1. dusanmal says:

    The only method resolving all three major conundrums of air travel safety is indeed Israeli perfected educated personal interview with behavior analysis one. Any other way leads exactly to this cartoon situation.

    1) To be efficient we need to profile but if we profile, terrorists will know how and will send forth types of people who are less likely to be picked.
    2) We need to detect dangerous devices/substances but as soon as we know where and what they hide, they change tactics and if we just react, eventually we will all need to undergo some proctology before each flight.
    3) Whatever we need to do for safety may be against the very basic Constitutional principles we cherish.

    Israeli method solves first two by finding offenders intelligently. Not surprisingly, when you do things intelligently – third item resolves itself.

    As for scaling to US size – Brazil is already doing similar technique on larger base than Israel and we have invaluable resource to implement it: people already heavily trained to deal with threats are plentiful and in need of jobs – our Iraq/Afghanistan veterans.

  2. Glass Half Full says:


  3. Sparky_One says:

    Glass Half Full said;

    Next TSA growth market

  4. jman says:

    can you take Amtrak to Australia?

  5. jbenson2 says:

    Isn’t it wonderful how the libs are totally in favor of these “love pats”?

    And we all know how the libs would have reacted if any of these “enhanced patdowns” (aka groping) were proposed by President Bush.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    Why not just make a law where EVERYONE has to fly nude?

  7. Guyver says:

    Posted it in another thread, but appropriate here as well:

    Did you hear, the TSA has a new contest to pick out a new slogan?

    These have been picked as finalists in the contest to find the new TSA Transportation Safety Administration) Slogan. Feel free to send your entry.

    1. You won’t see London, won’t see France, unless we see your underpants.

    2. Grope discounts available.

    3. If we did our job any better, we’d have to buy you dinner first.

    4. Only we know if Lady Gaga is really a lady.

    5. Don’t worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy.

    6. Throw a few back at the airport bar and you won’t even notice.

    7. Wanna fly? Drop yours.

    8. We’ve handled more balls than Barney Frank

    9. We are now free to move about your pants

    10. We rub you our way, so you can be on your way.

    11. It’s not a grope. It’s a freedom pat.

    12. When there’s any doubt, you must whip it out.

    13. TSA: Touchin’, Squeezin’, Arrestin’

    14. You were a virgin.

    15. We handle more packages than the USPS

    16. The TSA isn’t silly, we just want to inspect your willy

    17. Stroke of the hand, now the law of the land

    18. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem

    19. Let your fingers do the Walking

    20. Cough, please

    21. Reach out and touch someone

    22. Can you feel me now?

    23. When we’re done with you, you’ll need a cigarette.

  8. John says:

    #4 lets not rewrite history and forget who created the TSA and HSA. Both parties are to blame.

    A bit from Ron Paul

    Are Air Travelers Criminal Suspects?
    The growing revolt against invasive TSA practices is encouraging to Americans who are fed up with federal government encroachment in their lives. In the case of air travelers, this encroachment is quite literally physical. But a deep-seated libertarian impulse still exists within the American people, and opposition to the new TSA full body scanner and groping searches is gathering momentum.

    I introduced legislation last week that is based on a very simple principle: federal agents should be subject to the same laws as ordinary citizens. If you would face criminal prosecution or a lawsuit for groping someone, exposing them to unwelcome radiation, causing them emotional distress, or violating indecency laws, then TSA agents should similarly face sanctions for their actions.

    This principle goes beyond TSA agents, however. As commentator Lew Rockwell recently noted, the bill “enshrines the key lesson of the freedom philosophy: the government is not above the moral law. If it is wrong for you and me, it is wrong for people in government suits… That is true of TSA crimes too.” The revolt against TSA also serves as a refreshing reminder that we should not give in to government alarmism or be afraid to question government policies.

    Certainly, those who choose to refuse the humiliating and potentially harmful new full body scanner machines may suffer delays, inconveniences, or worse. But I still believe peaceful resistance is the most effective tool against federal encroachment on our constitutional rights, which leads me to be supportive of any kind of “opt-out” or similar popular movements.

    After all, what price can we place on our dignity, personal privacy, and physical integrity? We have a right not to be treated like criminals and searched by federal agents without some reasonable evidence of criminal activity. Are we now to accept that merely wishing to travel and board an aircraft give rise to reasonable suspicion of criminality?

    Also, let’s not forget that TSA was created in the aftermath of 9/11, when far too many Americans were clamoring for government protection from the specter of terrorism. Indeed it was congressional Republicans, the majority party in 2001, who must bear much of the blame for creating the Department of Homeland Security and TSA in the first place. Congressional Republicans also overwhelmingly supported the Patriot Act, which added to the atmosphere of hostility toward civil liberties in the name of state-provided “security.”

    But as we’ve seen with TSA, federal “security” has more to do with humiliation and control than making us safe. It has more to do with instilling a mindset of subservience, which is why laughable policies such as removing one’s shoes continue to be enforced. What else could explain the shabby, degrading spectacle of a long line of normally upbeat Americans shuffling obediently through airport security in their stocking feet?

    TSA may be merely symbolic of much bigger problems with the federal government, but it is an important symbol and we have a real chance to do something about it. We must seize this opportunity, before TSA offers some cosmetic compromise or the media spotlight fades. If you don’t live in my congressional district, please consider contacting your member of Congress and asking him or her to cosponsor HR 6416, the American Traveler Dignity Act of 2010. With enough help, we can push the bill to a vote early next year. Unless grassroots Americans take action, federal agencies like TSA will continue to bully us and ignore our basic constitutional freedoms.

