This Episode’s Executive Producers: Matthew Schauer, John Grumling
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Kelly Spongberg, Noah Kuttler
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. noname says:

    How much is truth worth to me?

    It’s more like how much truth is worth to this nation!

    In our supposed government for the people by the people; truth is a prerequisite and not negotiable. Our founding fathers realized and enshrined it’s importance in the bill of rights.

    Today with our totalitarian leaning government, truth is withheld and denied with lies and distractions promoted. That’s how we got into IRAQ, that’s how BUSH was elected, that’s how torture was redefined….

    However, it’s not just our governments lying to the public, it’s our courts, it’s our military, it’s Wall Street; it’s all just Big Business as usual.

    Power corrupts all, unless there is public honesty. We have lost the ideals that comes from honesty and trust.

  2. deowll says:

    They clone so every animal is the same as the most profitable animal born on the farm.

    The down side is no genetic diversity. If one animal is susceptible to a disease they all are. When that happens none of them are going to be profitable.

    The worse news is that after we replace more genetically diverse animals with superior, for the time being, clones trying to create a new super animal to clone by selective breeding may be impossible after the clones superior disease resistance plays out.

    There simply won’t be enough genetic diversity left in the domestic animals to do it.

  3. Jim in seattle says:

    Since the cancellation of Cranky Geeks, this web site is just reduced to re-hashing old news off of Drudge and other sites. Plus the contributors continue to Bush-bash at every opportunity. While I used to visit this site nearly every day, I may visit it once a week now—and now with it’s old, day-late and a dollar-short posts, it’s not even worth it any more. Sorry, JCD, it was fun while it lasted. You should just close down the site because you’re not offering anything new.

  4. nicktherat says:

    dear john,
    you were so awesome. but now, i’m sad to say, it’s over for me. i had enough of all this free information i can read or watch anywhere. i officially took this site out of my bookmarks and i’ve deleted you from memory.

    why do you always get these kinds of comments? a lot of sadist out there, eh?

    also, i am not donated anything this week because of something adam said. ;P jk jk but seriously, you used to be a government goon? 😀 you seem to have a strange array of past jobs

  5. TooManyPuppies says:

    Adam needs to school up on his ammunition. Hollow points are loaded in practically every handgun in the nation. Unless you’re going to war or the range, where you load out with fully jacketed ammunition.

    The media just likes to hype whatever sounds good to freak people out. OMG, OMG, hollow points!

  6. e? says:

    #2 – Indeed. There is a fine example of this in the problems with banana diseases in modern banana species.

    They have been basically inbred to achieve the desired traits, and the same species are gown basically everywhere. And when a disease rolls around, it can (and has) wipe out the whole lot.

  7. Jopie says:

    #2 -I heard it is supposed to be spelled diversitée.

    Other than that i agree with your post.

  8. Butter Butt says:

    Can’t tell by the comments, was this episode worth the download?

    Sorry guys, but they keep harping (with no solutions offered) on the same things and each show has become a blur.

    Now I check here before I bother…

  9. B. Dog says:

    Yeah, it’s a good show. There’s high points and low points, according to your taste, but yeah, listen.

  10. The_Tick says:

    Needs more good old fashioned DSC conspiracy outrage. Adam isn’t a crackpot anymore. To be honest,given all the pbs hatred he sounds far more like a republican than anything. With all the anti science , he is one call for donations away from asking us all to join him in prayer to save the world, and with all the anthems and chants he is pretty much acting just like the Chinese and Russian propagandists. FFs Adam, grab a bong, take a hit and get back to the sensible side of insanity.
    As for JCD, keep on keepin on big fella, and where the fuck is a replacement for Cranky Geeks?

  11. msbpodcast says:

    When Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, the distinguished musical satirist Tom Lehrer decided that he could no longer perform. “It was at that moment that satire died,” says Lehrer, “There was nothing more to say after that.”

    You guys need to record a podcast intro jingle saying words to the effect that:

    “This is the only place in the show where you’ll hear about:
    the troglodytes from the TSA,
    Sensao swilling metro-sexuals,
    BuzzKill’s opinion on using mice,
    BuzzKill’s opinion on Apple,
    inoculation or immunization against:
    Miley Cyrus’ tits (or lack thereof,)
    CrackPot’s opinion on adjuvants,
    CrackPot’s opinion on the swine flu pandemic
    and now …
    back to real news.”

    And then you can on with other shit.

  12. ECA says:


    I have a story about that..

    But HOW to bypass Body recognition ID??
    CHOP UP THE USER..take it WITH YOU..

    I can see it now..
    ID the NUMBEr of people
    EYE identity
    HAND print
    Facial ID.
    Body TEMP..
    JUST to get your groceries..

    The CC card corps will LOVE YOU…they can track you TOTALLY, insted of using a PHONE BOOK and your SS#..

    DO you know it is ILLEGAL to use your SS# for any identification?

  13. TSA found my butt plug says:

    #1 – Truth? You can’t handle the truth!

  14. jbenson2 says:

    General Observation about the number of posts on Dvorak Uncensored:

    As Obama continues his 2-year slide, I’ve noticed the Dvorak employees, especially Uncle Dave, are posting fewer articles.

    I guess it is more difficult to find fawning press stories from the lap-dog media.

  15. What? says:

    I listened to 30 min. No content in that period.

  16. soundwash says:

    JOHN C..

    re: woodworth having his daughter vote for’em since 4…

    whether true or not, its the underlying message that is important..

    the whole framework of that clip was an inside jab saying “voting/party affiliation is pointless you naive sob”

    it matters not who vote for..because “the agenda” will always continue, etc etc..

    come on guys, that was painfully obvious..

    YOU need to stop watching all that TeeVee for us…its turning your mind to mush.. (watch it off a stream or just “listen” unless you need to watch body language.)



  17. deowll says:

    It would be nice if John could get cranky geeks back on line even if they have to call it something else.

  18. Glenn E. says:

    What is truth worth? Apparently then, lies are very cheap, and the truth, quite expensive, if you have to ask it like that.

    The lies and untruths of main stream media, are like the so-called “reality shows” on Tv. Far cheaper to produce and crank out, than anything original and creative, made from the hearts and minds of “real” actors and writers. People making fools of themselves on prime time Tv, losing weight, scavenge hunting, singing off key, etc. Are all just spectacle. No deep truths are being express here. Would Shakespeare be Shakespeare if it were little more than a pie throwing contest?

    Now we have “Spiderman, the Musical”. And all I can think is, how far dramatic theater has slipped. At least Spamalot was funny, and derived from a age old cult favorite movie. This Spiderman musical is simply exploiting a generation of comicbook attics, with lots of time and money. Who in this economy can afford to go to NYC to blow the cash on such a flop?

    The truth is, if it were any good, it would cost a hellava lot more to get into see. But trying to out-do Hollywood, in the limited scope of a play, is probably foolishly optimistic. Oh well, it’s only $65 million of some fool’s money.

    If they want to do something, Hollywood has already done. Why not do Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as a Broadway musical? Think of all the little people, who’d finally get work as Oompa Loompas. And what ever happen to “1776”? I’ve only ever seen the movie version. That play ought to keep going for generations. It’s history, damn it! Truth!


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