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Can I get a lap dance?
Good lord. The airport is quickly displacing Walmart from the top places to find weirdos.
WTF is the context of this video?
Hopefully she got some dollar bills.
Aside from the half naked part she seems to be acting strangely. Is she high or is this some odd protest?
Obviously a fembot
Obviously a terrorist threat to all hard, working men in America.
Probably a Tranny.
This is one weird video that makes no sense. Why is she sitting in a wheel chair? Why is she petting dog on her lap? What are those papers in her right hand? At one point she stares blankly at the man making this video and I felt creeped out, while she shows no emotion or anything. The boy standing next to her taking his shoes off dosen’t even bother to give her a ogling look at her. Why wasn’t she going to be let past TSA security? Why dosen”t she get dressed and LEAVE is they aren’t going to let her get past anyway?
So in other words WHAT THE FUCK?
Thats not a dog it’s a cat.
“Hey, TSA, would you like to pet my pussy?”
“Sure Lady, move the cat.”
Bdump! Tshhh!
yeah she’s a terrorists about to hijack a plane with her little dog, in her undies. By means of giving the pilot a lapdance.
Here’s some context:
Thanks goldbug. @JCD, next time post the context and story please.
Stripper my ass. She is a 52 year old, wheelchair bound, retired surgeon who is sick of being treated like a criminal by the TSA because she needs a wheelchair. That is why the protest.
Surgeon? Lingerie Model in most stories,. Uses a wheelchair? What the hell does that mean?
Then there is this line…
“After more than an hour of hand searches and questioning, Banovac missed her flight to Phoenix.
She said a TSA supervisor told her to leave the airport and “come back tomorrow,” according to The Oklahoman.”
Uh-huh, I’ll bet. Never mind, 15 minutes have already passed.
Fishiest story ever.
McCullough – if you read a little more carefully, you’ll note the story does say that in the initial pat down, they found traces of nitrates on her person. (I guess they swabbed her down with one of those cotton ball thingies? Or perhaps on her trench coat.)
So being detained for an hour wouldn’t be out of the question. Not really fishy to me.
Once again the TSA demonstrates that it has no common sense at all.
It should be obvious to anyone that if a half-naked (or even completely naked) person shows up at airport security, then they are:
1. Probably doing some kind of protest for publicity.
2. Not a threat to security.
So the correct procedure should be to let the person through security with a minimum of attention.
#17. Being detained, patted down for an hour and turned away? She’s a surgeon or a lingerie model, and wheelchair bound. Explain to me what part of this isn’t fishy?
The TSA will definitely find traces of nitrates on “my person” too. Salami and pepperoni are my favorite bar food. Great with a beer or 3. Too many nitrates in those deli meats, for sure, but then how many times in my life am I really going to be waiting around for the xray and grope lines to go down??
Disabled woman goes to fly out.
Pings the nitrate chemical test (false positive sources = preserved foods, medicine, ammunition, etc)
Gets an extensive search of her person and misses her flight.
Gets angry.
Comes back the next day in a trench coat and underwear hoping to shame the TSA agents into letting her through quickly.
Finds out TSA agents have no shame.
While technically she did strip for TSA, am a little unsure if I would call her stripper.
#19 “She’s a surgeon or a lingerie model, and wheelchair bound. Explain to me what part of this isn’t fishy?”
The part about being a surgeon isn’t fishy. I rememeber many of the Playboy models were studying for their PhD in nuclear physics.
Wow she looks great for 52.
“Stripper my ass. She is a 52 year old, wheelchair bound, retired surgeon who is sick of being treated like a criminal by the TSA because she needs a wheelchair.”
The most important question is: Would you hit it?
#24 – As long as I have a face, she has a place to sit.
Just watched the video. Something was supposed to happen when….?
#11 – Sorry, Gringo. It’s a dog.
Can’t see that her minimal clothing should be a problem for TSA. This should just make their job easier. The airline can set a dress code but not the TSA.
I wonder if she was part of the problem the first day. How could it take an hour to clear someone for a nitrates test? With Afghanistan and several Arabic nations in my passport, I get swabbed frequently and have tested positive twice. A hand search of my carry-on, a good pat down (more like a pat up), a few questions and I’m on my way. Five, six minutes. No problems.
Question: if the TSA instructs you to come back tomorrow, who pays the exorbitant ticket change fees? If the passenger is too late to board the plane then they have to remove the luggage which will delay the plane. And if the plane is delayed, anyway, why not let the passenger on?
#23 BB brain – how the hell old is a 52 year old supposed to look? What are you – 12?
Another odd tale brought to you by the TSA.
God Bless America.
I agree with #6. That very weird head movement might be a sign she’s a fembot.