1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred: Glenn Beck is eating your brain.

  2. foobar says:

    Of course Alfred is outraged. Non-muslims are being groped.

  3. Dallas says:

    Blame the conservatives who vote in fear for wackos after being brainwashed by their GOP shepherds. Years later, they belly ache at the results you see.

    The liberals and centrists are always there to prevent and fight back…Let take a look….

    * Iraq war : Baby Bush avenges daddy Bush.. Nuff said. Protesters then accused of not “supporting our troops”. Today the conservative sheeple agree – a trillion dollars later.

    * Vietnam/Kent State protest. Sheeple called them hippies and communists. Now the same sheeple listen to woodstock music because it’s cool.

    * TSA : Cheney administration encroaches on civil liberties and creates TSA jobs program for government approved sexual assault. ACLU called “pro-Muslim”. Now the flying sheeple belly ache.

    * The GOP installed Supreme Court allows corporations unlimited money to buy government. Half the sheeple think this is a good idea. The other half have no fucking clue. In 5-8 years the sheeple will be bellyaching of corrupt government.

    * Bush gives away $800B in tax cuts – a spending because it’s unfunded. Half the sheeple like it because “tax cut” is in the sentence. The other half have no fucking clue of the math involved. The sheeple are just now figuring out thanks to Dvorak cartoon characters used to educate.

  4. The Pirate says:

    I blame you and sheeple like you Dallas. Regurgitating the liberal talking points/blaming Bush is tiresome, inaccurate, unimaginative, mindless dribble designed to disguise the real problem. You solve nothing, much like the politicians you claim to support.

    Both parties are up your ass Dallas, both will continue to screw you, and everyone else, in the ass as long as you, and everyone else, remain a one-sided idiot that can’t think for him/herself, take action and VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

    Term limits are where transparent government will come from. One term (change the House term to 4 years). The government should not be a jobs program or life-long career choice. Career politicians must be eliminated.

    More than one term in public service leads to less public service and more corruption.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    How to get TRUE security? Tele-presence!

    No more putting up with being groped by underpaid, low-expectation, semi-literate, GED-carrying troglodytes.

    We need a much faster INTERNET and in return for this, our contribution to national security, it should be as widely and as inexpensively available as electricity.

    No more dicking around with telcos which try to rip a hundred bucks a month out of your pocket.

    Control ComCast and Cox and Time-Warner he same way that we control the power grid. And no censorship either.

    True net neutrality just like the phone system has. (“We serve everybody, from presidents and kings to the scum of the earth.” – Ernestine [AKA Lily Tomlyn])

    If they can do it in Finland, we can do it here: The internet as a basic human right.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, you assume progressives want this touching. I don’t think they do. And with that the rest of your partisan rant floats away like a fart in the wind.

    Neither party wants to be seen as soft on terror, and the current admin sure as hell doesn’t want to be asleep at the wheel like the last guy. Therefore, TSA is stuck with implementing a policy that prevents the pols from being embarrassed.

    You realize that Beck is just one small step away from playing with his poop, right?

  7. RTaylor says:

    Again I have to remind people that there’s a lot of land between the coasts. The average American doesn’t care. They just want on the plane, and considers anyone that gets in their way of that a liberal asshole. There’s no unity in this country. If everyone would agree not to fly for a single day, the airlines would bulldoze the TSA out the airport. It’s all about me and getting to Moms house for in time for dinner, damn anything else.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Shadow government. rofl that gets me every time.

  9. smartalix says:

    (shameless plug)
    In my novel Cyberchild (99 cents on Kindle!) I predict (among other things) that we’ll be sealed into personal cubicles (one- two- or three-seat models) prior to takeoff. Toilet needs are dealt with by using catheters (with placment assistance provided if requested).

  10. Nutjob says:

    #22 – Indeed. It is extremely suspicious. In fact it is even worse than you say.

    Just to remind everybody, this is what HAS happened:
    The crotch bomber was on a terrorist watch list. But his name was not put on the no-fly list, and his USA visa was not revoked.

    He went through Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, which, at that time, had the body-scanning machines installed. However, he was allegedly escorted by his handler(s) from the checkin counter to the departures gate without passing through security.

    So, this guy on a terrorist watch list managed to board the plane without presenting his passport and without going through security like the plebs. Duh?

    This is the basis for further humiliation of the people who actually go through security. Clearly, however, terrorists needn’t worry.

  11. Nutjob says:


    Oh god, that sounds appalling. DON’T GIVE THEM IDEAS 😛 (not that they need help, right?)

  12. Faxon says:

    ohhhhhh !
    I’m just so angry I could spit!
    ohhhhhh !

  13. JimD says:

    Yeah, the Titty Squeezing Agency (TSA), not satisfied with GONAD GROPING as well, will MADATE RECTAL REAMIING AS WELL !!! So the “Friendly Skies” will have been turned into the “F##K YOU Skies” !!!

  14. Nutjob says:

    #46 – Remember, it only takes one half-assed terrorist attempt for “increased” security to be forced on the travelling public.

    Perhaps you have some expensive and unproven machines to sell, that your marketing department can claim could conceivably prevent a terrorist attack. No matter how contrived and unrealistic the scenario, the opportunity for your business is clear! Act now to secure your company’s future!

    Or, if you don’t have a machine to sell, here is your opportunity to troll the entire world! Imagine the perverse yet overwhelming sense of satisfaction you could bask in, knowing you were personally responsible for forcing full body cavity searches upon millions of passengers every day! Of course you could never tell anyone, but at least you would know.

    And remember, the contraband shoved up your patsy’s ass doesn’t even have to be explosive or even dangerous, as long as it makes for a scary sounding story on the evening news.

  15. chuck says:

    Well, it took a few weeks, but good old American ingenuity has developed underwear that can block the full body scanners.


    It’s just a matter of time before a terrorist gets his entire outfit made out of the same material, and demonstrates just how stupid the entire TSA is.

  16. foobar says:

    Limbaugh has a 2 inch pecker. No wonder he’s “shy”.

  17. HaHaHa! says:

    Limbaugh’s radio persona would be the most ignorant thing on this planet if Glenn Beck would keep his mouth shut.

    If one of the former presidents advised Obama to go through airport security that would be worth something. But Limbaugh is a nobody and needs to do what he does best, taking drugs.

    I rather listen to nonsense coming from Bush Jr than to listen to the fairy tale queens (Limbaugh, Beck) speak.

    Stop flying…TSA will eventually go away.

  18. Publius says:

    Hurt and Confused government workers at our airports

    Hurt and Confused citizens at our blogs


  19. foobar says:

    #54 Straight to the gay woodsy angle? Where did that come from?

    Alfred to Rush: “Take me to the woods and I’ll be your cub, and you can be my Mama Grizzly.”

  20. foobar says:

    #59 Wow, you actually took my stupid little joke about Limbaugh as a personal attack on you. You really have been imprinted.

    I hope Palin runs in 2012, it’ll finish turning the US election into a reality show. If the US economy is still in the dumper she might even win, which would be hysterical. The Tea Party owners need their Zaphod Beeblebrox – and Palin fits the bill.

    Palin running is an easy predication. Try something hard, like Christine O’Donnell on Dancing with the Stars. And guys like you will suddenly start listening to Broadway musicals for no apparent reason.


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