Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is joining forces with Apple to launch a new iPad-only newspaper called The Daily. This is a whole new newspaper in the form of a dedicated app, designed to exploit the touch-friendliness and multimedia nature of the iPad, with journalistic content not found anywhere else.
Although details are still mere rumors, it seems users will subscribe each week for 99 cents. Mr Murdoch has said that The Daily is his “No. 1 most exciting project,” and believes the iPad will see massive growth in the coming years.
If Murdoch expects an iPad to be in every home then he totally misunderstands Apple’s market positioning. Apple products are high-priced, aspirational, and exclusive. Apple isn’t Microsoft. Once upon a time Bill Gates might have wanted a PC on every desk, but Apple’s voodoo simply wouldn’t work if iPads were as commonplace as toasters. […] Most of all, The Daily will have to emulate the same “must-have” coolness as the iPad itself.
The Daily won’t work if traditional newspaper content is simply packaged into an iPad app. What’s needed is a modern style of journalism that’s in-tune with the tech-savvy, switched-on iPad userbase.
Will it have busty blond women with three majors but have no other choice but to wear red macrobelts as skirts just like in Fox News?
And surely we can get this genie back into the bottle.
I think the person that wrote this article “totally misunderstands Apple’s marketing position” when it comes to the iPad. It’s priced competitively. The bit about Apple’s products always being high-priced is a tired oversimplification made by people that apparently can’t be bothered to do actual research. By the above author’s logic the iPod was not a huge hit that dominates the portable music player market and only appeals to an “exclusive” segment of the population. Using that fallacy as a basis to predict the failure of Murdoch’s new product is idiotic and, more importantly, bad advice (this is supposed to be a “smart tech advice for small business” column). I don’t know if the Daily is going to be a success, but this article is a failure.
No. It is Internet Age. News is plentiful, easy to access and free. This “app” is a step backwards and I pity the fools who waste their money on it. (Fact that it is Apple and Murdock is irrelevant, it would be the same if it was Anyone&Anybody ).
No. I’m not either old or republican.
The traditional media haven’t quite understood that new consumer technologies can allow them to distribute content in forms that were previously impossible. Rather, they seem to view the devices as an alternative way to distribute the *same* content (as they did with the web).
I neither have nor want an iPad, but if Murdoch really does understand (I doubt it) and develops NEW interactive content appropriate for a tablet, this could be the start of a revolution.
I’d only buy it if Megyn does this more often. Can’t stand to hear her, but she’s easy on the eyes.
Wouldn’t even bother investigating since I don’t buy Apple products and try to avoid Murdoch as much as possible.
Even if it were acceptable hardware and content providers, I would pass. I get a real newspaper delivered to my door for less than that. And I can snooze on the couch with it, roll over on it, take it to the toilet, spill coffee on it, and it still works. I can even pass parts of it on to my S.O. and we can both read at the same time!
Oh, and unlike those phony newspapers like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, mine has a comics page!
$50+ a year – No Way Jose!
Would a modern style of journalism to R Murdoch be having a Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, or Newt Gingrich explanation of the article you just read?
#7: What’s she doing, letting a fart rip?
Can you get Google News on the iPad?
So what do you need apps for?
#12 Unclear Dave – your a perv but that was funny!
Fox News owner, Right Winger Murdock? …meh, I’ll pass. I watch Glee on his network and that’s about it.
I admit when it comes to making a buck, Murdock tells his conservative wingdings to take a hike.
This recently happened when a Glee episode ridiculed Sarah Palin and the wingdings got their panties in a wad.
“The Daily won’t work if traditional newspaper content is simply packaged into an iPad app. What’s needed is a modern style of journalism that’s in-tune with the tech-savvy, switched-on iPad userbase.”
It just says “You’re worth it” over and over again. I suspect it will be a smashing success.
They would have to PAY me $999,999,999,999 per DAY to read it!
I don’t read trash.
When I lived in NYC I knew the one reason why the NY Post had such a large circulation. Bird cage liners, and something to wrap up fish. Nobody with a mind reads this rag, what makes him think anyone is going to read his Internet rag? AND PAY FOR THE FREAKIN’ THING TO BOOT?!?!?!?!
If we don’t read “i-Murdock” how will we know what the enemy is thinking or conjuring up?
The answer to #18 is http://newshounds.us/
I don’t own a satellite dish as I would have to purchase Faux content. Nuts to Emperor Palpatine!
I wouldn’t 99 cents to read a REAL newspaper like the NY Times so, no, I will not be paying anything to read his. Right now I am down to one paper on Saturdays plus RSS feeds on my Android phone.
# 10
To Rupert Murdoch:
During Hurricane Katrina, your news correspondents did a lousy job of reporting. My late father in law, who was a Fox News watcher at the time, got so disgusted with the “spin” in Fox News at the time, stopped watching your news show.
When you actually put up news on TV or newsprint that is actually “fair and balanced,” I might watch Fox News, but only as a free network (ads are OK of course). In the meantime, there’s lots of truly fair and balanced news that I trust more.
I have an iPad and I’ll pass on this, thank you!
Are there any trendy fanboi Tea Partiers?
Made in China suburban khakis meets frappucinos
“Keep the guvmint off my medicare” meets “Just one more thing”
I have three news apps on my Android system PLUS the excellent Google news aggregator. I understand the news has to be paid for somehow but isn’t that what advertising is for?
Murdoch needs to get a clue.
“I think the person that wrote this article “totally misunderstands Apple’s marketing position” when it comes to the iPad. It’s priced competitively.”
The iPad isn’t priced competitively. $600 (low end) for a stripped-down computer is not at all competitive. $0.99/week for a complete daily newspaper online is, but I doubt enough people will go for paid news content.
For the libtards, Murdoch spent a wad on Myspace. So you don’t have to worry about too many NPR listeners being exposed to FAUX NEWS on their iPads. This will bomb, like the rest of the iPad paid content schemes.
#25 Murdoch is buggered. WSJ has twice the paper sales of the NYT. The NYT times has four times the online readership with ad sales and various paid readers (e.g. Kindle version). That means 20 million vs. 50 million eyeballs.
Murdoch is trying to kill weeds in a walled garden.
I think this will be a minor success for The Daily and a huge success for Apple. Next year at this time Apple will be getting a piece of every major newspaper and magazine.
Journalistic integrity starts at the grass roots level.
For example spelling Murdoch with a “K” in the headline is not decent journalism, especially when it is spelt correctly in the article and the cartoon image below the headline.
this aside, i’m very worried that the ministry of truth is further invading our lives, and the people who have ipads will “believe” the news even “harder” if it comes from their “jobs god”.
Also interesting is that Murdoch is getting into schools now too. go on, brainwash the kiddies.
From a gitmo downunder paper today..
“News corp will acquire 90% of US education and technology provider Wireless Generation for about $US360 million in cash, as Rupert Murdoch’s media company expands into academia”
#3 Apple rules the high end high profit margin.
Most Americans consider Apple products to be too expensive.
A decent sized hunk of Americans dislike Apple and Steve Jobs.
If I recall correctly something like 23% of Americans don’t have computers and I strongly suspect that most of them don’t want computers or not very much. Of course 1/5 of Americans now occasionally miss a meal at least in part due to the sour economy.