says:

    #10 Bobbo – you might be up early. It is not your caffeine fix, but your meds that you need to take.

    You really should read your history more carefully. If we follow your twisted logic that the USA should be prosecuted for the war, then you should also be clammoring for war-trials on Australia, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom. You might not realize it, but all of those countries participated in the war.

    And how about cutting back a tad on your use of capitals and try the facts for a change.

  18. Improbus says:

    I am just sad that Assange and Wikileaks has to do the work that the MSM used to do. How about some anti-trust in the media arena Mr. Obama.

    We need to break up the media conglomerates, change the radio station, tv station and news paper ownership rules and make corporate campaign donations illegal.


    Damn, lost him…

  20. bobbo, I'm stunned at the DUPLICITY of our leaders and media says:

    jb==so you aren’t even going to respond to the challenge?==to back up your criticism? C’mon==I can think of a few situations in the world that make Iraq below No 1 in crimes/dealth/destruction int he past 25 years.

    Like I said, just wanted to see how stupid you would be, and as always, you are true to form.

    Your confusion folds in on itself: “Destructive? What a classic left-wing position of tripe – they want everyone to believe that war is Rainbows and Unicorns.”/// Ha, ha. Love having it both ways just to cover the spread?? For extra points: is war destructive or not and why do you speak to both sides as if you were totally incompetent to form a succinct consistent idea?

    Care to try again? What a dope.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    I have to back Bobbo on this 100%

    Assange has given us all a HUGE GIFT.

    He has allowed us to see what our “representatives” have been doing.

    It’s our “news” outlets that are letting us down. They should be kissing Assange’s feet instead of trying to have him killed.

    We, the people, have discovered a number of important things, like:

    China broke UN sanctions by being the conduit for NORTH KOREA TO SELL MEDIUM RANGE MISSILES PARTS TO IRAN!!

    Not to mention China has helped North Korea with it’s NUCLEAR BOMB PROGRAM!!


    This begs the question;

    “Why has our Government done nothing about this?”

    “Why isn’t the news media all over this?”

    “Why aren’t we demanding more action?”

  22. Bigby says:

    Sooo, what’s the excitement about and why are people so upset with Wikileaks? They offer a place where other people can (safely) publish information.

    Apparently there are some people (in high places?) that aren’t very happy with something (whatever it may be), and lacking other ways of drawing attention to it without risking punishment (in any form) they leak it to the net.

    Want to avoid leaks? Tighten security.

  23. nicktherat says:

    it scares me … the number of tools that exist on our planet. if we all bend over for money, humans stop being human. we’ve become money bots. its fucking sad an inhuman

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    And just as sickening is this:


    We have a President who is truly, truly, clueless.

  25. Kahless says:

    #10 – I’m not sure where your “last 25 years” came from, since he quote from Galt was “most criminal and destructive act of the entire earth over the last generation,” but I’ll go with it. Here are a two more destructive and more criminal acts in the last 25 years from off the top of my head:

    – Genocide in Sudan
    – Robert Mugabi’s crimes against the people of Zimbabwe

  26. Kahless says:

    Sorry, it wasn’t Galt’s quote, it was Greenwald. Mixed up the names.

  27. bobbo, death the great equalizer about to be defeated says:

    Kahless–I think a “generation” is generally considered to be 25 years or more up to 33? Its definitional and a bit confusing given he started by saying 10 years.

    Yes, its easy to find bigger crimes and more death than USA’s invasion of Iraq. Not more expensive or destructive to the USA though? Again: crime. Its definitional. In that context, the bigger crimes would be our response to 9/11, the non-regulation of Investment Banking, and the failure to re-regulate, and the Bush Tax Cuts and now the continuation of them. And this criminality and destruction/crime continues to take place daily in full view with its Mafioso Leaders proudly championing it==like BushtheMalignantRetard taking credit for torture: the lawyers said it was ok.

    Its called leadership.

    Hee, hee.

  28. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Bobbo. It’s sad, really. Sometimes you write and argue brilliantly. Other times, like now, you dance around the issue. You want to argue epistemology and the context of words when the subject is espionage. The right and lawful thing to do when someone brings you a stolen classified document is to call up the authorities. Perhaps in the face of some egregious violation the noble thing to do would be to publish THAT document and suffer the consequences. But to simply accept hundreds of thousands of pages of classified cables and military records and publish them en masse is an act of disregard for national sovereignty i.e. espionage. And, as for accepting the consequences? Well, he IS on the run. He claims the rape and abuse charges are baseless yet he appears to be afraid to face them. These are the things that you should be discussing – not grammar and belief systems.

    [Shaking my head in sorrow as I head off to my bed.]

  29. Publius says:

    Exactly where does a US senator get permission to make phone calls to private businesses like Amazon.com and censor the information that’s on their web site?

    Lieberman, are you a Chinese Government Worker? You sure act like one.

  30. Publius says:

    A State Department document released by whistleblower website WikiLeaks, detailing discussions between Saudi Arabia and US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, noted that the Saudis arrested some 250 men on their way to join extremists in Afghanistan

    The cable specifically noted the men were inspired to take up arms by photos of ghastly torture carried out at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where prisoners and in some cases their family members — including children — were raped, tortured and killed

    Joe Lieberman tried to hide this cable, by scaring Amazon.com.

    So the question needs to be asked:

    Does Senator Joe L have skin in this game?


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