The stock market may be up but our country is headed down under the constant barrage of moronic things our ‘leaders’ on both sides are doing to us. And we let them.
What The Congress Has Devolved Into
By Uncle Dave Wednesday December 1, 2010
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# 19 Cursor_ said, “It is always some shit someone has got to sneak onto these bills.”
Cursor, I don’t often agree with you but you have hit right on one of my pet peeves there. It seems like the more likely a bill is to pass, the more pork amendments it attracts.
I’d love to see a rule that says no amendments can be attached to a bill unless they reflect a true modification of the bill. In fact, why should a bill require ANY amendments before being voted on? Rewrite the damn thing if there’s a problem with it! Also, bill should be required to be written in plain language so that even the Speaker can understand them. Then there would be no more passing a bill so we can find out what’s in it.
Women on active duty should be FORCED to have abortions if they are unmarried. That would help remove the “get out of jail/military free card”, The fed needs to stop being a military welfare-jobs program-day care center. When is the last time any of you have been on an Army post? It looks like an inner city ghetto in uniform, think TSA in OD”s I was USAF for 4 yrs, honorable discharge with zero benefits, I paid for the right to be critical of this insane military. A huge military was one of the primary reasons Ancient Rome went bankrupt, we would do well to remember that. It is time for a MASSIVE downsizing of our military-minority-make work-jobs program. Fuck Europe, the Middle East and S/E Asia, let someone else feed and “protect” them.
Yahoo! news says the President’s “deficit commission” recommends among other things more tax increases. When did the G-d pod people take over Congress? Are they retarded? Stoned? What?!?
WHY did we elect MORONS, to run this country, that HAVE TO ASK OTHERS what they should DO??
Its NOT that we elected SOMEONE to represent us, and DO GOOD by those that ELECTED THEM..its THAT WE PAY for 100 OTHERS for the 1 we elected. TO DO HIS/HER WORK..
Why dont we have PROFESSORS and BOOK KEEPERS running this country, rather then CARRIER POLITICIANS..
Raising taxes during a recession is asinine. Cut the damn spending already people. That is how you cut deficits. Right now taxes are going to skyrocket for small businesses because they are taxed as personal income for the owner.
Thus instead of increasing payroll, they will be cutting jobs to pay for the Obama tax. (not extending the Bush taxcuts.) My employer just cut some jobs so now 10% of the people that work there are out of work. Unemployment was not the kind of CHANGE I HOPEd for.
#33 Rich said, on December 1st, 2010 at 10:56 pm
“Yahoo! news says the President’s “deficit commission” recommends among other things more tax increases. When did the G-d pod people take over Congress? Are they retarded? Stoned? What?!?”
This is the first time we are fighting a war without raising taxes. How are we to pay for it? How are we to pay for millionaire’s tax cuts? The money has to come from somewhere, and unemployment benefits aren’t even a significant fraction of the spending.
“Tinkle down economics” has proven to be a big fat lie. Tax cuts for the rich do NOTHING to improve the economy. Let the tax cuts expire!
Cutting jobless benefits WILL harm the economy. Every dollar spent on jobless benefits immediately enters the economy as the jobless have to pay for food and rent. We are basically creating 2 million new homeless people here folks.
The Republicans are corrupt liars, and the Democrats are spineless wimps.
I’m with #6, this country is hopeless. Time to get the hell out.
# 32 Orion314 said, “Women on active duty should be FORCED to have abortions … A huge military was one of the primary reasons Ancient Rome went bankrupt…”
Not sure where you came up with you diatribe Orion. But I thought I’d point out just a couple of things. We can NOT give active duty women abortions since their care is provided by the military and the law does not allow for federally funded abortions. Secondly, you don’t have to go so far back as ancient Rome. The Soviet Union was pretty much bankrupted trying to keep up with US military spending.
Not that I necessarily agree with your point, whatever it was. Just saying.
I can’t believe how the Republicans are so brazenly defending the rich and still get the working and middle class to support them.
Eat the rich.
Why don’t you all write in “NOBODY!” on your ballots.
Let the turds know what we think of them.
We got along fine without the lying sacks of shit back in 1776 and, by damn, we’ll do it again.
I think we just need to get rid of everybody who thinks they can represent anything bigger than a dog run.
Since the US government is closed for business because of the stench from assholes from both sides of the aisle, lets just turn out the lights and send them off to get real jobs.
DU should be forked into “talking point echo chamber” and “all else” though I suppose the main point of the blog has become ‘clickstream income for JCD’ and there’s nothing wrong with that, other than the waste of bandwidth visiting the blog has become.
Why is the speaker constantly being prompted on what to say. Is she just a stand in because it seems like she doesn’t have a clue and is floundering under his request to be recognized.
Guyver said, on December 1st, 2010 at 1:57 pm
9, Glass Half Full,
” EVERY single Republican Senator has vowed to block ALL bills, ALL legislation until we vote on making the temporary tax cuts for the top 1% permanent.”
I suppose that’s one way to look at it if your priorities don’t revolve around out of control spending by our government whereby you live in a bubble and seem to think that taxing our way to prosperity by providing entitlement programs in tough times is good for the country right now.
Well, it’s actually the ONLY way to look at it. I know this because it’s actually what they said – in a written letter, signed by all 42 Senate Republicans. And I quote that letter:
“For that reason, we write to inform you that we will not agree to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to any legislative item until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers. ”
note: not invoking cloture is what is known commonly as a filibuster, for those who don’t know.
You can agree with their priority if you want to, but don’t pretend that isn’t what they are threatening. It’s right there – they wrote it down unambiguously and signed it.
This is spiraling into a discussion of the republican filibuster threat, but I guess I don’t care, and its probably all tied to the lack of civility in Washington these days, so here goes:
1. Tax cuts are not the most important issue facing the Senate.
2. The people who COULD credibly be making the case that my above statement is wrong are the theoretical ideal libertarian-tea-party-fiscal-conservatives. You know, the ones who actually are concerned about the debt and deficit and say that we shouldn’t pass a spending bill without paying for it. But we don’t seem to have any real fiscal conservatives anymore. Instead we’re saddled with chumps paying lip service to those ideals who conveniently forget their deficit-hawk self-description if the thing we’re blowing up the debt and deficit for is a tax cut. Effectively, we should just borrow $700 billion more from China and move farther from a balanced budget. These are the ao-called conservatives? What the…? Where are the Republicans arguing that we should pay for these cuts with offset spending cuts?
3. Both parties want to give all Americans a tax cut on income up to 250,000. The difference is that Republicans want to give an extra tax cut people making more than that – people who won’t be forced to spend the extra money to survive and won’t be economically forced to stimulate the economy by doing so. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget office shows this isn’t the best way to keep the economy on track. As does any sensible analysis of the subject. You can argue that it isn’t the governments’ money, and when we’re running surpluses you’ll get my vote for tax cuts every time rather than giving the gov’t more money to play with. But we need that money just to stay less in the red. It won’t by itself even get us in the black. (And yes, we must also cut spending.)
4. We’ve had the lowered tax cuts on the rich for the last 10 years, and we’ve lots thousands of jobs. The solution is to not change anything? The adage that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result comes to mind…
BTW: What the hell B-string Democrat is that running that session?
I’ll bet Madam Speaker can’t even wipe her own ass. What a bunch of morons!
The Right has always supported privatizing profit while letting the risk fall on the back of the taxpayer. What I don’t get is how their lame rhetoric and obvious disingenuous pandering convinces the people who are actually hurt by the policies they support.