Just his shirt, but that probably still means he was crotchily hand-checked.

I wonder how parents are going to deal with discussing with their kids improper touching by strangers. It used to be NO under any circumstances. Now NO, except if it’s a TSA agent. Does that mean pedophiles will now tell kids they are TSA agents so it’s OK? And don’t tell a cop because people at the airport who complain about groping get into real trouble.

  1. Counterweight says:

    Foobar – Sorry noname beat me to it. I would have taken the bet – even for an imported beer. He’s only gonna be flying back and forth to Ohio, not the left coast. And yes, it is politics. In fact, I’d be willing to bet a second beer that the speaker’s jet will have to continue being maintained and ready for his use for “official” business other than his weekends home. So it ‘could’ end up costing more than Queen Pelosi. Nah! Probably not THAT much but still…

    Just occurred to me: the terrorist threat level is orange and so is Boehner.

  2. The_Tick says:

    So what is the solution? Is there a solution? Is there a problem or is it just a bunch of whiners not able to cope with modern realities? Why don’t birds feet freeze in the winter? And when the fuck are we getting a replacement for Cranky Geeks? Things to ponder.

  3. JAK says:

    The Israelis seem to have a better system,they don’t scan and grope everyone that enters a airport termanal. And they are under real threat not like the theater here.

  4. eighthnote says:

    Two words: MESSED UP. This security nonsense seems to keep reaching for ever more incredible levels of absurdity. Did everyone feel safer that a six-year-old had been molested before getting on the plane?

  5. hoolio says:

    This is going way too far. People need to just stop using air travel that way the air industry can lobby for change and line politicians pockets with bribe money. Maybe then things can change.

  6. bobbo, its the environment that shapes your attitudes says:

    Brings two related items to my mind:

    1. Where are all the gun nuts protecting their rights?

    2. Anyone doubt how fast this nation could put on its Jack Boots against the chosen minority?

    Its all right there. Just look.

  7. unixchick says:

    are the tsa changing gloves for each person?? or do we also need to worry about what might be passed from person to person by these love pats.

  8. Winston Smith says:


  9. Faxon says:

    #26 Nice. Your words define who you are.

  10. Faxon says:

    I think the TSA is out of control. I think the airline experience is disgusting. I think that strip searches are ridiculous.

    Idiots: all I said is that this thread is boring.

    And it is.

  11. foobar says:

    #40 & #41 Man, that was disappointing.

  12. So – for whatever reason, should I choose to not fly when asked to strip search, what options do I have…?
    There’s no way they’ll let me walk away from the barrier unchallenged – yet I would have done literally nothing wrong than make my own deision to not fly.
    I have not yet entered the air-side of the barrier, so there’s no question of statutory entitlement from their position.
    Reasonable cause? Why – because I changed my mind to fly?
    Someone have a camera ready – I’d like to see how they explain that away.
    Catch the bad guys – not he good ones!

  13. TooManyPuppies says:

    If it was my child, the TSA agent touching my child would be a dead man.

  14. BadAndy says:

    Now, everyone, you know what it WAS like for a kid to fly, when the kid happened to have had open heart surgery.
    Before all the 9/11 shit went down, every time I went through a metal detector, it would go off. Why? They were all set way too sensitive.
    I had open heart surgery at the age of 2 1/2. Each time I flew, I set off the metal detector and was wanded. I was requested to open my shirt, or my chest would get frisked. Even if I told them beforehand that metal was INSIDE my chest, they would proceed.
    I’m kind of glad that this kid got frisked if only to let everyone know what I have always gone through.
    And I’m glad that so many people are so pissed off at all this S*it.

    Maybe we should all be charging the TSA for the opportunity to stare, grope or otherwise get their rocks off… I mean, have you seen the prices at the strip joints lately?

  15. bobbo, its the environment that shapes your attitudes says:

    Last chance==nothing to do with “right and wrong” or reasonable suspicion or probably cause. It has to do with driving 15 miles to stand in line to take an airplane ride. Its called having a security system to detect/deter the smuggling of explosive/highjacking tools onto air carriers.

    What makes you think you should not be searched once you have surveilled and tested the system at any given airport?

    Just a “variation” of the free market in operation. I have tickets to a play wherein an actor comes on stage and sits in a chair staring at the audience until everyone leaves. It costs $500 per ticket. Want to see it? If not, don’t stand in line to get a ticket.

    Don’t want to be groped and photo’d? Take the train/bus/car/VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE UNTIL A NEW PLAY IS PUT ON.

    But in the meantime, reality is what reality is. And yes, it is all theater.

  16. noname says:

    American’s have given up, indeed forfeited their inheritance of freedom because they don’t stand up for them, they have become belligerent cowards!!!

    They bask in their comforts (until laid off or foreclosed on) as they send other (non-documented illegals even) to do their war fighting, supporting the effort as long as they don’t have to participate!

    American’s have been sitting idly by as the TSA ratchets back our constitutional rights each time a plot is foiled.

  17. foobar says:

    But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

    Hermann Goering

  18. foobar says:

    Special underwear to protect your naughtie bits.

  19. No fly zone. (US) says:

    I predict:

    1. Someone is going to get really hurt by this .

    2. It isn;;t going to be crowded on your next flight.

    3. Investment in passenger trains will skyrocket.

    4. Airports will be turned into shopping malls or prisons for parents.

  20. MikeN says:

    Dallas, the people on this site were part of that sheeple fooled by the ‘Cheney Administration’. I’ve posted the link on a previous thread.

    When the system was being tested in Phoenix, the response on this site was, people who are upset are prudes.

