Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

Ahson Saeed, of Corvallis reacts over burnt debris from the mosque

Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been called in to aid the investigation into an arson fire at the Corvallis mosque where Portland bomb plot suspect Mohamed Osman Mohamud sometimes attended.

The fire at the Salman Al-Farisi Islamic Center was discovered by an on-duty police sergeant at about 2:15 a.m. today. It took firefighters 10 minutes to put it out and it damaged about 80 percent of the office it was contained to. No one was injured.

FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said it’s standard for the agency to become involved in attacks on religious groups, but that the possible connection between the fire and the arrest of Mohamud makes their involvement even more important…

The FBI is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the fire…

Arthur Balizan, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon stated: “We have made it quite clear that the FBI will not tolerate any kind of retribution or attack on the Muslim community…We are working very closely with the leadership at the mosque. We will find the person responsible for this attack and bring the full force of the federal justice system to bear…”

If you’ve followed the details of the teenage nutball who wanted to commit terrorist murders at a tree lighting ceremony, you would know that the initiatives that turned this creep up to the FBI and Homeland Security came from the Islamic community in Oregon.

OTOH, the bigot that committed the arson attack upon the Corvallis mosque will likely turn out to be someone who has trouble reading the Sunday comics.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Not that I agree, but people in this country are getting pissed at the whole Muslim thing. When you a religious fanatic who has no problem killing innocent people, including children, you are going to have a backlash. Time and time again, we see these Mosques, talk out both sides of their ass. Claim to abhor violence, all the while supporting it. Face it, the Muslim religion is incompatible with anyone who does not agree and worship as they do.

  2. Glider says:

    And I guess Christians/Catholics are immune from criticism. Apart from invading Iraq because they were brown Muslims and the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition the Christians are perfectly fantastic examples of religious tolerance. Anyone who endorses Roe vs Wade and any doctor who performs an abortion has their life threatened in this country. Let’s not forget the churches who protest outside of the funerals of our servicemen who died in Iraq and Afghanistan saying that God’s revenge for homosexuals is killing those soldiers.

    Yeah, because Islam is the only religion that has killed millions of people.


  3. ECA says:

    The problem I See, mostly is categorizing.
    Do you understand how many Christian based religions are around?

    Then WE and the NEWS always say MUSLIM, insted of the GROUP they belong to.

    How many Christian KIDS, have wondered into schools and shot them up and killed people.

    How many Christians have Killed the WRONG people in Afghanistan and Iraq?

    How many Christians have the Catholics killed?

    IF you want to point fingers, at least GET THE INFORMATION CORRECT on who did WHAT.

  4. ezaviar says:

    gquaglia, How are the Mosques supporting violence? The majority of Muslims in the world do not support the violence that is occurring. It’s dangerous statements like that which keeps the violence ongoing. Try learning more about a subject before making a major over generalization like that.

  5. dan says:

    religion sucks.

  6. kybo says:

    …and Christian nut-cases don’t go around and shoot doctors. And don’t spread White Supremacy hate in the name of God. And don’t protest gays at some poor soldiers funeral…


  7. Cursor_ says:


    Karma is a bitch.

    For all sides in this pile of shit.


  8. O'Really says:


    Explain how Christianity is any different?

  9. TooManyPuppies says:

    Lots of manufactured bullshit. Everybody knows no good deed goes unpunished.

    Not to mention the fact that the FBI recruited this dbag, trained the dbag, and gave him all the material to proceed.

  10. yea says:

    I see Eideard’s still moderating.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Yes, Yea. You can always count on Eideard to post the hate!

    TooManyPuppies, I wonder if this Mohamud is just as much a creation of the FBI as he is of Islam.

  12. Dallas says:

    This comes from the most dangerous element of our population – the “unhinged” millions.

    These are the ones that tune in to Teabagger rhetoric and gives them that little extra justification to commit atrocities.

    The deep end nuts are easily found, are few in numbers and pose little risk although they can do great damage, as in the Tim McVeigh’s out there.

    Whether it’s the Muslim Taliban or the Christian Taliban, our government needs to watch those that stir these nutballs up to truly disrupt our society.

    There are few unhinged in here a snort of coke away from firebombing their opposing religion or political party they disagree with.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    Portland has a reputation for being liberal and tolerant and most residents are not blaming all Somalis or Muslims for the action of this one kid.

    However, that’s not everybody. The Oregonian had to purge a tone of racists posts (probably from people all-over the nation.)

    There are a number of people here who wonder if this kid was entrapped. The Oregonian has had two main articles about this event and it is remarkable to what expense and extent the FBI went to give this kid everything he needed to fulfill his Jihadi fantasies. They even built the friggin’ bomb for him!

    But, they have him on record saying such cruel and outrageous things, a conviction seems highly likely.

