Like everybody before you, you’re going to die. But thanks to modern medicine and health practices, you’ll probably live much longer than your ancestors did. On average, at age 50, you have more years of life ahead of you than your great-grandparents had at age 40. Not just more years of decline, but more years of health. And these changes in life and health expectancy aren’t just happening in rich countries. They’re transforming the world.

That’s now. But aside from bad lifestyles, accidents and such, research into longevity might one day extending lifespan to hundreds of years. Imagine the changes that would incur and require. Issues like health care, population density and so on. And if we reach a point where you die only when you want to, suicide would have to become an accepted part of life. Mandatory birth control? Serial marriage contracts?

So, would you want to live forever if you could? If not, how long? Assume that we’re talking also being able to at the least, push off our current physical and mental health issues of old age until you’re hundred of years old so you are active and productive all that time. Science fiction has dealt with this issue for decades. How would you if it were possible?

Would You Want To Live Forever?

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  1. Guyver says:

    I recall reading a long time ago that the biggest reason for avg life expectancy going up is due to the decline of reported infant mortality.

  2. bobbo, always eager to be shown the better way says:

    Naa–its clean drinking water.

    I find the older I get, the more curious I am about what might happen next, the “directions” our society will go. The impact of so much technology/science is still in its infancy. I want to know how many dimensions there are. I want to know how life can arise from non living environment. I want to know how consciousness manifests itself. I want to know if consciousness is an analog function or can it be achieved digitally. I want to know if energy can become so cheap as to not be worth measuring. And a dozen more. Only one way to find out: live long enough to see it. Does raise a lot of “sociological issues.” While the tech side is fun and interesting to me, the hooman side is worrying. Power corrupts. I think there is a black hole of oppressive oligarcies waiting for any of various “Dear Leaders” to get in charge.

    Immortality could be the greatest threat to human freedom there is.

    Hah, hah.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    The only people that want to live forever either have a good life to start with or are afraid of death.

    For the rest, 30 years is too long.


  4. ECA says:

    Lets see..

    Live longer?
    Work longer?
    Slum longer?
    Struggle longer?
    Fight longer?

    You do not think that IF’ we lived longer, they wouldnt WORK us longer?
    After retirement they expect us to die within 10-15 years. I hope you know that.

    If we could have a Shorter work day, and MORE time with family and could be better. MORE time to make things BETTER for myself and/or family, and for my future.

    Other wise…Piss off.

  5. foobar says:

    Olo Baggins of Bywater is very wise. And has a cool name. And probably drinks good beer, which I completely respect.

    Drinking good beer and enjoying life is more important than length of life. You can keep a body on ice and it would probably keep forever – but is it having fun? There is much to be learned from Olo Baggins of Bywater.

  6. Somebody says:

    I think practical immortality would be a great boost for space exploration.

    You would have to be fairly long-lived to get very far.

    And if you were despairing, waiting for people with deeply stupid ideas to finally just die, you would eventually have to leave the planet since the intensely stupid out number the occasionally stupid by such overwhelming, stifling multiples.*

    I do think the discussion is moot at this point but can see that technology will continue to close in on the goal and I think it is a good thing. Eventually, the “Hell Yes!” crowd will inherit the Earth and beyond.

    * Although, ambitious psychopaths can disagree.

  7. ® says:

    I want to live long enough to see a majority of Republicans realize the bankruptcy of their philosophy.
    No actually I don’t want to live forever, I just don’t want to die.

  8. JoJo Dancer says:

    @®, “No actually I don’t want to live forever, I just don’t want do die.”

    If by this you mean not die and remain conscious on some extended level, then I totally love this idea man. What is really out there after we check out of this life.

  9. Someone says:

    #42 JoJo Dancer said

    “What is really out there after we check out of this life.”

    Well, JoJo, ever turn off a TV?

    What happens to the little people in the box, that’s what happens to you when you die.

  10. JoJo Dancer says:


    “Well, JoJo, ever turn off a TV?

    What happens to the little people in the box, that’s what happens to you when you die.”

    You’re a funny guy. I bet you make all the ladies laugh when you unzip your pants. Do the world a favor and don’t be such a smart ass to people you never met.


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