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I know you’re married to Jesus, but I still gots my job to do.
“Are you a virgin?” tsa agent ask the nun
Congratulations, Mr. Bin Laden. We are pleased to announce that you have won the war on terror. Please come by the courtesy desk to pick up your prize.
Fuck yeah!
I truely feel badly for that sister. Not all sisters are saints, having attended catholic school, but shouldn’t the TSA have some decency? And photographing this terrible experience, for shame!
Why did “The Crying Game” pop into my mind?
Speaking as a former inmate of catholic school all I can say is – take off and nuke the bitch from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure!
Welcome to Barack Obama’s America.
Why is it the TSA agent can keep her face covered? Serious question.
The question is, as written by A320driver: why are the people who service the planes, the police, and the bag handlers, NOT searched?
Are the TSA searched once a day too?
Nobody gets a pass!!! NOBODY.
N O B O D Y ! ! !
That picture was taken in 2007:
# 10 Atacand,
What are you doing, exposing the FACTS?#%ck
Sheeple don’t need no fancy FACTS!!!!
Cease and desist!!!
McCullough has the right to inflame, not to inform!!!!
“Don’t worry, Sister. It’s just this strange habit I do.”
“That picture was taken in 2007:”
It’s even worse now under Barack Obama’s TSA.
Still no answer: Why can TSA agents keep their faces veiled?
I always knew those nuns were up to something!
“OK, but if you touch my junk, I have you sent to hell!”
how do courts actually position themselves with “implied consent” in the face of the 4th Amendment? Generally it’s in place to keep dangerously impaired drivers off the roads (drunk drivers). Courts have weighed the interests of society against the interests of individuals, and have determined that drunk or drug-impaired drivers are enough of a danger to society that a slight infringement on the liberty of individuals is justifiable.
Now I ask this question: Should these two interests be weighed EXACTLY the same in regards to flying safety? The U.S. Supreme Court has never squarely addressed the limits of the Fourth Amendment in the context of airport searches.
Is a breach of the sanctity of your own body justifiable for the “perceived” safety of society en masse? Were we even asked? Yet we have no say against the TSA on account of the ill-conceived “Patriot Act.”
The Democrats had two years to themselves to repeal the Patriot Act. Did they? Why not?
Oh yeah, this is Obama’s fault, good god, give me a break! It has nothing to do with “people” who hide explosives around their genitals in an effort to keep TSA from finding it and blow up the plane, oh noooooo, not a thing. Hiding explosives there was Obama’s idea I guess. If those Moslem ANIMALS could figure out a way to get a suppository up their ass with enough explosive to bring down a plane and then detonate it, they would.
It is racial and religious profiling, or the lack thereof, that is responsible for all this. You can’t look like you are stereotyping any one ethnicity or religion, oh no, that would be awful, when everyone on the planet knows that’s what you need to do to stop those animals. To my knowledge, no Baptist or other Christian, or Jew or Hindu or Buddhist has ever brought down a plane in an act of religious fervor designed to get themselves 47 virgins to play with. Until we finally accept the fact that we’re only dealing with one “religion” that does this, we are going to have to put up with this crap or just stay home.
Can anybody determine if the TSA individual is wearing Muslim headgear or just some other “mask”.
If the former, note that if an unrelated male examines a female in that manner in a Muslim country, both of them are likely to be stoned to death, and riots would be an almost necessity. But here we have a Muslim doing a Nun? Sheesh….
Can you say “double standard”?
The animals have already won…. And Zero supports them….
Off with their heads….
Message to the US: You must be sooo proud right now!!!
You know the answer. You’re just yanking our chains, right?
#17 They had four.
“Can anybody determine if the TSA individual is wearing Muslim headgear or just some other “mask”…. Can you say “double standard”?”
Leaving the religious aspect out, I have a big problem with security personnel working incognito while they grope me or my family.
#19 ggore
Its only the muslims bringing down planes into cities because the rest of the religions have their own planes as well as explosives to drop instead of just landing the planes.
That’s it. The Taliban has accomplished its mission of taking away our freedoms. The US has OFFICIALLY LOST THE WAR ON TERRORISM!
When a nun has to be frisked, THAT’S IT!
# 17 John C Dvorak said, “The Democrats had two years to themselves to repeal the Patriot Act. Did they? Why not?”
You are right. And the Republican House will not be able to get a repeal through the Dem senate. And, assuming they try, this alone should
secure a super majority in both house in 2012. I already think it’s a given the ‘Bamster will not be returning.
Let’s hope with a super majority, the Repubs will able to solve some of the problems we face.
Probably not…
Not all religious zealots are Muslims. She could be a Catholic crackpot.
Speaking of pictures try this:
As for the repealing the Patriot Act….the Dems won’t give up the power that Bush gave them. Thus they are hypocritical assholes.