Can you actually listen to the whole thing?
A nice contrast to the following classic essay written about NPR some years ago. Still valid too.
Can you actually listen to the whole thing?
A nice contrast to the following classic essay written about NPR some years ago. Still valid too.
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Some rap is good some is crap. all depends who makes it. But I figure even if NPR did a rock song it would also suck.
Damn, that was shitty. I made it up to the girl “singing” with that aweful autotune. I’m sure Antares, maker of autotune, is regretting making the software after that display. I felt Zuckerpunched after hearing that goof-ball rap.
Sad, Sad, Sad.
You would think with all the money that these guys get they could do a better job than this.
However we have to remember “revenues are down. Donations, sponsorship, advertising it’s all down.”
From someone not living in the US I think this is an insult to the intelligence of most listeners to the so called thinking mans NPR.
If a horse was this sick they would shoot it.
Hahaha, white people rapping. She’s hot though so it’s good!
The girl’s cute, but I could do without the “autotune” stuff and the “Rap” kid.
I do listen to NPR now and then, because the radio alternatives around here are right wingers Rush, Glen Beck and other nutcases, and Pacifica, a group of left wing nutcases–GACK!
got tired of waiting for the buffering at 1:30, got tired of the lameness at :30.
NPR thinks it needs to appeal to a younger audience. Good luck with that. TOTN is still a good show sometimes, Car Talk is always entertaining, and PHC is not an NPR but an APM show. NPR news is only slightly less corporate-influenced than the commercial nets, because they get so much money from certain corp. sponsors they can’t afford to piss off. We the amorphous potential donating public get a second and a half in the funding credits, after the 15 or 30 second/sponsor “acknowledgements”. And no matter how much you donate, they ask for more.
Rule of thumb:
If a news story is listed at Project Censored, you won’t find it mentioned on NPR.
NPR = CIA controlled corporate stooges.
I thought the video was clever, but what I REALLY want to know is WHO the hottie singing autotune! That woan is smokin hot! WHO IS SHE?
“Can you actually listen to…” NO!
This proves that white people do everything better…not.
You people do know this wasn’t done by anyone affiliated with NPR, right? He’s just a kid being a goofball.