Can you actually listen to the whole thing?
A nice contrast to the following classic essay written about NPR some years ago. Still valid too.
Can you actually listen to the whole thing?
A nice contrast to the following classic essay written about NPR some years ago. Still valid too.
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In theory I like what NPR stands for.
In practice I have conservative and libertarian tendencies with an education in hard science while NPR is pro nanny state/the central government runs everything/green jobs which to me means high energy bills/and of course they are anti-business. They like to fake a knowledge of science but they aren’t the kind of people that go looking for the facts their pop science is supposed to be based on.
When all is said and done they aren’t my kind of people.
Administrators without a clue reaching out to a younger audience. I’m a listener and contributor. Do I listen to every show, no. I’m an old fuddy that dials into, A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk.
It actually SOUNDS okay, but the video just makes it cheezy! Watching a tragically nerdy white guy trying to rap like a “Wigger” just isn’t right. Only ‘Werid’ Al can pull that off with class.
I didn’t make it to the part where the woman starts to sing or rap.. she probably make it worse.
OMG autotune.. please STOP with the over use of autotune!
Couldn’t NPR give up some cash to get this autotune girl some friggin’ MAKEUP? Oh right what am I thinking? The “R” in NPR stands for RADIO; they don’t have a budget for makeup and hairstylists.
So you are one of the people that keeps Garrison Keelover on the air?
Hot dish is any poorly prepared meat with canned soup over it in a casserole dish. That aptly fits the show.
Made it to 1:36 where auto-tune girl started …
I made it about 40 seconds in…
Sorry, National Treasure.
I give my money to No Agenda.
They don’t charge you $500 for some shitty tote bag and they have way better content.
I like NPR.
And I did make it through the whole song.
I also like CNN and most of the time read and watch whole content from them that I don’t necessarily agree with. Gotta know what you’re talking about when dis’in something.
I’ve even been known to choke down content from FOX news (gag!) but that’s the price you pay for knowledge. Lies are still data.
I thought NPR was wiped out when Obama’s fund raising efforts were so successful.
Yet another reason the developer of the Autotuner should be shot…
I’d do ‘er……
Duracell? I think that he meant Energizer… FAIL!
Waste of time, save yourself and move on, there is nothing worth seeing here.
The TSA have announced that people who opt-out from the full-body scanner will be required to listen to the entire NPR song.
Though I am a long time contributor to my local NPR affiliate (WAMC in Albany, NY) I believe that over the past few years, NPR has been catering more and more to the right wing, and becoming less impartial. They used to air both sides of an issue equally, but now there is more and more emphasis on the Right. Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others are being featured in stories on NPR, while Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, and Arundhati Roy are hardly, if ever heard. NPR, is more becoming National Petroleum Radio, than National Public Radio.
BTW — I made it to the end of the vid. After I stopped puking, my ears started to bleed. Simply awful.
White boy rapping…
White girl autotuned…
God I hate rap.
I made it to 42 seconds…
after a 5 minute break to regain some semblance of sanity, I managed to develope a slight immunity. I “succeeded” in making it to the end (just).
My main thought through the whole song was
“There has to be an incriminating video like this of Eminem before he made it big”
I want to see this – because I am a masochist
I am so surprised. I made it to :26, where the idiot white guy says, “… spinnin’ out of my throat…..”
Jesus Fucking Christ! This shit is horrible….
Oh, incidentally, I am proud to be a cracker.
She should stuff a sock in it…or something that rhymes with sock.
The very first rap song was “Ya Got Trouble” from The Music Man in 1957.
For years I wondered aloud why no other songs in this format ever showed up, but then they did.
To the point of distraction.
Virtually all of them far poorer in cleverness and literacy than the original.
I’m still surprised that no rapper has done YGT to a more punchy drum track as an homage.
I have it memorized. Perhaps that latter rapper should be me?
Rap is crap.
I haven’t listened to the video, but something about her facial expression make me want to strike her with a cast iron skillet. I’m sure my instincts are correct.
“Their thinking is apparent in both what they report and their approach to it. They believe that government is the fundamental agent of change, that government can and should solve most problems. They believe most of those solutions involve spending large sums of money. They believe that taxes are not only an appropriate way of raising money, but an important social responsibility. They believe that, although individuals cannot always be trusted to make correct choices, bureaucrats usually can.
In short, NPR reporters are the kinds of people who voted for Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton, not as the lesser evils but enthusiastically, in the firm belief that what the world needs is better social engineering.”
I love it, radio for communists!
Something about the DU site makes Youtube videos want to buffer every five seconds. Does anybody else have that problem? Is there a cure?
Also, is there a Firefox extension that displays a popup of who my Vista machine is phoning home to so incessantly?
OK – I made it to 1-minute. Didn’t get to a girl (unless the Zuckerberg clone is a girl (?)
Ug… I made it to one minute. Then I had to skip to find out what autotune is… ug. This is not good.
Young people! (obviously this tripe is directed to them)
You deserve better than this!