TSA is quoted on CNN saying Tyner is liable for up to a $10,000 fine.
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Bin Laden’s bodyguard worked for the Egyptian equivalent of the TSA.
Poor guy probably listened to the NoAgenda podcast and took Curry’s advise. We better raise some $$ to help this guy out.
You have to have the right language when dealing with tsa pat downs. You can’t threaten them beforehand or you get this outcome. You probably need to wait until after the pat down and then ask a supervisor to file a report stating that you were touched sexually.
looks like the underwear bomber was more successful in failure
on no a Republican a dilemma
Fear Government or Fear Muslims on a plane
I was felt up this week, it made my nipples hard. It wasn’t at the airport though.
# 37 Sister Mary said, “I was felt up this week, it made my nipples hard.”
Was that you? The bar was so dark…
For a long time there’s been this talk about “tin foil hats.”
Now I’m thinking it’s time for tin foil underwear. That’ll keep the prying eyes of the TSA out of my pants!
Who screens the TSA? They have access to the secure areas of the airport. What is to prevent a TSA agent from smuggling in weapons and explosives?
Simple Solution.
Lead based body paint
+ write “papers, papers please” on your chest.
if nothing else it will speed up the globalists’ plan of depopulation…
Let me see if I have this straight, in a nation of laws, a nation that has a blind justice as a symbol, those who are not even licensed peace officers now have the right to enforce penalties against those who observe that criminal laws apply to everyone? Where is it codified that the TSA is immune to the Law much less the observation that they are subject to the same laws as everyone else? This sounds like an over zealous assumption of powers not assigned to it by the Congress. All of this is an interesting and very radical position to take. Now, how can this assertion be used against the TSA?
The fact of the matter is these are not individual isolated incidents. Civil Rights Lawsuits will not work as a long term strategy, because these are constitutional and intellectual terrorists that we are dealing with. It is time to vigorously start invoking the RICO Law, as a talking point to associating them with the Chicago or New York Mafia to make the point in a long term campaign against the new American Terrorist sleeper cell, aka Al Qaeda of the Potomac, about the destructiveness of the TSA. The public turned against the Mob and they will turn against the new Mafia.
Viva La Resistance!
Ah, America, the land of the free…..
I’m glad I live in a Muslim country in South East Asia where we are treated like humans when we fly!
Here’s the story in this guy’s own words. Provides a followup.
Personally, I could deal with either – (scan or search), but I have an 8 year old daughter; there is just no way, repeat NO WAY that I am going to allow someone to perform a “groin check” on her. (this is happening, there are videos of children as young as 3 undergoing this)
What are we telling our children by letting this happen?
“People are bad, they are to be feared/the world is a bad place.”
“Safety trumps ANY loss of personal privacy or civil liberties.”
and above all: “Do whatever the government tells you to do.”