• Netflix streaming only service in USA for $7.99.
  • Novell goes private and sells 882 patents to Microsoft.
  • New special newspaper for the iPad coming from News Corp.
  • iPad doing nothing in the Enterprise.
  • Secret spy satellite launched.
  • Facebook promoted as homepage.
  • Thoughts on the Kindle.
  • Donkey Kong Country a winner.
  • HP thinking about moving out of Ireland.

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  1. dusanmal says:

    Of course iPad/iPhone platform is not doing anything in the Enterprise. Companies need proprietary software to be used in-house. Software they don’t want anyone else seeing. Also, they do not like jail-breaking legal devices they buy. How to create and install proprietary software no one else sees on i* without jail-breaking it?

    Counter JCD opinion: they can do things Enterprise wants (I already posted in other comments event I know from 10/2010 where major financial corporation have planned to get iPhones/iPads in large numbers for employees, just to be told by Apple they can’t do what I mention above… Now they are developing in-house apps for Android and waiting for those devices…).

  2. Publius says:

    @Dvorak, It sounds more like HP is thinking about pressuring Ireland into providing more government welfare for HP.

    Corporations hate government welfare like a fox hates chickens.

    Welfare is GREAT and DEMANDED when THEY are the ones in the hen-house.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    Leveraging billions of Euros in no-interest aid out of the EU to develop a mythical high tech economy, then using tax breaks and subsidies to lure American corporations to set up uneconomic operations in your country. Then when the tech bubble bursts and the Americans shut their operations and ship the loot home, ask the EU for more money to lure them back.

    What a wonderful idea!

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Netflix is the model for the future of videos, IMHO.

    They seem to understand price-point and user participation.

    Their financial model seems sustainable and Americans understand the subscription model (as opposed to DRM)

    My only complaint is that the videos don’t stream Linux.

  5. What? says:

    Ireland has collapsed, forget HP. Greece has collapased. Next is Portugal, then Spain, then the entire world banking systems?

  6. foobar says:

    I see a lot of iPad among analysts, lead devs, and mangers in enterprises. Mainly in media, telcos, high tech. Don’t see them in insurance, energy, or finance. It helps if their Exchange servers are set up for Apple Mail.

    There are no “killer” apps yet for the enterprise – on any mobile platform.

  7. RSweeney says:

    There is only one solution.

    Zero business taxes.

    Tax profits as they emerge from the business into private hands. Make illegal or specifically capture ANY other transfers of wealth out of businesses such as company paid cars or personal expenses or whatever.

  8. deowll says:

    #7 I’m not sure the cost of a real business trip is something the agent sent on the trip should have to cover.

    Yes a faux trip can be more of a vacation than a legitimate expense.

  9. Nobody says:

    #3 even better – let Google, MS, HP etc put their HQ in Ireland, so all their profits in UK, Germany etc are taxed in Ireland. Go bust and expect UK, German etc taxpayers to bail you out!

  10. jobs says:

    #1 Any enterprise can create and install in house apps. They do need to use Apples APIs but the apps can be distributed and locked within that enterprise.

  11. foobar says:

    #10 I’ve seen 3 companies who use enterprise profile provisioning for in-house apps. It’s not common but it’s starting up.

  12. Zybch says:

    No serious enterprise (or business for that matter) uses anything from the apple ‘ecosystem’ for anything other than media consumption.
    Its a toy pure and simple, and the ONLY reason some of them use the iPhone stuff is that apple finally realized it had to get exchange onto it and paid MS a lot of cash to make it happen.

  13. What? says:



  14. Vince says:

    I’ve bought and read over 100 Kindle electronic books. I’ve never felt like or actually bought any of the hard copy books.

  15. Faxon says:

    Re Kindle;
    I have one. Don’t like it. Gone back to real books. My Kindle 2 just sits on my dresser these days. I gave it a good workout, read tens of thousands of pages on it, don’t like it. At all.

    I prefer getting a real book in my mailbox through Amazon used dealers.

    Perhaps if it ever had a decent newspaper available on it, (the whole damn paper!), I might be interested. The “magazines” on it are a joke.

    The graphics are really bad, and the pictures from books are just annoying.

    I got the Kindle 2 when it first came out, and it does everything it says it will, it just isn’t enough for me. And I got tired of reading gray on gray, with sloppy type.

  16. Special Ed says:

    #14 – Dude, you need an iPad. Sell the Kindle ASAP so you don’t lose too much money.

  17. Grandpa says:

    Funny, I don’t remember this much flap when H-P pulled out of the United States. Yes, that’s right. That’s how I lost my job and became broke (no production in the US, selling the buildings off now). The good news is now I hardly pay anything into Social Security or anything into balancing the budget.

    #16 Agreed. I’ve owned the Sony Reader and the Kindle. Both are failures as readers. I now have an iPad. It’s a terrific reader (indoors) and great for other stuff too. Get an iPad !

  18. foobar says:

    Didn’t like earlier versions of the Kindle but bought a Kindle 3 and love it. At the price it’s not really a big deal to own both an iPad and Kindle. I know several people who do. One for beach reading, one for bedroom reading.

    I’m expecting HP just to move their entire corporation onto one big frickin ship and keep floating it on the high sighs fighting off tax lawyers dressed up in pirate costumes.


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