![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
Ahson Saeed, of Corvallis reacts over burnt debris from the mosque |
Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been called in to aid the investigation into an arson fire at the Corvallis mosque where Portland bomb plot suspect Mohamed Osman Mohamud sometimes attended.
The fire at the Salman Al-Farisi Islamic Center was discovered by an on-duty police sergeant at about 2:15 a.m. today. It took firefighters 10 minutes to put it out and it damaged about 80 percent of the office it was contained to. No one was injured.
FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said it’s standard for the agency to become involved in attacks on religious groups, but that the possible connection between the fire and the arrest of Mohamud makes their involvement even more important…
The FBI is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the fire…
Arthur Balizan, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon stated: “We have made it quite clear that the FBI will not tolerate any kind of retribution or attack on the Muslim community…We are working very closely with the leadership at the mosque. We will find the person responsible for this attack and bring the full force of the federal justice system to bear…”
If you’ve followed the details of the teenage nutball who wanted to commit terrorist murders at a tree lighting ceremony, you would know that the initiatives that turned this creep up to the FBI and Homeland Security came from the Islamic community in Oregon.
OTOH, the bigot that committed the arson attack upon the Corvallis mosque will likely turn out to be someone who has trouble reading the Sunday comics.
Religion sucks until you need to have life-saving surgery at a hospital started by Catholics or Presbyterians or Seventh-Day Adventists or Jews. The finest respiratory hospital in the world is National Jewish in Denver. So, if your lungs won’t suck in air, you can go to a place formed by people who…suck! Oh-ho-ho!
Religion sucks until you are homeless and are sheltered and fed by Catholic Charities’ soup kitchens or clothed by the Salvation Army.
Religion sucks until you want to go to any number of colleges or universities founded by churches or priests.
Religion sucks until you realize religious people are the ones feeding and clothing displaced people and refugees around the world, building wells, building schools, immunizing children, providing medical care for pregnant women and AIDS victims.
Bad people do bad things in the name of religion sometimes. But far more good is done.
ah sorry, the FBI has lost all credibility, in particular with these 3 Stooges and Lone Wolf type “plots” they supposedly foil. (for which they supply all the “materials” for the bust)
Their best “science faction” was the 1993 WTC bombing.. nowadays, they concoct the most ridiculous stories for public consumption. -sad.
1. The US is at war with Islam.
2. Muslims continue to attack the United States civilian population.
3. The US refuses to equate the two.
I would not have wanted to be an American Japanese on December 8, 1941, nor a German American in 1943.
So? What do you liberals expect is going to happen when worlds collide? This is nothing new, and this is totally understandable.
War is always filled with innocent victims. Don’t blame me. How about blaming the aggressors?
Moronic, vicious insults expected, as usual.
religion sucks, until you figure out its based on the IDEALS OF SHARING, which is antithesis to HOW corporations WANT YOU TO BE..
34 – Faxon: I suppose we should wipe them all out. Just to be sure?
The fire might have been started by a rival sect of Muslims. Sunnis and Shiites hate one another. Especially since some sects think it is anti-Islam to turn in terrorists.
I don’t think this is done by a Christian at all. Besides a rival Muslim sect gets the benefit of making Christians look bad in addition to getting rid of a rival Muslim mosque.
>> Metals721 said, on November 28th, 2010 at 7:12 pm
>> Also I noticed Dallas’s tea bagger comment above. Just by using that term you show your true lock step big government roots.
You Tea Partiers screwed up by stupidly calling yourself “Tea Baggers” before you knew it was sex slang.
The name stuck… and it will continue to stick because “Tea Bagger” is easier to say and spell and it’s funny.
Sorry, but using the term doesn’t mean one is lock-step with the big government.
# 32 arealmother said,”Religion sucks until…”
Dear Mom – I agree that some religious sponsored activities are wonderful for the participants and the recipients. I’ve worked more than one disaster as an employee of a religious charity.
But you know what? Religion still sucks.
Benjamin (#37)
Like I said earlier, I find it suspicious the fire was confined to the office. Seems a very odd thing for a “terrorist” fire bomber to do.
>> Benjamin said, on November 29th, 2010 at 10:10 am
>> The fire might have been started by a rival sect of Muslims. Sunnis and Shiites hate one another.
Holy smokes man, get a grip. The fire _might_ have been started by flaming chipmunks, too.
But you know, darn well, it almost surely set as a anti-Muslim backlash.
On thing is sure – religious fanaticism is the root cause of wars, hatred and bigotry today and modern history.
In the past, it was ALSO the cause of all torture, genocides, imprisonment and freedom of science.
Other than that, it not so bad. I do credit religion in keeping criminals in the prison population to be civilized.
