I’d like to see who does not support this Bill. They should be targets to be voted out of office.

  1. TThor says:

    I have rarely seen him this passionate or pissed off An excellent message. Hope that the rest of the DemRep cattle awakens and do the right thing.
    Ron Paul for 2012!

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    It sure would be easier to write off Ron Paul if he stopped coming up with good ideas.

  3. zebov says:

    Unfortunately, I don’t think this country is on our side. I’m afraid we’ve officially changed from a culture of freedom to a culture of fear.

  4. Grandpa says:

    Surely he’s not a Republican saying George W. Bush’s BS is nothing but BS!

  5. ECA says:

    Lets see.
    Lets have all of the people UP THERE, deal with the SAME, we are on the bottom.

    Wash DC was placed at that location BECAUSE IT WAS CHEAP LAND, it was a SWAMP.
    It WAS a slum..
    it WAS cheap to live in that area.
    Why did costs go up?? BECAUSE WE STARTED PAYING THESE BASTARDS…insted of an allowance.

    For all the security of INCOMING international flights..Nothing has happened in the USA..EVEN IF’ terrorist got here, and wanted to do something.. There are EASIER, more violent ways to kill MORE people, then using an AIRPLANE. Strap on a NAIL BOMB and enter times square on NEW YEARS..thats where you need security.
    Want Notoriety?? Goto a LINE up for the DAILY SHOW/tonite show/OPERA and BLOW THEM UP..
    Jump into a MALL after school lets out, during the holiday season..

    I have heard about the International flights TO THE USA, and the REQUIREMENTS the USA has TOLD THEM…and this isnt BAD on this side.
    On the SENDING side, it is outrageous.. and they are getting PISSED ALSO..

  6. Cursor_ says:

    Started off reasonable with the fact that we can’t grope or take nude pics of people without consent and the government can.

    Then like always it derails and become another rant about troops overseas and then into a rant about death of highways and on and on.

    Man cannot for the LIFE of him summarise and keep focused. He always runs off the rails.


  7. cgp says:

    Can someone explain to me why there is no audience response in a lot of these addresses to congress. Are the mics very good at excluding surround sound? Are congress members present awake and functional?

  8. gquaglia says:

    #7, there may not be anyone there. Lots of times in the house, lawmakers get up and pontificate to empty chambers.

  9. Cursor_ says:


    It is after 7pm.
    They’ve probably been there all day.
    They are concentrating on their games of solitaire and their porn.
    They are on average 50+ years old.
    They are all uncaring plutocrats part of a very exclusive fraternity.
    They just came back from having a 100+ dollar meal with plenty of booze.
    Further, half of them probably didn’t come back because they picked up a page or a hooker (same thing really).
    And blowhard Ron Paul has just come to the mic.

    Like being at a funeral for someone you never even met.


  10. ikapuza89 says:

    I love short bills.

    A BILL

    To ensure that certain Federal employees cannot hide behind immunity.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    No law of the United States shall be construed to confer any immunity for a Federal employee or agency or any individual or entity that receives Federal funds, who subjects an individual to any physical contact (including contact with any clothing the individual is wearing), x-rays, or millimeter waves, or aids in the creation of or views a representation of any part of a individual’s body covered by clothing as a condition for such individual to be in an airport or to fly in an aircraft. The preceding sentence shall apply even if the individual or the individual’s parent, guardian, or any other individual gives consent.

  11. Metals721 says:

    I remember when Ron was at one of the presidential debates and all the other candidates were making lite of his views about the war.
    Turns out he’s been right about a lot of things I wish he would run again in 2012. But we will probably end up with Hillary or Palin.

  12. ggore says:

    The people doing all the bitching & moaning about these screenings have yet to come up with one single plausible alternative method of screening passengers that will make sure that it is as safe as it can possibly be to fly on a plane as it is with these screenings, without looking like you are doing any sort of racial or religious profiling. Until they do, these screenings will have to be the norm.

    Profiling cannot be used because the ACLU threatened to sue if it was, saying you cannot single out any one ethnic, religious, racial, etc group to screen, it has to be used on everyone, even though 99.9999999% of the past airline attacks were carried out by Arabs and/or Moslems.

