They want to see everyone naked. So strip at the airport. The Germans have begun this protest against the naked body scanners.
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Fuck yea!
Please touch me there officer. Oh, yea, right there đ
What about that Muslim with a bomb up his ass? Or the Muslim Burkah babes with exploding honkers? No way to protect ourselves from Muslim scum.
Sorry, folks, scanners are here to stay.
Take a train, like Adam and John say.
Really Rapid Rail Rocks.
You can visit Davenport Iowa on your way to New York.
I don’t think nudity is that big of a deal in Germany.
German protesters 3, Scanners 0.
I think Adams quote should be out on a tee shirt everyone wears when flying.
” I give you permission to touch my C**K !
Some people think it is not a big deal for them to be seen xray-naked. Others do. Some say all the screener sees is a box with a suspicious area shown while the rest of the image is represented by a stick figure.
To clear this up, at every airport a collection of volunteers who donât mind people seeing them âxray-nakedâ should be sent through the scanner, in normal operation, and the pictures should be displayed next to the security line so everyone in line can make up their own mind if they want to be scanned or would prefer to opt out for manual screening.
As it is, the public has only one or two images allegedly taken in a scanner, but not with the âarms in the airâ pose required for actual air travelers.
#6 – I’m sorry? Have you not seen any of the images? Hardly stick figures. Well, maybe that one guy with a semi.
I’ve heard the software people are working on a solution like that but its not ready yet.
As for Faxon’s Rapid Rail? It won’t be long before someone tries to derail a train with a bomb in their mustache and we’ll be getting scanned at Grand Central Station. Bank on it.
To the German protestors I say – come on – you can do better than that! Underwear and body stockings? Sheeet.
Uhm, Dvorak. Is that Frankfurt Airport?
If so, how is that a protest against TSA?
You gotta love Germans.
In America, invariably the wrong people get naked in public.
Opt out from the body scanner and demand the enhanced pat down”. During the pat down, making groaning noises of pleasure.
Oh yeah, oh yeh baby, ohh touch it, touch it, ooh more, don’t stop.
See how long before the TSA agent tells you to go.
I was scanned leaving Moscow two years ago. The monitor was there for everyone to see and yes it shows everything. Genitals in plain sight. So detailed that the scanner tech pointed out a Kopek coin in the corner of my pocket…about 1/4 the size of our penny.
In all of the ironies, I cannot access the Youtube video from Germany. đ
It’s the new TSA slogan – “Your choice: star in a porno shoot or let me squeeze your genitals”
I’m in
Informed consent is required. #6 is absolutely correct.
1.. OK, where are all the FAT people?
That would have REALLY gotten the point across.
2.. Its also mentioned that the SITE of a lady unprotected, is a SIN in Muslim communities. WHAT happened to THAT IDEA?? lets run NAKED women threw these countries..FAT or other wise. The MEN would have to kill themselves.
3. Why dont we gather up MOST of the Mulahs? and have them TELL the rest of their NATIONS, what to do/correct the system.. GET THEM on our side. Or is this a 1 group THING..only 1-2 groups are OUR real problem.
Who’s that guy who this week released a pedophile’s guide on Amazon?
A copy of that book should be distributed to all airport employees using the naked body scanner.
Another issue no one touched seriously in comments is impact on our health. Both X-ray and microwave based scanners have known and proven mechanisms of causing cancer (and microwave one additional risk of internal injury to fat people). Hence, even people who accept to be scanned must be given international document of sort showing that they were exposed to this risk and excused from another for at least a year.
Also almost no one went to civil liberties and privacy guarantee that for certain applies to our own bodies. Alternate “pat-down” must be limited away from genitals and other private areas (at least i US where Constitution definitely provides legal basis for it) and to go further TSA/police must first have Court order.
If you did this here in America, you’d get beat up, tazed, thrown in prison, ass raped, and everyone would say you deserved it.
We’re fucked.
# 8 Mr Fog said “Uhm, Dvorak. Is that Frankfurt Airport? If so, how is that a protest against TSA?”
Actually, its more a protest against an overbearing US Government that forces such silliness on other Countries as a condition of our “friendship.” The Mafia offered small shopowners a similar deal, except that they actually provided protection in exchange for fealty.
But you do have a point. In Germany, they probably wouldn’t persecute their Citizens for daring to speak up. Here, you likely would face a prison term.
Let’s face it: Someone with power and plenty of political influence is making a lot of money from these scanners and from the TSA. Who is behind this? Does anybody know?
These porn scanners are being thrust upon (in) the public because they are corporate welfare. Follow the money.
I assure you that viewing 99.999% of the public nude will prevent nothing. This action however will be abused in ways not thought possible. Follow the money.
Do not believe the so called “safety” of these things. Do not believe that they do not store images (they do).
Follow the money.
You have a right to free speech, use it. Calmly say in a loud voice, “Stop TOUCHING ME in a SEXUAL MANNER!”, when being subjected to an “enhanced pat-down”. Teach your kids to do this (bonus for crying).
Send Janet Napolitano a message.
Funny sidenote, when i want to watch the video here in Germany i get: “Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfĂźgbar. ”
Which translates to: “This video is not available in your country”
Some of the comments in the youtube page are 10 months old, so saying “The Germans have BEGUN this protest against the naked body scanners” doesn’t quite ring true.
Obviously this protest had NO effects whatsoever.
The video is indeed geo-blocked in Germany. What an irony! LOL!
#3 Faxon keeps talking about Muslims. Way to keep up the hate mongering. It is TERRORISTS that hide bombs, not Muslims.
Do you blame all Christians for the terrorist acts of the Irish Republican Army?
Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before. Nice peaceful sentiment that.
Go Germans! And the TSA protest in America gains momentum, fully clothed for the moment but with eggs.
I’m too old for stripping, having a serious case of SLTP.
SLTP? Scrotum Longer Than Penis.
“Actually, its more a protest against an overbearing US Government that forces such silliness on other Countries as a condition of our âfriendship.â”
Barack Obama’s TSA in action.
#18, these scanners use millimeter waves, not microwaves or x-rays. The cancer argument with millimeter waves is weak, which is good since radios, wi-fi, cell phones, etc. use millimeter waves.
The invasion of privacy paired with abuse of power is, I think, the real issue.
This is an issue that I hope does not go away. Complaint letters should be filed no matter which way you choose. This is an issue both DEMs and GOP have strong feelings on, and for once they are on the same side.
Some pilots are talking about cancelling flights due to “unreasonable working conditions” if they are harassed by the TSA. I hope some are.
I think #21 has it right, this is about the expensive contract to build these machines, but the airlines have a lot of political clout too, and if customers start cancelling flights due to “enhanced” security measures, the airlines will put on the political pressure.
All it takes is an executive order to end enhanced pat downs, not an act of congress, just 5 minutes of the President’s time.