The stock market may be up but our country is headed down under the constant barrage of moronic things our ‘leaders’ on both sides are doing to us. And we let them.

  1. Still_Walking_Point says:

    I am a 99er and looking for blood.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I couldn’t figure out who was the bigger a-hole.

  3. RSweeney says:

    Still walking,

    I think you have taken enough of the taxpayer’s money.

    Put down the mouse and mow lawns if you have to.

  4. Dallas says:

    Soap box antics. I have little hope for anything to be accomplished in the two years from Congress.

    Maybe this country was not ready for a black president after all.

  5. dusanmal says:

    @#4 Country is very ready for a black President. It is absolutely not ready for Progressive President(s) (Bush, Obama, just to name the two).

    These are not soap box antics. It is intentional sabotage of political process as it was intended to be. Denying someone their say is discrimination of a worst kind.

    And the root cause of this particular denial is another example of Pelosi-type legislation. Instead of admitting what they really want to do, Democrats introduce bills that sound noble but contain items country opposes by vast majorities. This particular situation erupted because of the bill claimed to be “help for female veterans”. Sounds noble, who can oppose such a cause. Except that it is introduced with specific purpose of requiring Govt. run veteran hospitals to perform abortions which is against the current law, Presidential order (by Obama!) and vast majority of The People opinion. Scam. And no discussion about the scam as than it could be exposed.

  6. McCullough says:

    This government is broken and cannot be repaired. I left this country for 13 years and mistakenly came back.I thought the government where I lived was corrupt, It was but not as bad as this. I won’t come back this time because it won’t be fixed in my lifetime.

    We actually pay these people….for WHAT!

  7. Grandpa says:

    What part of “Shut the fuck up” don’t you understand Mr. Republican ! SHUT THE FUCK UP. You’ll have your chance soon enough.

  8. meetoo says:

    Change the engraving above the speaker’s podium.

  9. Glass Half Full says:

    EVERY single Republican Senator has vowed to block ALL bills, ALL legislation until we vote on making the temporary tax cuts for the top 1% permanent. Two points…

    1. It’s the REPUBLICANS who made them temporary and designed them to expire…because we didn’t have the money (and still don’t) to pay for them. Hell, I’d love a 90% tax cut…but we can’t if we still want a (ever larger) military, keep Medicare and keep social security. No one, even the Republicans, will cut those, but just want to give money away to get elected. What dishonorable scumbags.

    2. How is Don’t Ask Don’t Tell not repealed yet?
    * The Pentagon report said it’s ok to repeal.
    * The majority of Democrats don’t care.
    * The majority of Republicans don’t care.
    * The majority of military don’t care.
    HOW is this a “hotly debated” topic? Sure 23% of the public is against it. The neo-nazi’s and KKK will never agree, so what. It has majority support in EVERY SINGLE group and party, even among the military. Get on with it! Let’s worry about about protecting our nation and less about upsetting the magic sky goat or whatever.

  10. Guyver says:

    Shoehorning federally-funded abortions into a VA bill only demonstrates how corrupt legislators can be.

    But hey! You have to have your priorities. An abortion at a VA hospital (for a condition that isn’t involuntary, isn’t a disability, nor is it related to the military service) is somehow a top priority amongst liberals in spite of the economy and jobless rates.

    But somehow the liberals seem to think it is a priority by including it with an unrelated piece of legislation.

    But when someone cries foul to point this out, those same liberals try to silence the whistle blower by not allowing person to speak? Good grief!!!

    Looks like the liberals are still bitter about last month’s elections. LOL.

  11. Blog Grouch says:

    #7. Then there are people like you who think this is acceptable. Hey Gramps, you are part of the fucking problem. Don’t you get it?

    By the way, anyone who believes the stock market is up, is not thinking clearly. Your 100 shares of “whatever” is worth about half of what it was 12 years ago.

    Think about it.

  12. Cursor_ says:

    Just so you all know. The measure before them as H.R.5428

    “Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure that an Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights is printed on signage in accessible formats and displayed prominently and conspicuously in each Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prosthetics and orthotics clinic. Requires VA employees who work at such clinics, as well as patient advocates of veterans who receive care there, to receive training on such Bill of Rights. Directs the Secretary to conduct outreach to inform veterans of such Bill of Rights.

    Included in the Bill of Rights the right to: (1) access the highest quality prosthetic and orthotic care; (2) select the practitioner that best meets their prosthetic and orthotic needs; (3) timely and efficient prosthetic and orthotic care; and (4) transition and readjust to civilian life in an honorable manner, including by having ample access to vocational rehabilitation, employment programs, and housing assistance.