    I agree that Granny and her 4 under-6 grandchildren do not need to be X-rayed or groped/patted down, but because of this threat by the ACLU, they have to be, along with the Arab-looking and obviously Moslem people with the sheets & towels on their heads who are the real threat in theory.

  13. BertDawg says:

    We should insist that Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama go through both the bodyscanner AND the pat-downs, but we won’t, because we ARE sheep; we ARE cattle. And it seems there’s something addictive in the diet of fear we’re being fed.

  14. Lou Minatti says:

    The problem with Ronpaul is he does have some good ideas, but he is also BATSHIT CRAZY and has a well-known history of racism. It would be great to have someone without Ronpaul’s baggage carrying the torch for some of his beliefs.

  15. RedYoshi says:

    Hmm, it seems that this speech is nothing more than anger read aloud. I like the bill, but ultimately, it solves nothing. If offers no alternative to the current regiment. It simply says the government can’t do something without offering a competent alternative to doing it. It’s a good first start Ron, but come back with something of more substance if you want me to care.

  16. Gildersleeve says:

    You want to make the airlines safer? Simple. Allow the airlines to use market pricing; raise ticket prices to actually cover the costs of fuel, buying new planes, etc. Soon the ticket prices will be so high, only the terrorists will be able to afford to buy them.

  17. Backslasher says:

    Here here! Thank god.
    Cheers and Ron Paul 2012!!!

  18. Fred Ziffel says:

    Ron, American’s aren’t cattle, they’re sheep.

    He’s about the only politician on the planet who doesn’t deserve to be up against the wall.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    For some strange reason; people who capitalize every other word in their 200+ word posts seem to think their message will be read.

    But in actuality; the eyes of most readers just glaze over and automatically skip to the next post.

  20. webb3201 says:


    “The people doing all the bitching & moaning about these screenings have yet to come up with one single plausible alternative method of screening passengers that will make sure that it is as safe as it can possibly be to fly on a plane as it is with these screening”

    Just model our airport safety after Israel and you have the correct alternatives. They use nitrate tests and PROFILING along with passenger interviews. Much more effective than our current system, which does nothing to make us safer.

  21. Dallas says:

    speech was a lot rambling on common knowledge and little on solution.

    agree with everything he says except the part of being cattle. I’d go with sheeple – frightened sheeple.

  22. Chris H says:

    I think I am in love with this man.

  23. Yankinwaoz says:

    This cartoon about the idiots at TSA is perfect.


  24. spaul40 says:

    If other people feel the same way about the obtrusive activities of TSA, they too will drive to any location within 1500 miles (2 day drive). I, for one, do not like being treated like a criminal and that was before they pulled this rediculous xray / grouping exercise. When the excessive TSA activity causes the airlines to fly near empty planes so it attacks their bottom line, that is what will stop this insanity.
    Think about it – every action TSA has taken (shoes off, checking the underwear, etc.) has been a reaction to a happening. What other insane notions will TSA come up with when the bad guys come up with other bad activities?

  25. Floyd says:

    This overaggressive screening may well put the domestic airlines out of business. Everyone will be driving or taking Greyhound or Amtrak instead.

  26. Steve says:

    Is the next false flag attack before, or after ‘Opt Out Day’ ?

  27. RedYoshi says:

    Thank you for agreeing with me #21, but I think the ACLU’s postion on profiling is that they are against racial profiling. The Israeli model uses behavior profiling. They don’t judge you based on your race, but on how you act. Are you excessively fidgety, sweaty, do you have a one way ticket for an event that usually has a round trip fare? That sort of thing. I doubt the ACLU would object to that.

  28. dusanmal says:

    @#21,28 Part of the solution. True solution would incorporate racial and religious profiling. ACLU can sue as much as they want. While individual privacy is indeed protected under Constitution (and hence naked scanners and intrusive pat-downs can be defeated by lawful challenge) profiling is not. It is PC construction by the likes of ACLU with no Constitutional basis. If previous attackers are 100% Muslims and 100% foreign nationals those two groups need to be particularly investigated for real safety. Not random people as attackers were not random people. Even for them, though no naked body scanners or intrusive pat downs should be allowed without specific individual Court order.

  29. GarlicBelch says:

    Ron Paul is THA MAN!

  30. GarlicBelch says:

    While we are all occupied with TSA molestation, the Senate is voting on Codex Alimentarius. S.510. Go check it out and contact your senators!


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