Mythbusters’ Adam Savage: “I got past TSA with 12 inch razor blades.”
By hhopper Friday November 26, 2010
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No comment. I’m tired of coming here and not being insulted or called out on comments. I’m the silly old fool that people roll their eyes at and move on. I’ll not stop until John calls me an asshole himself. I want bragging rights damn it.
So hey – how about that Adam Savage?
Is anybody surprised they let him get away with tools with actual throat cutting potential? Haven’t we been saying all along we’re kidding ourselves about security?
It’s well known fact that Adam Savage is a member of Al-Qaeda.
About three months ago I absent mindedly tossed my Leatherman tool into my carry on. Not a peep from the TSA at LAX. Just think with that one device, I could have used the pliars to grab the head steward by the nuts, forced him to take me to the cockpit where I could use the screwdrivers and file to breach the door and then use the knife to help the pilot cut up his steak dinner. Later we could have cracked a bottle of fine Chateau Delta wine with the corkscrew and used the scissors to cut paper dolls. Oh, what a time we could have had…
(For the record, the first two sentences are true.)
What is a 12 inch razer blade?
Right after 9/11, with all that intense security, I got through about four or five flights with a full-size Leatherman in my carry-on. I had no idea it was there and didn’t find it until I got home.
#4, #5 – i;d guess that the TSA idiots have been given instructions to look for nail clippers, box cutters, and a few other things.
But not a multi-tool like a Leatherman.
The TSA guards are literally so stupid that if you brought a container of liquid labeled “Danger – liquid explosive”, but it was less than 3oz (or simply in a bottle that said 2oz) then they would let it pass.
Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Celebrity worshipping idiot spoiling the show. Why do people have to do this every time a celeb gets announced.
Leatherman tools have corkscrews now – cool !
Next time he fies somewhere, he is going to be sorry.
May 13? No time like the present.
No, seriously. This was not the present.
#2 I did the same thing on a flight last week. My leatherman was in my backpack. I got home, unpacked, and realized that I had left it in the side pocket of my backpack.
Perhaps a folded leatherman doesn’t show up as a threat on their scanners?
Thank you soooo much for warning us that this is “NSFW”!
Great job, guys!
#6 Chuck: “#4, #5 – i;d guess that the TSA idiots have been given instructions to look for nail clippers, box cutters, and a few other things.
But not a multi-tool like a Leatherman.”
Pretty much. I seem to recall that one of the first security audits after 9/11, after some new policies had been handed out to the security personnel on what to look for, the testers got a 100% “caught” rate for things like knives, ice-picks, hammers…
…but they had a 20% “caught” rate for SMGs and other small firearms. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same blindness to anything that isn’t mentioned at the top of the protocol is still alive and well today. :-/
At least they found the tampon the lady behind him had. Could have been a stick of dynamite.
#2 & #11–Unfortunately (for me, anyway), it’s all in the eye of the TSA beholder. I mistakenly left my Leatherman in my bag a couple of weeks ago and had it confiscated. The shape did seem to confuse TSA enough to do a hand inspection, though.
It just goes to show you that the ridiculous and intrusive TSA security at the airports is not meant to stop ‘terrorist tools’ like 12″ razor blades, but rather to train the American people how to be good little slaves and lick boots.
Anyone that has any scientific knowledge knows that mostly non-intrusive technologies like metal detectors, wands and chemical sniffers (dogs and/or electronic devices) are all you really need for airline security.
not to sound like a TSA shill.. but weren’t all those things used to screen the 9-11 terrorists before they boarded… and they got though.
But then again what weapons did the 9-11 hijackers use anyway? Box cutters? that’s all?
chuck and all,
Regarding the Leatherman…
In all fairness to airline security (Europe and Middle East, in this case), the Leatherman had slipped alongside the frame of my roll-on.
As I say, it was the month after 9/11 and I went through MANY xrays and several hand searches and they never found it. That knife has a far more lethal blade than a box cutter.
But they did find and confiscate my wife’s nail file!
>> FRAGaLOT said, on November 26th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
>> But then again what weapons did the 9-11 hijackers use anyway? Box cutters? that’s all?
The hijackers where exploiting the airline crew’s assumption that all previous hijackers wanted to be flown somewhere.
That’s why it is so appalling when Bush and Condoleeza Rice claim that there was “no actionable intelligence” in the August 6 PDB.
If the crews of those airplanes had been warned that the hijackers where planning on crashing the plane, they might have been able to overpower guys with box cutters.
I’m still wondering was 12″ razor blades are. For a foam cutter? Huh?
So, the critique here is that if TSA is going to inspect bags they really ought to catch everything from everybody? The goal being to interfere with everyone about everything all the time?
Heh, heh.
Yes, hard to keep your eye on the ball when you’re being hysterical and a knee jerk nay sayer.
Complaining about other people not being perfect. It will never stop, but why does it pass as criticism?
and “honestly”–what makes this video NSFW?
My goodness and dear Aunt Tilly!
#22 Its NSFW because of the inane fucking minute of bullshit I’ll never get back before the video actually starts!
The Cult of the Celebrity makes me wanna puke.
And #1, you’re an asshole. Is that good enough?
Zybitch–while valid, I don’t think that is quite it. I like MythBusters and Adam Savage so that added to my enjoyment watching this video. Along lines of your complaint: I don’t like rodeo’s so I rarely, if ever, watch rodeo shows.
Why do you watch things you aren’t interested in? Thats “weird.” More weird in fact than celebrity fixation.
hee, hee.
I enjoyed it. Those that don’t should not watch it. It still boils down to securing the cabin door and giving the flight crew guns is the best defense as long as they don’t decide to crash the plane.
The next best line is the passengers.
i would never fly without a Leatherman.. how else would i eat the survivors?!?
# 23 Zybitch
You know right at the start of this video is a text link to skip the bullshit at the beginning.
I’m with Zybitch about the weird audience — it was like an adoring Oprah audience, except nerds.
He folded it in half twice and taped it to his penis.
TSA = Security Theater