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Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
For this year’s enhanced pat down training we have a special treat, please welcome the TSA calendar girls!
Proof that The Women Really Don’t ALL Get Prettier Around Closing Time!
“Cougars” in the wild.
Girls gone wild, 50 year reunion
Beavis: Hey Butthead, I’m getting a stiffy!
TSA screeners after hours party…
They are what to expect if you want a ‘private’ search…
And so Wilma’s 35th semi-annual bachelorette party began
The Five Dollar Hooker store.
How the HELL did my wife get into that photo?
Put an iPad is their hands and they will each magically lose 30 years and 20 pounds.
The outgoing democratic congresswomen have a farewell party at Harry Reid’s house.
The “We Enjoy Getting Groped by the TSA Club” having an after-hours meeting in Janet Napolitano’s office.
Jail Bait (1975)
Sarah Palin and her tea “bags”?
Red Hat Society (Lucas Valley Chapter) performs Coyote Ugly
Older women – They don’t yell. They don’t swell. And, they’re grateful as hell.
The annual meeting of the daughters of the strippers of the revolution.
You’re Only As Old As You Think you are.
No Agenda hookers lookin’ for blow.
Overly ripe fruit
Barbara Boxer’s celebration party.
Tampax’s lost customers.
So we thought Grandma just sat around playing cards with the girls?
Grill cheese sandwiches!!
nobody told the suicide bombers that these are the virgins you get after you blow up yourself.
I feel the need to start ironing things!
Sex in the City 2020 reunion party?
“Concerned Women for America” get into the Martinelli’s.
BTW, I actually like the one, left, in the sun glasses.
#62: Two blondes behind the chick in the sunglasses aren’t bad either…