  14. Three to the head says:

    Burning the mosque wasn’t cool, but what was their role in the anti-terror efforts? It seems like it was the FBI’s efforts.

  15. deowll says:

    The good shepherd would not have approved. He was actually very specific about that sort of thing.

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Too bad they couldn’t have burnt one of those mega-churches.

  17. gdaub says:

    Hopefully the TSA will step in soon with full body scans of those attending church, driving cars, entering post offices, restaurants, etc. with full body scans. That will solve all our problems. And, I agree with #5- religion sucks.

  18. jbenson2 says:

    The media is going to have a field day with this story. They will print never-ending stories that tie it to the 2nd coming of Timothy McVeigh. And the press will just tut-tut any comments such as #16 Sister Mary.

    Because if you see any common thread in the 67 images here:
    Well then, you sir, are a racist!

  19. Metals721 says:

    Anyone wonder if someone at the mosque did it for insurance reasons?

    Also I noticed Dallas’s tea bagger comment above. Just by using that term you show your true lock step big government roots.

    Oh wait I forgot big governments don’t have any blood on their hands or waste our money.

    To all the big government D-baggers, you know more cuts need made and I hope more come in 2012.

  20. Counterweight says:

    What terrorist would burn the office? No terror, no symbolism.

    Wait a couple of weeks and find out the mosque was in financial trouble and all the records of donations are gone now.

    Apparently Mohumad “sometimes” attended there. What a great excuse to get rid of some evidence.

  21. Nobody says:

    >Anyone wonder if someone at the mosque did it for insurance reasons?

    And the canadians bombed pearl harbor to promote cameron’s movie

  22. bobbo, in a contest of civilizations, individual motives mean nothing says:

    Ha, ha. Glad to have had gquaglia post #1. Allows me to “refine” rather than pour the foundation.

    Little circles of concentric self interest and conformity, spreading out, colliding. Are ALL christian faiths the same, or do they share some commonalities by convention if not it fact BUT in reality they also have DIFFERENCES that are telling? What’s more important: the similarities, the supposed similaritiesl, or the differences?

    I think the differences are more important, even controlling.

    Very few “white men” had any intention at all in wiping out the American Indian when they first came to these shores. A few more, but way short of any majority, or even large minority, ever wanted to subjugate the black man into slavery. Our Founding Fathers spoke out LOUDLY about the common humanity of man.

    Culture has a power beyond the sum total of its constituents. Perhaps only “family” is stronger than RELIGION, which is why God is our FATHER.

    See how it works? Abraham’s task was/is all about making RELIGION number one. And when that religion is all about establishing one world fundamentalism to the exclusion of all others, and acts that way often when it has the power to do so, I think enough pieces of the unknowable future are in view.

    Not being religious, this is not about certainty. Its about risk tolerance.

    Not being religious, I see no reason to be tolerant about any of them.

    How do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind?

  23. MikeN says:

    Wait how is the FBI involved? The Portland City Council more than 5 years ago passed an ordinance saying they would not cooperate with any anti-terrorism task force. In stopping the bomb, the FBI agents should have been arrested for violation of Portland law.

  24. Jeanne says:

    Portland??? This is ~85 miles south.

  25. Cursor_ says:

    Just keep reminding yourselves that if it had not been for avarice we would not be having this problem.


  26. bobbo, in a contest of civilizations, individual motives mean nothing says:

    OK, I’ll bite:

    Cursor–what do you mean “if it had not been for avarice we would not be having this problem.”

    The best sense of your post that I make is nonsense, even if it were true?? But maybe I have missed your point: I only have the dictionary and history to go on.

  27. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    A bunch of nonsenese above about how the Chirsitans were just as bad and Bobbo even brings up the slaughter of the American redskin – though I fail to see how that is pertinent. No religious zeal in that.

    The real point here is there is a religion, Islam, that is stuck in the 13th century. (Actually just some sects of that religion.) Geez. Even the Pope says it might be okay to wear a condom now and then. I’ve lived and worked with lots of Muslims in my career and the vast majority are wonderful, giving people. There are still a few who believe they should cut off my head because I won’t convert. While they are not the majority, they are a substantial subset of the population.

    Violent Christian zealots are much fewer and further between. And the nice thing about them is they tend to kill themselves off before they can reek havoc on society. (We need a good Islamic Jonestown.)

  28. Troublemaker says:

    Just amazes me what such stupid cattle Americans are. The country is rapidly slipping into fascism and people just don’t get.

  29. Improbus says:

    I see that the Federal Bureau of Instigation has been at work again. The kid was an idealistic moron and the FBI set him up. Mean while real terrorists chuckle.

  30. Counterweight says:

    #29 And what would you be, sir? A citizen of the United Islamic Kingdom?
    Or maybe from one of their colonies, i.e. Istralia? Islanada? I tell you, get out of central London and you’d think you were Faluja.


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