This dipshit says the TSA is the last line of protection. NO! The last line is the flying public itself.

The 2001 law creating the TSA gave airports the right to opt out of the TSA program in favor of private screeners after a two-year period. Now, with the TSA engulfed in controversy and hated by millions of weary and sometimes humiliated travelers, Rep. John Mica, the Republican who will soon be chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, is reminding airports that they have a choice.

Mica, one of the authors of the original TSA bill, has recently written to the heads of more than 150 airports nationwide suggesting they opt out of TSA screening. “When the TSA was established, it was never envisioned that it would become a huge, unwieldy bureaucracy which was soon to grow to 67,000 employees,” Mica writes. “As TSA has grown larger, more impersonal, and administratively top-heavy, I believe it is important that airports across the country consider utilizing the opt-out provision provided by law.”

I have always heard that security is actually controlled by the local authorities. Contact your airport administrator and local city councils and have them boot out the TSA. It’s costing too much money and ruining air travel. They are not a requirement and are corrupt for buying these Chertoff machines..

  1. dewtheone says:

    We’ll see how long *that* provision lasts.

  2. Fred Ziffel says:

    Nice dodge in that video. CSN? LOL!

    Anyway, Archie Bunker had the right idea. Instead of disarming passengers, you hand them a pistol when they board, and collect them when they leave. Might want to get rid of onboard liquor service first.

  3. bobbo, always eager to be shown the better way says:

    The linked article is FUD. The private party option is paid for and supervised by TSA and only offers “maybe” the ability to be more flexible?

    WHAT are the actual differences observable TODAY between the 5 model projects and the rest of the TSA directly operated airports?

    Silly Ninnies: Bitching about the “invasion” of their desire for personal privacy but not willing to do anything that makes a difference: STOP FLYING.

    The public did not VOTE FOR MORE SECURITY AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR LIBERTY. We are a republic and our masters approved this. Just another item on the LONG LIST of how Congress acts in a way that is contrary to what MOST PEOPLE WANT and the people have very little redress. Drugs, prostitution, taxes, abortion, outsourcing jobs, corporate merging of media outlets, NAFTA, THE LIST GOES ON AND ON regarding the public HAVING TO put up with our government bought and paid for by special interests: the chief of which is the SUPER RICH.

    Realistically, all that can happen is our country has to basically “go broke” with this silliness then elect a leader on a tidal wave election FOR REAL CHANGE. Then we can get some real change for a real difference for about 5-10 years before everyone gets corrupted by money and power once again.

    With the idiot Republicans vowing to start investigations one a week against the corrupt Obama administration ((and not for being a repulsive version of Bush-Light either)) there is no change on the horizon. Even if Barry grew a pair, its too late for him. Cuckolded instead of a leader. Too bad. Had some skills that were wasted.

  4. Chris H says:

    “When the TSA was established, it was never envisioned that it would become a huge, unwieldy bureaucracy which was soon to grow to 67,000 employees,”

    Are you f’ing kidding me? What government agency isn’t a huge and unwieldly bureaucracy??? That is the definition of government!

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Before you fly ask yourself “Do I really want to see aunt Millie and her idiot second husband that badly that I will subject myself, my wife and my cute 18 year old daughter to radiation exposure and public exposure when the TSA troglodytes finally figure out how to get “those pictures” posted to nudie sites in the internet?”

    And then the terrorists have already won.

    The rich are taking back the air.

    What do they care?

    They divested themselves of all of their airline stock years ago, when PanAm went under.

    They don’t fly that way, waiting in long lines full of sweaty, uncouth people, namely “le commun des mortels”.

  6. Sparky_One says:

    The first word from her mouth was “look”. No one has spoken to me since boot camp like that. Her cavity search will take place between her ears.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I seriously doubt that the local option will improve how the screeners intrude on the passenger. I am sure that any local screeners would have to conduct the screening to a level determined by (wait for it) the TSA.

  8. Dallas says:

    Again, the TSA is there to make the flying sheeple feel safe from a enraged Muslim with a nail clipper.

    The best solution right now is to implement the Israeli system and TELL the people that we are implementing the most effective, scalable, un-intrusive security system in the world developed by the Israeli government.

    The sheeple already know that Israeli’s don’t fuck around with security.

  9. SimonSezz says:

    Try taking Amtrak. They check nothing, no body scan, no metal detector, NOTHING. The only thing you need is a state ID or driver’s license. They do have ICE agents walking down the aisles checking for illegal immigrants though.

  10. ECA says:

    lets ask a few questions here..

    1. Protect from WHOM?
    2. all Problems in the last 10 years have been from INCOMING INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS. Why NATIONAL flights are being scanned? WHO are they looking for?
    3. Why are they doing it INSIDE the USA, when most of the problems are coming INTO the USA from internationals locations? SCAN those coming TO the USA..which they do.
    4. Lets see. Scanning flights OUT of the USA going international? WHY? IF we let the idiots INTO the USA, how did they get materials to BLOW up planes INSIDE the USA?
    5. Any incoming FLIGHTS, should be scanned? THEY ALREADY ARE. Why not SCAN persons AFTER they arrive? BECAUSE they were already SCANNED?

    Its weird logic, and it REALLY dont work.
    The problem is INTERNATIONAL flights INTO THE USA…we cant scan them. WE ASK the other nations to SCAN THEM.
    Scanning packages on ARRIVAL is a good thing.
    So, WHY are we scanning NATIONAL citizens.. BECAUSE we cant point out a certain GROUP and JUST scan them. WE even had a NATIONALIZED person, try to shoot things out on a military base..but He wasnt SCANNED(how he got a gun is stupid).
    TO MUCH protection for NOTHING..
    we have had MORE planes crash because of FAILURES in the last 10 years, then we have had BOMBS..

