
French artist Julien Berthier has designed a fully functional boat to look as if it is sinking. The 6.5m (21ft) yacht was cut in half with a new keel and motor added so it remains in the sinking position while being fully functional. He describes it as “the permanent and mobile image of a wrecked ship that has become a functional and safe leisure object.”


  1. bobbo, always eager to be shown the better way says:

    I’ve heard a boat described as a hole in the ocean you throw money into, but thats ridiculous! A bit tedious after the 20th boat comes up to offer its help?

  2. RoeBoeDog says:

    I agree, I would come over to help then be mad you wasted my time.

    Nah, I would prob. laugh.

  3. W.T.Effyall says:

    Insert French Navy joke here.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    Coastguard must love that guy.

  5. ECA says:


  6. Whats next ?
    the used car that does not start ?
    some art – some artist

  7. scadragon says:

    reminds me about a joke about a Polish freighter carrying a load of yo-yos…. sank 97 times

  8. This seems dubious. The boat has apparently no draft..look at the water line.

  9. hatemeifyouwantidon'tcare says:

    Floating so high in the water does make it look fake. How the hell could it be so buoyant?

  10. noname says:

    If only we had this during the WWII convoys!

    Those German U-boats would think it’s already sunk and move on, silly Germans.

  11. deowll says:

    I strongly suspect the fun is going to wear off this thing in a hurry.

  12. noname says:

    Ah man, what a bozo; he forgot the fake shark fin swimming around the boat!!!

  13. ctlaurin says:

    #6 Nah, it’s a car that has a tree lodged in the front end. You drive it by laying face-down out the windshield and on the hood.

  14. rabidmonkey says:

    So what happens if this boat ever really does start sinking? Like the boy who cried wolf, no one would believe that it really was happening.

  15. rabidmonkey says:

    BTW, in the video the repeated and unnecessary fade-in’s & out’s were annoying as all heck. I thought I had involuntarily closed my eyelids each time. Maybe I actually did because I am tired and its’ late.

  16. rabidmonkey says:

    Fading in and out to the same scene?
    Usually a fade in & out is for (oh I don’t know) maybe a transition from one scene to a new and totally different scene.

  17. Cursor_ says:

    Typical idle human thinking.

    Got nothing better to do, build a functional sinking boat.

    No don’t make a monument that takes your lifetime and will last a thousand years. NAH make a frigging sinking boat that still moves around.

    Yep this is what we are reduced to in humanity. No more pyramids. No great light houses, no massive obelisks, no great statues.

    No boats that look like they will sink. Brightly coloured fabrics across tracts of land that get taken down and paintings made of semen and feces.

    Yeah that will be remembered 500 years or more from now.


  18. hhopper says:

    When they closed all of the insane asylums, the inmates became artists.

  19. skeptic says:

    Mayday! Mayday!
    I’m floating!
    Repeat, I’m floating!

  20. Faxon says:

    This vessel, diverting our Coast Guard resources, is a threat to our National Security.

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    the best was the last shot of the boat in dock amongst all the mundane boats. This one looks like it’s ass is sticking in the air.

  22. Stiffie says:

    Been done before. The piece that was done out West somewhere, with a row of old Cadillacs all diving into the ground.

  23. Road Worthy says:

    He should name it the Tea Party


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