1. Greg says:

    For this year’s enhanced pat down training we have a special treat, please welcome the TSA calendar girls!

  2. Nostalgia says:

    Proof that The Women Really Don’t ALL Get Prettier Around Closing Time!

  3. Scott M. says:

    “Cougars” in the wild.

  4. noname says:

    Girls gone wild, 50 year reunion

  5. Reverse Engineer says:

    Beavis: Hey Butthead, I’m getting a stiffy!

  6. Butter Butt says:

    TSA screeners after hours party…

    They are what to expect if you want a ‘private’ search…

  7. Free Reyes says:

    And so Wilma’s 35th semi-annual bachelorette party began

  8. boblee1 says:

    The Five Dollar Hooker store.

  9. Framitz says:

    How the HELL did my wife get into that photo?

  10. bseer says:

    Put an iPad is their hands and they will each magically lose 30 years and 20 pounds.

  11. noneofyourbusiness says:

    The outgoing democratic congresswomen have a farewell party at Harry Reid’s house.

  12. UncDon says:

    The “We Enjoy Getting Groped by the TSA Club” having an after-hours meeting in Janet Napolitano’s office.

  13. skeptic says:

    Jail Bait (1975)

  14. sg says:

    Sarah Palin and her tea “bags”?

  15. wirelessg says:

    Red Hat Society (Lucas Valley Chapter) performs Coyote Ugly

  16. Fishguy says:

    Older women – They don’t yell. They don’t swell. And, they’re grateful as hell.

  17. mikeasus says:

    The annual meeting of the daughters of the strippers of the revolution.

  18. noname says:

    You’re Only As Old As You Think you are.

  19. Joe says:

    No Agenda hookers lookin’ for blow.

  20. Not interested says:

    Overly ripe fruit

  21. Thomas says:

    Barbara Boxer’s celebration party.

  22. Morbo says:

    Tampax’s lost customers.

  23. jescott418 says:

    So we thought Grandma just sat around playing cards with the girls?

  24. macdoc says:

    Grill cheese sandwiches!!

  25. Brian says:

    nobody told the suicide bombers that these are the virgins you get after you blow up yourself.

  26. User7 says:

    I feel the need to start ironing things!

  27. Rob Leather says:

    Sex in the City 2020 reunion party?

  28. Greg Allen says:

    “Concerned Women for America” get into the Martinelli’s.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    BTW, I actually like the one, left, in the sun glasses.

  30. Floyd says:

    #62: Two blondes behind the chick in the sunglasses aren’t bad either…


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