TSA is quoted on CNN saying Tyner is liable for up to a $10,000 fine.
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Wow, those CNN anchors are such apologists. No surprise there.
There’s a defense fund I would contribute to…
That TSA job has to be one of the worse jobs in history. Even the guy who cleans out portable toilets probably says to himself “well, at least I don’t have to pretend I’m not touching another dudes junk all day”
Prez Obama needs to get Congress to act to disband this Cheney Administration jobs program.
The sheeple may initially be frightened if Muslim Obama moves to disband the TSA but then realize that there are better methods. ie Israeli method.
Cost of failed underwear bomber: ~$2,000
Cost of “enhanced” porno-scanners: ~$65,000,000
Cost of reducing our civil liberties for the sake of “security”: Priceless
If we live in fear, the terrorists win (by definition).
Dallas is exactly right. When was the last time we heard anything happen to an Israeli airplane and they live in one of the most difficult security areas in the world? They don’t do crazy shit like the TSA, the Israelis have an intelligent and effective system of assessing security risks that actually TARGETS REAL RISKS instead of terrorizing the general public. We should do what the Israelis do.
But that’s assuming the govt wants to actually find terrorists and NOT terrorize the American people. The real terror comes from Washington, DC.
TSA has crossed the line, it seems. Are we facing a major traveler’s revolt?
Figures…I have to travel in a couple weeks.
To Nathan:
The Muslims may do just that (use a religious claim) at least for their women. Some clergy have told women not to allow searches under their hajibs or burqas. So an interesting test of this TSA system would be to send through a woman, and dress her up in strict Muslim style, and see if she gets all these patdowns. And send through a guy with the turban, etc, and see what happens. My guess is they’ll get a pass through.
To be clear, I’m not blaming the Muslims, I’m just betting the TSA will be politically correct.
here is the deal… if you want to bomb air travelers then all you gotta do is blow yourself up while waiting for the pat down… this will now be the most dangerous part of travel.
everyone is still vulnerable, the timing of the event will just change.
Count on the MSM to support the Gimto Nation.
How long until we are subject to a full cavity search, in order to board a plane?
#13…if the pattern holds, it’ll start right after some moron tries to ignite something he stored up his ass.
# 7 leggo “We should do what the Israelis do.”
I’m no friend to the TSA but the Israeli method would be very difficult to implement in the USA. Even if the PC crowd could overcome their abhorrence of profiling (which I tend to think is the way to go)we run smack up against a major logistical problem: Israel has two international airports. The USA has a hundred, I’d think and much more traffic!
In the long run that’s no excuse but think about this: If we start training TSA agents in psych profiling, we’d probably have to insist they show some intelligence and we generally do that by looking for college degrees. Measuring dicks only takes a GED (for foreigners – that’s a certificate for non-secondary school graduates that supposedly demonstrates equivalent knowledge to a high school grad) and we all know GEDs are included with a box of Cracker Jacks. College grads are not likely to work for near minimum wage like the current crop of TSA gestapo.
So, hire enough college grads to do the job at a hundred airports and you’ll see the TSA personnel budget skyrocket.
Of course, this administration has shown they’re quite willing to just print and print and print more money. So, no problem!
I’m not flying until the TSA is abolished. If more people take this stance then pressure from the airlines themselves who will assuredly be losing revenue will step in and put a stop to the TSA.
A $10,000 fine? And a civil suit?
You must obey, slave!
CNN: “You gotta remember the underwear bomber…”
That’s right, the TSA let him walk right on the plane. The full-body scanner would not have detected anything.
So refusing to have your privates fondled by a stranger warrants a $10,000 fine? Last I heard, the 4th amendment bars searches without probably cause. There was no probably cause. Refusing to have a body scan, which basically allows TSA agents to view your entire naked body, and which has been proven to be able to save images on a portable USB flash drive, is not justifiable suspicion. That is like saying refusing to testify means the person is guilty.
You all realize what is next don’t you? Body cavity searches to make sure one isn’t hiding explosives in a vagina or rectum before they will let the little girl get on a plane and if you refuse to have this done to you or your child, you are arrested and fined $10,000. Welcome to the police state in the land of the free.
What happend to the land of the free and home of the brave?
When you print your sign make the letters TSA
a different color. Maybe like pink, for perverts.
Junk? You mean morphine?
“If you touch my precious supply of morphine, I’ll have you arrested. I paid good money for them drugs.”
Why shouldn’t the guy get angry?
Wow, the underwear “bomber” stunk up the whole country!
# 17 chuck said, ‘ “You gotta remember the underwear bomber…” … TSA let him walk right on the plane.’
While I am in sympathy for your emotions, the TSA was not involved with the underwear bomber. He boarded his plane in Amsterdam. You are to be forgiven the error since Napoleono mentions him in defense of the pat downs.
By the way, I can’t verify the truth, but it is being reported that dear Janet N. refused to be scanned at JFK. What a blessing for the TSA agent manning the monitors.
BTW – what’s with the meme “naked body scanner”? It’s a grammatically poor construction. I think they should just be called what they are: pornography imagers.
We SHOULD use profiling.
I love the idiocarcy that they’re doing this crap to the crew too. I mean you gotta be shitting me, they’re flying the frakin plane. If they want to kill everyone they’ve got the steering wheel, all they have to do is dive.
You’d think think security theater would at least pretend they’re competent. Nope
I’m going to be flying over the holidays. What am I to do?
The terrorists have won. I’m scared to death of being irradiated or felt-up by our security folks. I don’t want to fly commercially till I can fly without all this paranoia about security. All this security stuff has made me feel insecure and I hate it. I am not a criminal and refuse to be treated as such.
It seems the TSA is working on behalf of the automobile industry to make flying as invasive and miserable as possible. Long live the road trip!
1. You have no 4th Amendment rights when boarding an airliner…you are subject to the requirements of the airline. These days, that means putting up with the TSA scan or grope, even if the airline does not run the TSA.
2. This guy must have very small junk.
3. You mean people who agree to travel by air, and therefore have already been butt fucked by the airlines have the nerve to object to a brief grope??? What’s wrong with people. Grin and bear (or bare) it or stay home.
4. Actually, this whole thing is a secret plot to reduce use of petroleum and carbon emissions. The idea is to scare people away from flying so that they either stay home or use a more eco-friendly form of transport. :).
5. Of course, those not paranoid about their own bodies really don’t care anyway. That is, unless they have 50 pounds of explosives stuffed in their unmentionables.
Wait until someone tries sneaking stuff on-board up their butt. Then, we all will get finger probes.
The TSA could solve this problem by hiring only attractive men and women to do the body searches. I wouldn’t mind a hot redhead fumbling around my junk.
wait, why is he getting hit with a 10k fine?
#28 – so we’re subject to the requirements the airline — which are following rules imposed on them by the government.
If any airline refused the TSA rules, the FAA would simply shut them down.
Under the same logic, since airlines aren’t bound by the constitution, they could simply execute every passenger who doesn’t want an enhanced pat-down.