Amid concerns over radiation from scanners, civil lawsuits over pat-downs, and general ineptitude on the part of TSA airport personnel, one Florida airport has thrown in the towel. Orlando Sanford International Airport has announced that it will opt out of the TSA’s screening program.
The TSA program was indeed a pilot program and not mandatory. Orlando is seriously a tourist destination that cannot afford the backlash caused by the TSA. Many Europeans who go to DisneyWorld have said they will not go if it involves having their kids groped. And a lot of kids go through Orlando. This is momentous because now it means other airports are watching and will be under pressure to do the same, especially if it saves money. Disney is behind this, I’m sure of it. Let’s see where it leads.
Note this is not the BIG airport, but Sanford where International Charters and Iceland Air go to.
“I’m going to DisneyWorld!” ~ Osama Bin Laden
Before you get too excited, this is NOT Orlando International Airport, the one that most people fly into when visiting Orlando. This is a much smaller secondary airport.
Guess where the next printer toner ‘bomb’ will be sent now.
But seriously, the whole TSA thing is getting crazy now and must be covering something up.
did they scream “OPT OUT”
Next terror threat out of Orlando, care of the NWO. Just saying….
This is Orlando/Sanford it’s a dead airport no tourist fly in or out of it. It’s tons of puddle jumpers and secondary airlines. Now when OIA opts out that will be big news.
I’ve never even heard of the majority of those airlines.
And what guidelines/scanners/other equipment will those private screeners use, just asking …
This might be the small airport, but people should start asking their airlines to fly there instead of the big airport.
Hopefully this is the small push on that first domino that will send the rest tumbling down.
Like #6 said Sanford is a nothing airport it is also very far from Disney. That being said good on um. Its nice to hear good things coming out of Florida.
Silly sheep blindly leading the deaf and dumb herder. From Tuesdays post on the issue:
“But the law did allow a test program in which five airports were allowed to use private contractors. A number of studies done since then have shown that contractors perform a bit better than federal screeners, and they’re also more flexible and open to innovation. (The federal government pays the cost of screening whether performed by the TSA or by contractors, and contractors work under federal supervision.)”
“A bit better” is no where defined or explained–ie, its BS.
And that won’t happen, so enjoy the grass.
that may be so rider. but if you poke around a bit on the site and do some poking around, you’d find that the people who run Orlando-Sanford, TBI-Airports, has a subsidiary called Abertis Airports (which does management of airports).
abertis airports participates, through tbi, in the management of five airports in North America (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Bob Hope Airport, Middle Georgia Regional, Macon Downtown and Raleigh-Durham International Airport).
Through this system, abertis airports offers its services to those airports controlled by local authorities which seek the efficiencies, capabilities and other benefits associated with Management by abertis airports.
* Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Georgia, U.S.A.): In 2008, with over 90 million passengers and nearly 1,000,000 air traffic operations, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta remains the busiest airport in the world. More than 11 million passengers used the 28-gate international terminal managed by abertis airports. In addition, many airport common-use facilities, flight information display systems and aircraft aprons are managed or controlled by abertis airports. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport occupies 1,500 hectares with five parallel runways (the longest being 3,600 metres long) and six passenger terminals and satellites.
* Bob Hope Airport (California, USA): Located in the south of the State of California, between the towns of Pasadena, Burbank and Glendale, it is the often-preferred airport in the Los Angeles area due to its convenient location and efficiencies. 5.3 million passengers pass through its installations annually.
* Middle Georgia Regional Airport (Georgia, USA): Located in the centre of the State of Georgia, around 150 kilometres from Atlanta, this is a commercial airport with a great potential for growth. It has two runways and provides services to more than 30,000 passengers annually.
* Macon Downtown Airport(Georgia, USA): This is a general aviation airport that has two runways and provides facilities and services to general aviation aircrafts including corporate jets.
* Raleigh-Durham International Airport (North Carolina, USA): with 10 million passengers in 2008, it is currently developing new terminals (Terminal 2) that will treble the passenger capacity.
This whole thing is just pathetic – instead of profiling the muslims or any people with suspicious behavior and leaving the other normal people alone, these PC hypocrites are harassing everyone.
This would be a coup..John Wayne is generally known as Orange County, the main airport to Disneyland. Watch that airport go private next — once TBI sees the fallout from Orlando-Sanford.
It’s all Mickey Mouse, if you ask me.
Jopa said, “This whole thing is just pathetic – instead of profiling the muslims or any people with suspicious behavior and leaving the other normal people alone, these PC hypocrites are harassing everyone.”
So you are ok with a police state as long as they stick to harassing the brown people?
@Jopa – but they’re hard to spot, the person next to you could be a communist SORRY muslim without you knowing it.
My bank is the same, it expects everyone to enter their pin instead of just the Jews. Everybody knows they are the only crooks.
Racial profiling of muslims is absolutely wrong!!! You wouldn’t want some dumb bigot American (probably from a “red” state) with a badge and uniform to accidentally confuse Hussein-the-bomb-chucker with Hussein-the-President, now, would you?
YESSSSS! I say this as a UK citizen who holidays in Florida and ALWAYS try and fly to Sanford. The airpost staff have ALWAYS been more friendly than MCO (aka Orlando Internatonal). Last time we flew home the TSA guys where joking around with everybody… it made a very, very pleasant change.
Go Sanford!!
Let’s hope that those airports opting out don’t experience any false flag incidents. That would show the slaves how wrong they are!
@JMilesMiller #18,
Since when did the religion of Islam become a race or only brown people? What about the largest muslim country in the world, Indonesia?
@ #8 one article I saw said that the private contactors will still have to adhere to TSA policy in regards to a pat down but it didn’t say they had to do the “enhanced” pat down.
Again folks, private screening companies still are supervised by the TSA and must follow TSA screening procedures using TSA screening equipment. Therefore pat downs and full body scanners will still be used.
And an aside to this article, Orlando is far from the first to opt out. San Francisco, Kansas City, Sioux Falls, and several others have been private for several years
>these PC hypocrites are harassing everyone.
No, they are harassing everyone EXCEPT the Muslims.
They are exempt from the enhanced pat-downs.
You may think I’m Goofey©™® here but I was looking forward to getting my prostate massaged by Cinderella©™®’s loving hands. (What, you think I want to play “hand puppet” with Minnies©™® big gloved rat paws?)
Or is that too Mickey Mouse©™® for you?
BTW. Three of my external hard drives here are called Huey, Dewey and Louis.
And the things I could tell you about that lovable Fascist “Unca Walt” would curl your short hairs.
# 20 stoopidflanders said, “…some dumb bigot American (probably from a “red” state)”
Wow! Speaking of bigots!
# 23 ethanol said, “…only brown people? What about the largest muslim country in the world, Indonesia?”
I’m in Indonesia right now. Looking around me, most of these people are pretty much brown. And short. (I’m not saying to profile brown people, just wondering what your statement meant?)
#9 “Can you imagine the uproar if the government did this screening to ILLEGAL ALIENS crossing the border”
And there should be an uproar. It would constitute racial profiling to screen undocumented immigrants that are just arriving to do jobs Americans will not do.
I don’t fly. I don’t give a shit.