This Episode’s Executive Producer: Brendon Matheson
This Episode’s Executive Producer: Snorre Steen
Associate Executive Producers: Michael Tanga, Sir Larry Lee, Guy Boazy, Sir Shane Brady, Arthur Kessler, Roger Harrington
Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. nicktherat says:

    bah! jesse gets the art again! foiled!!!

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Good show guys. Adam needs to remind people how to propagate the formula a little more.

  3. #1 It was close. Jesse is getting it for complexity of thought, good gags and a newer “look.”

  4. Alishere says:

    Just starting listening to the show, it is great (I will have to donate).
    When I listen to your show, and read the news reports, I am reminded of this quote:

    “Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither and lose both.”–B. Franklin

  5. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Last two shows have been top-notch.

  6. Publius says:

    The show’s ending cut off the best part of the Irish President’s rejection of the IMF loan to the uppity Euro news lady.

  7. Neal says:

    Dick Roche (in Adam’s BBC Newsnight clip) is NOT the Irish Prime Minister.

  8. Neal says:

    Nor is he the Irish President, who is currently a woman (re. comment #5).

  9. deowll says:

    fructose/corn sugar = Karo

    Thanks for the telling me that aspartame is a good ant killer.

    I’m not sure that I would want to haul a young kid through TSA.

    I don’t think the scanners are safe and if the aren’t the rate of skin cancer among frequent travelers is going sky high.

    The gov. will just tell Adam to hand it over and he will.

    Somehow I don’t think people love Obama as much as they did and his friends are doing the more serious knife jobs.

    Bill C. did do some things that would have justified a divorce in most states and he tried to do many of the same things Obama has done but he bent after it didn’t work.

    The main question now is how much more Obama, Nancy P., and Harry Reid will shrink the party of the big tent.

    Of course the Repubs now have the chance to shrink their voter base now and nothing suggests they are smart.

    About the teen sex add, Kids role their eyes and don’t watch this crap.

    We are cattle.


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