… and, yes, SOME Sunnis and Shiites hate each other.
Likewise some Catholics and Protestants hate each other but we don’t immediately speculate that every Catholic church fire was set by Protestants.
Don’t be dumb.
Countries with atheism as the official state religion broke all body count records in the 20th Century. ‘
At this point, the other religions are playing catch-up.
So religion was the #1 kiiller until “modern” times, and that’s supposed to be better?
Guy takes a phone, calls a number, thinking it would kill hundreds of people, wishing he could kill more Americans, and people say this guy is a hapless loser who should be ignored.
#44 I’m just stating facts and yu draw your own conclusions. I’ve drawn mine.
I accept that religious beliefs are largely the result of the human brain desire for explanation of things. OK by me. However, religious fanaticism is a disease.
If it wasn’t for the FBI this moron would still be a hapless loser. The FBI trolls looking for these kind of morons because it is easier than looking for real terrorists and it lets them look like they are accomplishing something significant. You aren’t a real terrorist if the FBI has to do the planning AND supply the explosives.
There are crazy people on both sides of the fence…
What will restrain these kind of activities? It obviously isn’t religion, or the LAW, or fear of punishment.
I know what I would recommend but that would make me one of them…
I guess this will work its self out,
Without to much damage to innocent bystanders.
#28–Animby, lost without his phone==really?
Very disturbing. Here I am lost in my own religious revelry thinking I am scoring big points on the board and you don’t see them as relevant? Ha, ha. I’m doomed. No salvation for me.
The point of white men wiping out red men is that “they didn’t intend to do it.” Just as today many defend Muslims because the vast majority of them (sic) are peace loving people. IE==IN A CONTEST OF CIVILIZATIONS, INDIVIDUAL MOTIVATION MEANS NOTHING.
Holy CRAP. and crap it is.
And Greg Allan #44==you are a constant disappointment. Calling out “Countries with atheism as the official state religion broke all body count records in the 20th Century.” /// Such an inane trope. WHY was atheism the state religion? Because the state required allegiance to the State as the Highest Authority–no room for gods/religions/cultures other than the state. A demand for total allegiance does not allow for competing theories but does offer damnation for failure to submit.
Like Religion, the other totalitarian authoritarian personality driven belief systems deny man his freedom to be left alone.
Religion and Atheist States: more the same than different. In fact: IDENTICAL except for who/what is worshiped. Not to play word games but atheism: freedom to believe what you want. Conclusion: Atheist States do not have atheism as their religion, they merely have excluded all formal religions.
Silly Hoomans: who else but other hoomans is a threat to your existence?
Ha, ha.
I’m impressed with how quickly the mosque was burned. There was no planning, no consultation with the FBI, no blogging – just some rednecks with a can of gas.
@arealmother – yes but I hope when I get there I’m given drugs designed by heathen biochemists, put in scanners designed by heathen physicists and seen by doctors who studied by cutting up real dead bodies.
If it’s a bunch of clerics praying for me or reading Aristotle I’d rather they didn’t bother.
Brainless people.
Only a self indulgent atheist would say Christians are the same as Muslims, especially since that same self important Commie/NAZI is espousing that belief in a Christian country instead of a Muslim country where he would either be quiet or loose their head.
No One remembers Stalin’s purges/universal starvation, China’s Cultural Revolution body count on top of the body count from it’s Commie Revolution. No remembers Cambodia? No one remembers the butcher bill the Muslims gained as they imposed Islam across Christian Middle East, North Africa, Spain and attempted in France before be fought back and out of Europe. No one remembers the centuries of war perpetrated by the Ottoman Muslim Empire?
The Crusades were just a failed counter attack the occurred over many years, similar to the initial attack perpetrated by the Islamic trash to begin with and once again on the march to spread it’s filth Globally with the help of our Political Elite/Traitors.
The only thing worse than a Muslim is Commie/NAZI greenPC butchers seeking to kill even more humans through Climate Control and Bio-Diversity. Ali Gore may go done in history as the Lenin of Today; either way just like Lenin he’s on his way out, but at least he’ correctly named. Gore the Bio-butcher of humanity.
How brain washed are child like fake intellectual today, looking for their own emulation and to bring back the Dark Age feudalism. Hasn’t anyone noticed that North Korea and many other Commie countries have ceased to be Commie and are really now just repressive Fiefdom’s with hereditary heirs. What do you think the future for yourself holds? Do you really think you’re going to be part of the 5% of population that’s spared, ha ha what fools.
It’s high time that the Christianist Fundamentalists, aka the American Taliban, was held accountable for their dirty deeds.
Fundamental Christianity is as violent as any other religious fundamentalism. These people should be doing time.
You got a little foam on your mouth there, Traxx