New Jersey’s newest self-ordained censor

Rev. Cedric A. Miller has had it with what he says Facebook is doing to couples coming to him for help and is giving his married church leaders until Sunday to get off the social-network website or resign their posts.

Miller…said a large percentage of his counseling over the past year and a half has been for marital problems, including infidelity, stemming from Facebook…There was no problem when people just met with friends from high school in a platonic way.

But that has changed, he said, and now people are reigniting old passions and connecting with people who should stay in the past. He said a marriage can be going along fine when someone from the past breaks through and trouble begins.

“It’s to the point now that this Sunday, anyone in our church in a leadership position and who is married and is on Facebook has to resign their church position if they do not give up Facebook,” said Miller…

The average citizen is going to see my action as controlling, not that I care about that,” Miller said. “I’m not concerned with being politically correct. I’m trying to save families and marriages…”

Do you as an individual feel yourself so ignorant and unlearned about decision-making that you need a friendly neighborhood saviour telling you how to behave, how to manage your personal life.

Do you need a church-based “filter” governing what in the world you are allowed to read or see or hear?

  1. t0llyb0ng says:

    its a disturbing trend sb it’s

    its food for thought sb it’s

    one m in gamut

    philosophy at it’s finest sb its

    Self riotous LOL

  2. jman says:

    he’s right, facebook is EVIL and has ruined many a job and relationship.
    the whole thing should be shut down to save society

  3. Gigwave says:

    He’s only talking about church leaders. And only married ones at that. He’d lose too many clients if he tried to impose that on his flock. That said, if I worked for him, I’d simply defriend him and change my facebook name slightly.

  4. foobar says:

    Apparently, Cedric Miller enjoys the occasional threesome. Now that’s what I call friending somebody. I see a new Facebook forming: Butt Pirates for God.


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