  9. Hugh G. Rection says:

    TSA= Testicle (or tata) squeezing advocate

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Jbenson2 has it right. Bush may have started the TSA but he didn’t start enhanced patdowns or naked body scanners.

    It’s saddening but not surprising that the Libs have become the party of Pedophile Patdowns, Pornographic Peepers, and massive humiliation.

    That other, better methods were available but ignored to chase power and the almighty dollar.

  11. tcc3 says:

    #4 Jbenson2

    Isn’t it wonderful how misuse of power and overreach of authority is not only ok, but necessary right up until the opposing party is in office?

    Its wrong now and it was wrong then.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    And if this doesn’t wake you up to the level of corruption in this administration, then you are part of the problem.

    “Body Scanner Manufacturer Accompanies Obama on Trip to India”


  13. e? says:

    The traveling public won’t mind long as they get to choose the color of their hospital gown and matching slippers. And I’m sure the government will supply a range of attractive colors.

  14. chuck says:

    #11 – good link.

    I wonder, has President Obama, or Michael Chertoff ever had to go through the full-body scanner?

    Or, has any member of congress ever gone through the scanner?

  15. The Pirate says:

    This is what will happen.

    The TSA will maintain their position, becoming more stringent and invasive.

    Your elected government representatives will say they are looking for better solutions, but they will do nothing. They also get a free pass when traveling by air.

    A terrorist event that the back-scatter machines may have prevented will happen. This will be a contrived event, much like the last x-mas underwear bomber. This will happen soon, within 30 days. This will put the simmering public opinion kettle on the back burner to cool.

    The images back-scanner machines capture, including the child pornography, can and will be stored, occasionally “leaking” onto the Internet.

    TSA agents will abuse their authority, frequently. They will be encouraged to do so. Every once in awhile one of the TSA agents will be “thrown to the wolves” over abuse of power and the rest carry on as usual.

    Amtrak, border crossings, cruise ships, and 100 mile “Border Inclusion Zones” on the highways and byways of Amerika will all have mandatory inspections within 5 years.

    The porn machines are here to stay. Refusing means you will be sexually abused legally and/or fined.
    Follow the money.(See links in post #12)

  16. foobar says:

    Bicycles baby, bicycles. You’ll get there faster.

  17. noname says:

    As # 5 jbenson2 said, # 10 Ah_Yea said and # 14 chuck said,

    It’s really not about being an American and voicing a concern for our democracy and constitutional rights, it about promoting Repress-the-publicans.

  18. usa1 says:

    Don’t laugh at the comic. All it will take is a terrorist attempt with a bomb up a guy’s butt and we will all be screened here as well. 10 years ago, no one would have believed the crap we are living with now.

  19. Special Ed says:

    TSA found a lump on my scrotum today during a pat down, I am grateful.

  20. foobar says:

    Matt Kernan returning to the US stands his ground and refuses the Backscatter and TSA fisting. Remember, he’s already been screened in Europe and cleared customs into the US.

  21. chuck says:

    At the White House on Monday, Mr Gibbs said President Barack Obama’s highest priority was “to ensure that when you or I or others get on to an airplane, that we can feel reasonably sure that we can travel safely”.

    Can you believe his audacity? (Is that the audacity of hope?) Does President Obama really think that when he goes to the airport that somehow his security experience is like the one that the public must go through?

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Pirate, let’s restate…

    “This is what HAS happened,

    A terrorist event that the back-scatter machines COULD have prevented DID happen.

    (The crotch bomber)”

    I am starting to believe the crotch bombers handler was paid by Chertoff,

  23. foobar says:

    chuck said: “I wonder, has President Obama, or Michael Chertoff ever had to go through the full-body scanner?

    Or, has any member of congress ever gone through the scanner?”

    I only pray to dog that Hillary Clinton hasn’t had full body imaging. TSA Grade A Eye Bleach needed.

  24. Faxon says:

    Next news cycle, please!

  25. Somebody says:

    This might interest you.


  26. I don't care to fly anymore says:

    Stool sample please!

  27. RexOfRome says:

    Don’t blame liberals for this, Obama is no liberal. The question has been raised, who is more conservative, Reagan or Obama? This liberal will not be voting for Obama the next time around.

  28. HaHaHa! says:

    Obama has continued many of Bush Jr’s policies and has enhanced some of them. Obama is Bush Jr. Why is there so much hate now for Bush Jr Jr?

    The newly elected republicans will not touch any of Bush Jr’s or Bush Jr Jr’s policies. They need a enemy so that they can sucker the conservative republican voters into voting republican. The tea party scam worked very well.

    Conservative republican means no intelligence. Conservatives do not even know what liberal means because they have told so many lies.

    To avoid the TSA, stop flying.

  29. Mindless Partisan says:

    I blame conservatives for this, its very clear they hate our freedoms.

    We live in a tyranny of the conservative minority…hopefully even more of the public will wake up, and we can really oust Republicans from both houses even more…another historic defeat, before we lose America forever.

    Its time all freedom loving people come to the aid of their country and vote these bastards out.

  30. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Everybody here knows exactly what happens if the DOJ or HSA backs down on security procedures, or even hints they might….they’ll get ridiculed to no end. “Obama is soft on terrorism.” It’ll be in every 2012 political ad.

    I’m laughing at how many situations BushCo set up in this manner…where changing (fixing) or backing down on over-ambitious Bush’s reactionary 9/11 policy will be conflated mercilessly by the right-wing press.

    If you or somebody you know is flying tomorrow, they better get to the airport at least a couple hours early. TSA is not ready for a massive number of pat-downs.


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