1. denacron says:

    TSA recruiting song?

  2. Grandpa says:

    Hey, I tried going to Wikileaks today to see what our wonderful government doesn’t want me to see, and the page won’t load! Has the USA censored this site from
    American eyes?

  3. brian t says:

    Grandpa: there’s been a DDOS attack on the site today and/or it’s struggling to cope with the traffic. The Guardian (http://guardian.co.uk/) has the main details so far.

  4. snh says:

    Wikileaks is under cyber attack better known as good ol’ DOS attack or so they say………Go figure….Ruined my reading for the day….

  5. JimD says:

    Gonad Groping probably preferred to RECTAL REAMING !!! But the TSA (Titty Squeezing Agency) is planning for that “Upgrade”
    as well !!! So travelers can expect both GROPING AND REAMING in the future !!!

  6. Gasbag says:

    That it I am going to the US for a holiday Nothing like a free groping before you fly 😛

  7. Still_Walking_Point says:

    The Salvation Army march

  8. deowll says:

    I think we already have thought about explosive and flammable implants.

    They could even swallow something or shove something down the throat of an animal that would go off after the coating dissolved. Up the rear has already been done.

    There just isn’t any end to this.

    I do note that that not using a metal detector and just passing people with metal implants is silly unless you do a normal X ray because you aren’t going to learn jack by just looking at the skin or even feeling other than maybe noting the scar.

  9. B. Dog says:

    The enemy is mistreating our women.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    Local scoop: The woman who showed up to the TSA molester’s line up wearing a tiny bikini under her fur coat must have really pissed the bastards off.

    She wasn’t that good looking, and she was obviously not embarrassed about it.

    She proved that the bastards can only get to you if you give a shit.

    I salute her. To her dealing with the TSA WAS a day at the beach.

  11. GF says:

    Cool, nudist swinger clubs at the airport!

  12. noname says:

    She makes me want to be a TSA agent, yeah baby!

  13. morramm says:

    Missed my flight when I farted during a pant down. Got held up until they confirmed the meds I was taking caused flatulence. The rage she exhibited when I gassed off was borderline police mode with screaming and pushing until her sup showed up.


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