I live in Florida and this is absolutely incomprehensible to me.

  1. foobar says:

    We don’t have running water in Canada so we’re used to it.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Those wacky, Canadianians!

  3. admfubar says:

    hhmm they both sound irish or perhaps scottish..

  4. foobar says:

    admfubar, that’s a Newfie accent my son.

  5. bobbo, its the environment that shapes your attitudes says:

    I’m mostly California raised and the wifey is from England. I won’t go outside when its raining because “obviously” its RAINING! Wifey looked at me like I was strange. Same way I look at her when she tried to hang things outside by using rubberbands (they melt in the sun). Visiting her family/friends in Merry Ol’ I had culture shock at putting rain gear on to continue on with your daily activities and getting wet to the skin nonetheless. Thats what a nice hot cup of tea is all about.

    Swimming in the ice? That would take some getting used to.

  6. skeptic says:

    I’ve also heard that some people jump out of airplanes.

  7. Fluffy Rabbit says:

    ” . . . this is absolutely incomprehensible to me.”

    Why is it incomprehensible? Lots of people enjoy fishing.

  8. Fred Ziffel says:

    I don’t get it. Don’t you American’s have bathtubs next to your igloos?

  9. tjspiel says:

    Having spent some time in Northern Minnesota I suspect the folks in the video are not too far off shore and there’s a sauna nearby. It’s not an uncommon practice to sit in a sauna for a bit then jump in to a hole cut in the ice.

    Your superheated skin insulates you from the cold, – so I was told. That part is an almost complete lie but you do come away from the experience with a strange sense of euphoria, – probably because you managed to survive it.

  10. LtSiver says:

    hhopper doesn’t get it as when it is 68 degrees outside the heat is turned on and the winter jackets come out. :-p All kidding aside, this is similar to what the polar bear clubs do, so if you can keep your exposure limited, you will survive just fine.

  11. Floyd says:

    I lived in Minneapolis for 9 months a couple years ago. In midwinter, the locals don’t jump in the water like these guys do, but they _do_ drive their cars on the lake ice, along with ice houses used for fishing in midwinter. Gotta make sure the ice is strong enough to hold the cars and ice houses of course, and get them off the ice before spring melt.

  12. Spetz says:

    If you can’t find your way back to the hole, you’re a gonner! Don’t attempt this.

    A Canuck

  13. canamrotax says:

    As a volunteer fire fighter trained in ice rescue, I agree with Spetz’s comment. But, I bet there was a much bigger hole out of camera shot, all done with the end joke in mind. Well done.

  14. Canadian Mainstay says:

    In Northern Ontario all you have to talk about is three things Walleye, Moose and beer Don’t even try to understand the hoser mentality
    At least though there are no termites or mosquitoes up north there in the cold
    To each his own

  15. tjspiel says:

    #13 That’s my thinking too. There’s another hole all of a few feet away where they go down. They just come up in the one we see.

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    Amazing with a fish based diet can do for you. Yay for omega 3 fish oils!

  17. Ice Fishing says:

    Strange people who ice fish
    The old joke or reference to icefishing types used to – 6 drunks around a hole in the ice , in a shack drinking
    whether it is Northern Ontario,Manitoba or Newfoundland its all the same

  18. Nobody says:

    That’s why a wall along the norther border isn’t enough to keep out the Canadians.
    Now the results of their secret plot to breed an aquatic newfie have been revealed – there could be Canadians popping up in waterholes anywhere in America.
    The TSA are going to have to start scanning your bottles of water in case they contain hidden Canadians

  19. Nth of the 49th says:

    Newfoundlanders – the spawn of pirates and stand up comedians.
    Best Newfoundlander moment for me, sitting in a pub in northern Alberta, a guy comes in and he’s looking for work. Sits at my table and says to me

    “Hey By, don’t know nobody wants somebody to do nuttin at all do ya”

  20. deowll says:

    Very high risk but they seemed to hold up okay.

    They most likely swam to the light.

  21. swimmer says:

    funny, b’cause it’s true.


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