    Directs: (1) the Secretary to collect information relating to the alleged mistreatment of injured and amputee veterans; (2) the veteran liaison at each VA medical center to submit quarterly to the VA’s Chief Consultant of Prosthetics and Sensory Aids a report on such information; and (3) the Chief Consultant to investigate and address such information.”

    The rep throwing a fit had sent out word for all GOP reps to vote no on the measure.

    This was theatrics on the part of this outgoing rep. And the acting speaker was right to limit his grandstanding on a this bill.


  13. Guyver says:

    9, Glass Half Full,

    EVERY single Republican Senator has vowed to block ALL bills, ALL legislation until we vote on making the temporary tax cuts for the top 1% permanent.

    I suppose that’s one way to look at it if your priorities don’t revolve around out of control spending by our government whereby you live in a bubble and seem to think that taxing our way to prosperity by providing entitlement programs in tough times is good for the country right now.

    Specifically, the Republicans have pledged to block anything that isn’t directly involved with limiting the Federal government’s budget / spending.

    What’s the big deal? You guys still have the majority for the remainder of the year. Why make the Republicans look like the bad guys? The Dems can push the legislation through like how they did with “free” health care. But no, somehow it’s the Republican’s fault that a Democrat-controlled congress can’t pass a piece of legislation? Good grief. Typical liberal. Can’t take responsibility for your own actions. 🙂

  14. Mikey Twit says:

    After seeing that, I don’t feel so bad about our Canadian Parliament, which can too be childish, but that just looked asinine!

  15. Guyver says:


    The rep throwing a fit had sent out word for all GOP reps to vote no on the measure.

    This was theatrics on the part of this outgoing rep. And the acting speaker was right to limit his grandstanding on a this bill.

    That’s not why Buyer was “grand standing”. Buyer was denied an appeal to speak for one minute concerning VA legislation that shoehorned federally-funded abortion (even though there was no one present to object his request)

    Here’s the other half of the story (which you seem to either be unaware of or are intellectually dishonest by omitting it):

  16. wow says:

    What a bitch….

  17. ECA says:

    Corp vs Gov..
    corp buys Gov employees.
    Gov employees MAKE TONS of money, but NOT TAXED
    Corp raises Prices to COVER payments to Gov employees.

    Gov employees, are being paid 2-3 times. NOT 1, as MOST employees are.

    Original payments to GOV employees, was a STIPEND/ALLOWANCE for travel and TIME served. Then htye would go HOME during Harvest and planting seasons, TO WORK.. Early 80’s they CHANGED THAT..

  18. Mextli says:

    #9 “….. but just want to give money away to get elected.”

    This has to be the most incongruous comment EVER from a lib. The undisputed masters of buying votes.

  19. Cursor_ says:


    Did not know there was a rider on the bill. I saw only the measure and then googled that bill and got its summary.

    It is always some shit someone has got to sneak onto these bills. If it is not pay increases for them its pork for their districts!


  20. TThor says:

    The tribal speak is hilarious, and the ‘play’ is nothing but disgusting. And even more disgusting, we keep on electing these idiots!

  21. James B says:

    Steve is a good guy, and member of our armed forces.

  22. Floyd says:

    You people are aware that antics like the ones in the Youtube clip go on all the time, and in both houses.

    Sometimes I wish that the cameras would be removed from both houses.

    I remember a comment Mark Twain supposedly made that neither the process of making sausages nor legislation should ever be shown to the public.

  23. Improbus says:

    Things won’t change in Washington until some of those mofos are swinging at the end of a rope.

  24. Registered Voter says:

    Wouldn’t that kind of behavior get you FIRED in the real world?

  25. Harry says:

    None of this is going to be resolved until we have true campaign finance reform. Which also entails changing the revolving door from government to lobbyist.We also need to have the SCOTUS overturn Citizens United.I guess we should also include term limits as well, it,s good for the POTUS, it should apply to all.

  26. Dennis says:

    This guy is my Representative, he is a lier & an ass. I jumped for joy when I found out he was retiring.

  27. PMitchell says:

    At this point if Al-Qaeda nuked Washington DC I honestly do not know if they should be given a medal or hunted down and killed.

    I there was a lawyers convention in town when they nuked it then I would definitely be for the medal

  28. Breetai says:

    Devolved into?!

    Why do you think Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton? It wasn’t an off comment about his wife… It was about partisan bullshit.

  29. Alf says:

    The following quote seems to describe why politics is not an answer but a problem.

    “Public opinion rarely considers the needs of the next generation or the history of the last. It is frequently hampered by myths and misinformation, by stereotypes and shibboleths, and by an innate resistance to innovation.”

    -Theodore C. Sorensen, presidential advisor, lawyer, and writer (1928-2010)

  30. MikieV says:

    “Looks like the liberals are still bitter about last month’s elections. LOL.”

    Why not?

    The conservatives are still bitter about the elections in 2008.


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