  21. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #31 hhopper – Your link said: “You should leave the United States of America”

    Gotta say: I’m already there. SE Asia is wonderful. (Even though I;m in Jakarta right now which is not so wonderful.)

    Good article, Thanks.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    Ah ha! This could explain the recent increase in cruise ship trips for families, by Disney and Royal Caribbean lines. No body searches for the kids, just to board their ships. Only problem is getting to the port. If not by car or bus (or even train). Than by plane. Back to the problem one was trying to avoid. Perhaps the cruise ship industry is just hurting for business so much that they’re courting families now. Fewer booze cruises, and singles cruises.

    I was watching a local Fox news station, when they mentioned a movement against these body searches. The news anchor then said “remember the underwear bomber” as justification of the practice. Hut I seriously doubt any pat down would actually detect explosive underwear. That guy only got “detected” because the fuse didn’t light, and someone spotted him. But maybe the terrorists’ goal wasn’t to blow up anything. Just cause all this body searching craziness, in the first place.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    Interesting notion about our modern society’s contradictions. It’s not Ok for strangers to fondle children, accept at major airports. It’s not Ok for children to receive candy from strangers, or run around at night, accept during Halloween. Maybe we should invent another stupid holiday, or major business, that justifies Child Pornography or prostitution. We already have “Career Day” in most US high schools, when strangers can talk kids into signing up to get themselves killed or badly wounded in foreign wars. Essentially being recruited into a gang. In this case, the Army. Not satisfied with all the Tv, movie, and print ads they run. They go after kids like mercenary headhunters, promising “careers” few manage to survive to retirement.

    So many exceptions to keeping children safe, just to accommodate major business interests and a military bureaucracy.

  24. anchan6 says:

    There are two legal cases that establish the basis by which TSA is able to conduct these searches that would otherwise violate the 4th amendment. Both cases were heard by the 9th Circuit Court.

    In 1973. the case U.S. vs Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 908: “…airport screenings are considered to be administrative searches because they are conducted as part of a general regulatory scheme, where the essential administrative purpose is to prevent the carrying of weapons or explosives aboard aircraft.”

    and further,

    “[an administrative search is allowed if] no more intrusive or intensive than necessary, in light of current technology, to detect weapons or explosives, confined in good faith to that purpose, and passengers may avoid the search by electing not to fly.”

    In 1986 in U.S. vs Pulido-Baquerizo, 800 F.2d 899, 901: “To judge reasonableness, it is necessary to balance the right to be free of intrusion with society’s interest in safe air travel.”

  25. ¿ says:

    Can’t wait for Sarah Palin to be elected, US looks to the world even more incredibly stupid (if that’s possible) and becomes irrelevant as China becomes the world superpower. If the stunning firepower we buy annually with our taxes can be circumvented by improvised explosive devices, and our economy is shattered by every government since and including Raygun, and tinpot dictators like the ‘president’ of Pakistan can manipulate US policy, then Palin will at least provide a rich vein for humor – which we’re gonna need a sense of, real soon now.

  26. Special Ed says:

    You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist:

  27. noname says:

    # 57 Special Ed,

    “8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist”

    Predator drones can fix that.

  28. Guyver says:

    Did you hear, the TSA has a new contest to pick out a new slogan?

    These have been picked as finalists in the contest to find the new TSA Transportation Safety Administration) Slogan. Feel free to send your entry.

    1. You won’t see London, won’t see France, unless we see your underpants.

    2. Grope discounts available.

    3. If we did our job any better, we’d have to buy you dinner first.

    4. Only we know if Lady Gaga is really a lady.

    5. Don’t worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy.

    6. Throw a few back at the airport bar and you won’t even notice.

    7. Wanna fly? Drop yours.

    8. We’ve handled more balls than Barney Frank

    9. We are now free to move about your pants

    10. We rub you our way, so you can be on your way.

    11. It’s not a grope. It’s a freedom pat.

    12. When there’s any doubt, you must whip it out.

    13. TSA: Touchin’, Squeezin’, Arrestin’

    14. You were a virgin.

    15. We handle more packages than the USPS

    16. The TSA isn’t silly, we just want to inspect your willy

    17. Stroke of the hand, now the law of the land

    18. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem

    19. Let your fingers do the Walking

    20. Cough, please

    21. Reach out and touch someone

    22. Can you feel me now?

    23. When we’re done with you, you’ll need a cigarette.

  29. Dallas says:

    Same nonsense repeats itself repeatedly. I blame the conservatives who head to to the polls in total fear and then belly ache afterward what they cause.

    The liberals are the ones that fight back.

    * Iraq war : Protesters were accused of not supporting troops. Now the it’s popular with the sheeple that Iraq was a bad idea.- a trillion dollars later.

    * Vietnam: Protesters called communists. Kent State… not the sheeple go their to mourn.

    * TSA : Cheney administration creates TSA jobs program for givernment approved sexual assault. If anything, why not just merge with the Military jobs program?

    * Supreme Court allows corporations unlimited money to buy government (thanks to the GOP). Half the sheeple think this is a good idea. The other half have no fucking clue. In 5-8 years the sheeple will be bellyaching of corrupt government.

    * Bush gives away $800B in tax cuts – a spending because it’s unfunded. Half the sheeple like it because “tax cut” is in the sentence. The other half have no fucking clue of the math involved. Of course today, the sheeple are up in arms this was borrowed money.

    I can go on and on and on and on….

  30. Aussie says:

    It’s surreal! I do pity all Americans with this BS going on. I really hope it doesn’t spread over here. However, I’m not confident it won’t, eventually.


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