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I’ve wondered why this kind of thing doesn’t happen more often in demolitions.
I was scared for the girls (I think they where girls) because of the power wires.
It fell down, isn’t that what was supposed to happen? 🙂
“…an undetected crack on the south side of the tower pulled it in a different direction.”
Excuse me? How did you find that crack afterward?
You can clearly see when the remotely-piloted 2nd plane crashes into it, just at the same time it is hit by the particle beam weapon.
Clearly it was an inside job.
LOL @ this video and LOL @#3
#3 – Definitely smells of a little b.s. to me. I think by “undetected” they mean “knew about but didn’t think it’d matter”. I suppose the ensuing lawsuit will tell.
Yes. Obviously Bush and Cheney planted other explosives at the bottom of the stack, knowing that there would one day be a detonation attempt and the planted explosives would carry out their nefarious deed.
America’s industry prowess on display.
They should have got the guys that took the WTC down. Those guys were top notch.
Well said #9!
They should have just set it on fire. That worked good for WTC7.
There was no crack. This was intentionally allowed to happen by elements inside the United States government.
Lowest bidder…
The crack story is complete BS. Sifting through the rubble, how could they determine whether the crack was there before or was caused after the collapse. I’m sure there were a LOT of cracks after it crumbled to pieces.
Again, never hire the lowest bidder…
A new break would show an unweathered surface while an old crack would show some sort of discoloration.
With the right kind of charge in the right location that old crack should not have been an issue which is why you hire an expert…They didn’t not remove enough material at the correct location.
Here’s a concept: tension wires.
It is obvious what happened. Some of the charges failed on one side. The other side was weakened and it fell that way, just like how a tree is fell by cutting a notch on the side you want it to fall toward.
It was probably due to that lousy good craftsmanship of a pre 1970’s tower build. Why couldn’t they build things the way they do today?
Lowest bidder? Wil E. Coyote Acme Demolition
beep beep
They should have got Jeb Bush to set the Bang-Bangs.
Could have been worse had it fell toward that last camera angle.
But when does this make me think of QE?
This reminds me of how engineers are legally liable for flaws in what they design and build, and why it’s such a joke when software developers call themselves “engineers.”
#22, I totally agree with you. Software “engineer” is an oxymoron, like military intelligence or catholic university.
Now some insurance agent is going to carry a cheque for repairs to a power plans and all those electrical cables; along with a bill for the increase to their insurance rates. (The insurance business is a business dedicated to trying to prevent idiocy like that blasting/demolition crew caused.)
This happened in my hometown, a few miles away. Trust ne when I say it represents the spirit and future of this place, and I’m currently searching for a new place to live.
It was so cool and retro looking, with its name in old-fashioned type on front and that cool retro-looking smokestack. They should have left it.
I agree with Yankinwaoz # 17
It seems the last explosion blew out the base of the chimney as it sat down shorter by a few feet before leaning. As the chimney sat on the irregular base cut, it fell like a tree, first leaning then falling in the direction of the notch/wedge cut!
I guess the demolition “experts” where excepting the chimney to crumble of it’s own weight; instead of holding together. A very well built chimney!
Hight Karate #16 is also right, they should have applied tension ropes at the top to fell the chimney in the desired direction!