Click pic to see how you can make your own sunburned turkey

And let’s not forget the REAL history behind this holiday!

  1. Dallas says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. Banned From DU says:

    Go suck an Egg! As long as you (DU) blacklist people from posting I think you know what else you can do too!

    [What did you do to get yourself banned? – ed.]

  3. RSweeney says:

    that is either a very small woman or a very large turkey

  4. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Beware of any turkeys that come from California. Some of them have had breast augmentation surgery to improve their self-image and market value, but they taste terrible! Give me a good ol’ hen from the Midwest with natural breast any time 😉

    Cheers to all!

  5. It’s awful that we dine upon our national bird.

  6. PMitchell says:

    pic 2 is a forced perspective but it is still cool

  7. The DON says:


    Is the USA’s national bird a turkey??

    I thought it was an eagle (not sure which one).

    But then again, I am from Gitmo East, so what would I know.

    But a turkey would seem to be a pretty lame national animal (this last statement from someone whos’ national animal is a butt-ugly bulldog)

  8. bobbo, in nature, we eat each other says:

    Wasn’t it Ben Franklin who nominated the turkey as our national bird or even symbol?

    The wild turkey was and is a very different bird from the domesticated foul. Chickens too.

    And writing that, makes me laugh. Add people to the list.

  9. just me says:

    That pic makes me hungry and horney at the same time.

  10. fulanoche says:

    Whatever happened to Pin-up of the Day?

  11. Special Ed says:

    We can’t forget Sarah Palin pardoning a turkey! Just kidding, she stood by while it was slaughtered.

  12. Special Ed says:

  13. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #2 Banned – is that you, Alfie? Happy T’Day.

  14. Special Ed says:

    #3 said, “that is either a very small woman or a very large turkey.”

    I was thinking conjoined twins.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Here is something I find ironic.

    [Sarah Josepha Hale] was concerned with her belief that the country needed to set aside a day to give thanks ‘unto him from who all blessings flow’. … Finally she struck the right chord with Abraham Lincoln and in 1863, Hale saw her dream realized”.

    In effect, Thanksgiving was supposed to be a RELIGIOUS holiday!

  16. Counterweight says:

    Ah_Yea #15 – I suppose you’re going after that old saw about separation of church and state. Well, Thanksgiving does not celebrate a religion. It’s not a Christian holiday nor a Muslim holiday. It’s simply a day to thank whatever creator you believe in for the blessings we have. It’s been said before on this board but nowhere in the Constitution are you guaranteed freedom FROM religion. The founders of this nation believed in God whether you and I do or not and the nation was created with principals reflecting that belief. Do you refuse to spend money because it say “In God We Trust”? Probably not. If it said, “In The Pope We Trust” then, my friend, you’d have a complaint. Do you object to the Declaration of Independence saying men are “endowed by their Creator…” I suppose soon you’ll be bitching about nativity scenes and Christmas trees on the White House lawn. And when you’re done kvetching, you’ll wish everyone a Happy Winterfest and go home to celebrate Xmas with your family.
    Fine. Go withit. See you next Easter.

    I’m not Christian, either. But just as I don’t complain when the Muslims celebrate Eid or the Buddhists Vesak or the Hindus Diwali, I will let the Christians in America have Christmas.

    As for Thanksgiving, I’ll thank Butterball.

  17. Dallas says:

    I like Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks but it seems the American Indian association to it is misplaced.

    For American Indians, it’s either Thanksgiving or a day of mourning for the American holocaust.

  18. deowll says:

    #3 It could be both but I have loved to see a video of critter before they offed it.

  19. deowll says:

    Um, that just might be photo shop. Rats!

  20. MikeN says:

    The President would rather you just eat salad.

    One staffer was conspicuously overweight. The president, in an incident that Wolffe believes proves how caring the man is, took it upon himself to present the aide with a salad for lunch — “then listened to him protest that he could take care of his own health. ‘I love you, man,’ Obama said. ‘I want you to look after yourself. Eat the salad.’ ”


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