1. James B says:

    Hey, government work, close enough, right? Who in their right mind thinks that we need to be 100% accurate with this stuff? We gotta go home at night and like, you know, fill some jails n stuff.

  2. The DON says:

    Google is your friend?

  3. Suntan says:

    To be fair, the look the similar, have similar names, and similar B-day. However, if this happened to me I would panic too.

  4. lustderf says:

    So this would never happen with “Real ID”… Wait a minute Florida already started that on Jan 1st this year… so “Real ID” helps make bad errors worse?

  5. Gary in Gilroy says:

    OK, interesting story,,, but did anyone notice the right side of the screen?? It says, “AHEAD – Naked Ladies” Where is the post with that story ?!? Ya ya ya, murder, mistaken identity, whatever, get to the b00bs!!

  6. noname says:

    It’s all innocent good fun, right! Come on it’s our government, no harm no foul?

    So what if the police did approach this supposedly innocent Zachary Garcia? And if Zachary had rightfully objected to the police, but; non-less objected to the police and then Zachary might have instinctively moved away from the police, who then interpreted this (wrongly) as resisting arrest, which Police would then claim it necessitated to act with a knee jerk overwhelming and disproportionate force, at their pleasure on Zachary Garcia head repeatedly until they stopped him dead cold.

    What harm it there in that? It’s just good police training and steroid temperament at its best. Doesn’t that just make everyone feel cosy, warm and protected?

    This is what American’s want, a feeling (false as it may be) of being cosy, warm and protected!

    Don’t dare expect American’s to be rational, and; don’t expect their masters to be rational either.

    Irrational American’s feed off the vigor of their Irrational police masters spewing fear and terror.

  7. Lord States says:

    Sounds like the film ‘Brazil’ is being reflected in the real world, with some ‘Idiocracy’ thrown in.

  8. Zybch says:

    Only in the US does one have to hold down 2 jobs to be able to afford to stay at school.

  9. Publius says:

    The State never shows remorse.

  10. Holdfast says:

    So, how do they think they are going to “remove this from the internet”?

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #10 HoldOn – you know it. Good luck to him with that.

  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The UF student lives in Hollywood, FL which is in Broward County. The burglary occurred in Davenport in Polk County. The Polk County authorities must have pulled the photo from a State record.

    A class action lawsuit has started against the State of Florida because it sold driver’s license records to a company for about 3 or 4 years. Information included names, dates of birth, AND POSSIBLY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS. The suit is allowed because the judge said that it was in violation of federal law.

    Question: Why doesn’t a criminal action start against the officials involved?

    Floridians are complaining about the new ID requirements needed in order to renew a driver’s license.

    #2 The DON –
    Google must have found similarly spelled names.

  13. sargasso_c says:

    Tip: don’t Google yourself.

  14. J says:

    If he lived in Texas he would have already been executed.


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