Gladys Ingles was a member of a barnstorming troupe in the 1920s. She was a “wing walker.” In this film, she shows her fearlessness in a classic barnstorming fashion to save an airplane that has lost one of its main wheels. Ingles is shown with a replacement wheel being strapped to her back and then off she goes as “Up She Goes,” a duet from the era, provides the soundtrack. In the video, Ingles transfers herself from the rescue plane to the one missing its main gear tire. She then expertly works herself down to the undercarriage, only a few feet from a spinning prop, and replaces the missing gear tire.

  1. Fred Ziffel says:

    Clearly staged.

  2. ECA says:

    lets see..
    Flying at 20mph was fast..
    NO radio’s to tell each other what to do..

    Even as a setup, IT WAS DONE..
    try to do that today.

  3. jpfitz says:

    To #1
    Clearly staged for our entertainment.

  4. tdkyo says:

    What kind of music is it in the background?

  5. O'Really says:

    Trains good, planes bad…wheel-less planes badder!

  6. John E. Quantum says:

    The time before OSHA?

  7. admfubar says:

    in my best william shanter voice… “i think there is something on the wing!!!”

  8. Buzz Mega says:

    Don’t they do this all the time on passenger jets? Much easier now with a wheel well to work in…

  9. BrianS says:

    How did she get the wheel thru the TSA screening?

  10. Brian says:

    I swear i spotted John C. Dvorak flying one of the planes.
    That guy has done everything!

  11. Greg Allen says:

    Yeah, of course, a stunt, not a real crisis.

    But those wing walkers where for real. There where TONS of deaths in those daredevil days of aviation.

    Did you see a parachute on her? I didn’t notice one. Furthermore, if the stunt failed, the pilot would have to land with one wheel!

  12. Buckwheat says:

    But the real question is:
    How did he take off with only one wheel?

  13. lynn says:

    I believe the song title is “Come, Josephine, in my Flying Machine…” (…going up, she goes, up she goes). Popular song in the ‘teens of the last century.

  14. Greg Allan says:

    >> Buckwheat said, on November 17th, 2010 at 10:26 am
    >>But the real question is:
    >> How did he take off with only one wheel?

    I was wondering the same thing.

    Maybe the wheel was just loose on the axle during take-off. If I’m not mistaken, those bi-planes don’t need much runway.

  15. NV0U says:

    Lynn, you are right – being sung by Billy Murray and Ada Jones with the American Quartet. Recorded in 1911.


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