- Top of the news is Facebook new messaging system. Who cares?
- iTunes announcement tomorrow. I have ideas as to what they will release.
- Airport security is over-the-top.
- How does MeeGo get any traction?
- China takes over the top spot in the supercomputer game.
- HP Slate is sketchy.
- Wikipedia needs money and lots of it.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
USA is coming back with a 20 petaflop machine next year.
Brute forcing “strong encryption” may be impractical. But when forces of darkness are faced with strong encryption they (China, NSA,CIA,FBI) will try other methods (two are: guessing based on relative frequency of letters in a language and password attacks).
Remember our “Government’s Freedom” and “Freedom of Others” to communicate with U.S. depends on “strong encryption” and weak computers.
Notice I am not talking about Americans having freedoms, since BUSH; you don’t have any freedoms; because, honest Americans don’t need them; ha, ha, ha, ha…
In that vein, not all encryption standards are truly strong and often have been purposely and secretly weakened by the NSA. These weakened algorithms enable governments with super-computers to eavesdrop real-time!!
Not only can China build the worlds fastest computer they can now also build the worlds fastest dedicated Data Encryption/Decryption with production of dedicated semiconductors (just like the U.S. at NSA’s Ft. Meade chip fabrication plant)!!!
TSA = The Salvation Army?
“Not only can China build the worlds fastest computer they can now also build the worlds fastest dedicated Data Encryption/Decryption with production of dedicated semiconductors (just like the U.S. at NSA’s Ft. Meade chip fabrication plant)!!!”
Meanwhile, 4/5ths of Chinese citizens are dirt-poor peasants with no rights. Wow.
# 4 Lou Minatti,
“Meanwhile, 4/5ths of Chinese citizens are dirt-poor peasants with no rights. Wow.”
Noob, when have governments been “government of the people, by the people, for the people”???
Surprised? Wow!
You certainly seemed surprised by the Chinese!
I expect the inexperienced to be surprised, thereby the title, noob!
No, I’m really not surprised at all since America has been helping China (and India & all other countries) by giving away our technology secrets. Good article.
Yup. No one else on Earth can invent anything new except white, anglo-saxon protestants. Them furriners jes’ copy us good guys.
# 9 moss,
I can tell you from direct experience having worked in both a Top Asian and a Top American company that, indeed; Americans are more creative and inventive, meanwhile; Asians are strongly conformist.
For many Asians, it is a venerable act of honor to “borrow” or plagiarize others work!
The Japanese say “the nail that sticks out is hammered down”; in China, it is more like “pulled out and thrown away”.
Asians are advanced base on submission to authority and strong domestication. Not unlike the process of domestication in animals!
Asians have underperformed Americans and Europeans in nobel prizes since WWII (Japan has only 13 prizes in the hard sciences since 1945, Germany and Britain alone have way more).