  11. Orion314 says:

    Why anyone is surprised that giving a position of power and responsibilty with NO accountability to a skunk-haired jack-jawed beast like janet napolitano is a bad idea remains a mystery. The only thing that half-women-brain donor is suited for is to run against nancy pelosi for village idiot.

  12. greyangel says:

    Given the available options, I would rather just strip down to my birthday suit and rum my clothes through a scanner. I DON’T want my body dosed with radiation and I DON’T want some jerk groping me or my family. Neither one of those options should ever have even been considered acceptable by anyone, ever. What are these people thinking?

  13. hatemeifyouwantidon'tcare says:


    Dipshit is far too kind for this idiot.

    Maybe ‘asswipe’ is a better fit.

  14. dcphill says:

    That dirty rotton, turkey trott’n,bowlegged,knock knee’d,pidgeon toe’d ,sawed off sewer pipe of a manager needs to be replaced. I am sick and tired of being made subservient to their sense of security.

  15. smartalix says:

    The problem began when the TSA was intended to be a real service like Customs or Immigration but was defanged by congressional special interests and turned into a quasi-bureacratic circus.

  16. Faxon says:

    That bitch hiker from Iran should be restricted from boarding any airliner in the United States. That would be a good start.

  17. Dallas says:

    #9 Pedrito, I know you love the TSA because safe sex is better than no sex. However, you need to realize this not just about you.

  18. The Pirate says:

    An airline ticket is a contract. Contracts cannot remove inmate rights or violate the law. In other words, killing someone under or because of a contract doesn’t make it legal.

    Step forward now, ticket “agreements” subjecting the holder to sexual molestation and/or a porn scan are illeagle and have no bearing upon your right to refuse such treatment from anyone, let alone your own government.

    Janet Napolitano has zero clue on security, the law, and the bill of rights.

  19. cruisecontrolforcool says:


  20. Orion314 says:

    BTW, isn’t it about time for some money hungry balls-to-the-walls lawyers to file a class action lawsuit against the TSA for violation of “civil rights” to step up to the plate? All it takes is for them to find the right sympathetic Federal Judge to put the breaks on this shit….

  21. chuck says:

    With all the complaints coming more frequently, this is starting to seem like a setup.

    How’s this for a crack-pot theory:
    After all the complaints, a few airports start to kick out the TSA. Then, within a month, an Al-qaeda nutjob boards a plane in Tusla and crashes it or blows it up.

    Then Napolitano comes out screaming, “Aha! I told you so! We need the TSA!!!”

    Then we’re stuck with TSA forever, followed by TSA check-points at every intersection.

  22. steve says:

    as an arizona resident she was a poor governor and now just a politicl hack for the left agenda and newspeak from her drudge said the jihad is winning this side of the war,because we have politicians running it.Jan brewer for next tsa head,second thought disband the whole agency.

  23. 320Busdriver says:

    So if the TSO’s are the last line of defense, then where do the aircrew and pilots fit in?

    The TSA and that Napalitano dude have lost their way and their touch with their fellow citizens.

  24. Someone says:

    The TSA is one of the reasons I totally despise Bush. All this crap while he refused to control the borders. I don’t think it is all just “Security Theater”. I think it is intended to get the public used to the general Nazification of the USA.

  25. MikeN says:

    Muslims are exempt from the enhanced patdowns, according to a CAIR announcement of an agreement they reached with TSA.

    Polipundit gave the solution out of this mess. Arizona should pass a law saying that illegal immigrants must follow the process.

  26. Number 28 one time says:

    So how can we get aiports to op out?

    it will never happen

  27. The0ne says:

    Come on people, the TSA is the last line of defense. When we have failed and allow terrorist to get as far as our airports again it would be the perfect time for TSA to prove themselves worthy of their just cause.

    I for one will be cheering for them with full force, no doubt about this. I just pray that I am there at the airport to do so. I can already imagine myself, with glee, just being there with the righteous TSA people.

    I can also picture the look on the terrorist faces even as I type this, their shock their awe and most importantly their eagerness. I can imagine them laughing with me as they shoot constantly at the TSA people that I use as shields, one right after another. In some cases, I’ll consider even joining them. But one thing for sure, I’ll be just as happy as those terrorists shooting TSA people.

    That’s my DREAM and you damn well appreciate it cause you can’t stop free speech! TSA is watching you!

  28. citizen #38,984,567 says:

    This mess is a result of our government’s need to be politically correct and avoiding racial profiling. What happened to our great nation?

  29. The0ne says:

    They can opt out but who’s going to use their services? Kinda like passengers having the choice to opt out of the search but then be label by the TSA, charge some thousand dollar fine for EACH problem found, and maybe get release and ban from the airport.

    Sure you can do it just be ready to pay for it via our generous government (they do have our best interest in mind you know…like slaves being well fed so they can continue to work.) Go America, live off the fear!

  30. RobbieDriver says:

    I’ve emailed every member of the San Diego Airport Authority with the info on Mica and urged them to boot out the TSA.

    TSA is the last line of defense? HA!!! As a firearms instructor who teaches people every week about handguns and using them effectively in self-defense, I say just let people exercise their SECOND amendment rights and carry their weapons on airliners. The only thing you’d have to worry about is making sure they use only frangible ammunition, like the sky marshals are required to.

    I’ve traveled cross-country with my weapons before (unfortunately they had to be in checked luggage). TSA doesn’t make me feel any safer, especially when I see some of the asinine things they do and the policies they enforce. The only thing that truly makes you safe is having the tools and ability to defend yourself and loved ones.


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