Read the whole story to find out that this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
Spartanburg County sheriff’s deputies told WXII sister station WYFF that they were called to a Motel 6 on Sunday night after a guest nearly punched through to the next room with a wrench.
A motel worker called deputies after she discovered the man had damaged the television, mirrors, and the wall between rooms, according to a police report.
When deputies arrived, 73-year-old Joseph Jones told them someone had called his room about 11 p.m. and said he was a manager at the motel. Jones said the male caller told him the previous guest had installed highly sophisticated cameras in his room. The caller told Jones not to bother looking for them and instead, the caller would instruct him on how to get rid of the cameras.
Jones said the caller then said that a “midget” who was 4 feet 3 inches tall was barricaded in the room next to him and that he needed to help police get to him. With that, the report said, Jones took his wrench and began to break away the wallboard behind the room door. He broke through to the next room but then stopped due to complaints from other guests about the loud noises.
What would you do if this happened to you?
Small people are always getting trapped.
It’s like TSA crotch grabbing. Americans will obey authority–no matter how ludicrous.
I would have told the caller to go F**K himself!
It must be humiliating to be asked to leave Motel 6 because you fall well below their minimum standards of intelligent behavior for their guests.
When I used to be on the road and budgets were a tad constrained – which meant staying at sleazier motels – this is why I checked laws for the states I traveled and began carrying a revolver with me for overnights that might be next door to a nutball like this.
Something serious enough to stop meatheads without being high-powered enough to kill someone 2 rooms away.
Loved that show.
#6: Huh?
What would I do? Maybe walk down to the front desk to ask the manager in person what was going on.
Does sound similar to calls placed to fast food restaurants where the caller would claim to be from corporate management/security and would have the naive , barely trained worker do unusual things. As the caller got more of an idea of how naive the worker was, things got more degrading and depraved.
One thing I might do is open the damned curtains and see if the cops were out there trying to get the little guy out.
Brian (#2) you’re an ass. Go to any country in the world and you’ll find people blindly doing something they were told.
Moss (#5) You carried a gun to protect yourself while on business travel??? What business were you in, pimping?
I’m not going to do jack to the walls unless a cop shows up and starts hammering on it first.
#7: Well, it’s been almost 20 years since I saw it, but isn’t that photo from “Twin Peaks?” In the final episode, Cooper’s doppelganger is set loose.
Isn’t this just like the recent cases where people are getting calls that the hotel is on fire. The caller claims to be the front desk. They advise the customer to break the window and escape since the using the door is too dangerous.
The hotel/motel then charges the customer for broken window.
WTF? Who has a wrench with them in a motel room?
I would have used a sledgehammer instead of a wrench–would have gotten through the wall to that damn midget faster.
So, was the midget saved? What was the rest of the story? Did the guy get a reward or anything for being a hero?