A prison in Russia says it is to install sunbeds and other facilities to improve the health of its inmates.

The head of Moscow’s Butyrka remand prison, Sergei Telyatnikov, said prisoners would also have access to ultrasound equipment. They may also get spa facilities such as mud baths in the jail, which dates back to the 19th Century.

Almost makes you wish you could go to jail there. On the other hand:

Russia’s prisons have been criticised as being overcrowded and badly managed with poor medical facilities. […] In 2009, a prominent lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who had said he was being kept in custody illegally and not given proper medical treatment, died despite repeated requests for help.

And then there are the Irish prisons and their flat-screen TV order.

Found by Brother Uncle Don.

  1. Rich says:

    Could be a stealth execution method, if the locks on the sunbeds were to “unexpectedly” fail.

  2. High Karate says:

    Live leak search Russian prisons.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    Getting full spectrum light _is_ essential to staying healthy. Better would be to let the prisoners get outdoors everyday but in parts of Russia, this may not be possible.

    Flatscreen TVs, I would guess, are for the benefit of the prison administration, if it keeps the prisoners stupefied.

    It’s a lot cheaper to plop the prisoners in front of TVs than to run rehabilitations programs.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    In Soviet gulag, you tan bed.

  5. Counterweight says:

    From the link: “Many of my constituents can’t afford new televisions, and particularly not swanky 19-inch flat-screen affairs.”

    “swanky 19-inch flat screens”? What a laugh.

  6. deowll says:

    Okay after adding on the rest this is weird.

    However Russians have been using UV lamps on school children and others to try and fight some real health issues like vitamin D deficiency for decades.

    The sweat lodge/sauna is also traditional in northern Europe.

  7. MikeN says:

    So now they have liberals in Europe?

  8. AlanB says:

    #4, sargasso:

    Kudos, I was racking my brain trying to think of an “In Soviet Russia” joke.


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